Restart - Recovery - Resiliency
While we all hope that the COVID-19 Pandemic and associated recession ends quickly and a new normal emerges this summer, chances of this happening appear less likely with the threat of virus resurgence, prolonged economic recession and now rising civil unrest. While coping with the stress of the current crisis, it is not too soon to think about how we restart our economies, continue with smart economic and social recovery, and how we can grow more resilient economies and communities into the future. Our more than 40 years of work throughout North America has led us to believe that fostering grassroots entrepreneurship is foundational to a successful restart, recovery, and resiliency campaign. This month our paper,
Planning for a Post Pandemic World, Lessons from the Great Recession and Other Economic Crises,
provides new thinking on how Americans can make themselves whole, vision and grow more equitable and better economies, and create opportunities for all who live in our communities.
Last month we featured a story of resiliency related to the entrepreneurial people and ecosystems in Kansas. In just two weeks, the
Hospitality Industry Relief Emergency (HIRE) Fund was created and deployed in response to the pandemic shutdown in Kansas’ hospitality industry. This month, we are pleased to share another Kansas initiative, the
Restart Kansas County Loan Fund
, aimed at mobilizing bridge capital for Kansas businesses to survive during the pandemic until consumer demand returns. This initiative also provides critical infrastructure to better meet long-term needs of counties with additional loan funds to address future emergency situations. Check out both of these stories to learn how powerful an entrepreneurial ecosystem can be to restart, recover and build more resilient communities and economies.
Announcing National e2 Network
For decades e2 (formerly the national Center for Rural Entrepreneurship) has served as a resource to rural America seeking to grow more prosperous communities through entrepreneur-led development. For the past six months our e2 team has been working hard to update and refine our
Energizing Entrepreneurs Development Framework and Resources
. By the 4
of July, this work will be largely done. Our intent is to provide access to these resources to anyone working with communities free of cost with just one condition – those using these resources agree to share their learning, stories, and experience. In our July newsletter we will formally launch our
National e2 Network
. Stay tuned and let us know if you are interested by contacting Don Macke at
Rebuilding Better.
he Start Us Up Coalition released
for both immediate policy changes in response to the COVID-19 crisis as well as long-term better policy making to foster small business growth
COVID-19 inequality and American well-being.
A new
from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis reveals marked declines in American well-being, with significant demographic and geographic disparities, and little precaution against risk. The results led the author to conclude that place-based relief policies make less sense than targeting relief to hardest-hit individuals.
Makerspace combats shortage of COVID-19 testing swabs.
Check out this
about Lea Ann Seiler, economic development director of Hodgeman County, Kansas, and her development of a makerspace in the former Hanston high school. Seiler coordinated production of nasal swabs to support increased COVID-19 testing and has produced face shields in the makerspace.
Are you involved in leadership development efforts in rural places?
A new rural learning initiative supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is building an inventory of programs that develop and/or support rural leadership. Learn more
The 2020 ESHIP Summit will be held September 15-16 in a virtual format. Continue checking the link for updates.
More Info
2020 Annual National Conference for Growing Community Foundations
This year's theme is
"Sustainable Community for All
The format of the Conference will be online this year, October 26-27. Dive into expanded content live or listen to the recording at your convenience. From "blind-dates" matched by your interests to group discussions, interactive sessions, special events, and virtual "bar hopping" --- there are plenty of fun ways to connect, learn, and grow!
More Info or to Register