---Life@Eaglebrook------------------------------March 14th, 2023--

Eaglebrook Church
1025 Margaret Street, Woodruff, WI 54568 

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 144 
Woodruff, WI 54568
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(Not) Expected.

As Pastor Steve shared with us this past Sunday, as Jesus was nearing the Cross, both Mary and Martha, through their words and their actions, declared Jesus to be “the Anointed One”, the long awaited Messiah that Israel had been waiting for.

What Was Expected.

There were all kinds of hopes and expectations connected to this Messiah-figure. Israel was still in exile, under the rule of the Roman Empire, and so many of those expectations had to do with Israel being restored to her former glory.  The enemies of Israel would finally be defeated, the Kingdom of Israel would finally be restored, and above all, God's Presence would once again dwell among the People of Israel in a powerful way, be restored to the Temple.

Not What Was Expected.

However, what Jesus was doing did not seem to fulfill any of these expectations. Rather than defeating the Romans, Jesus would soon be crucified by them. Rather than restoring the Kingdom of Israel, Jesus proclaimed a Kingdom that was “not of this world”.  And rather than the glory of God returning to the Temple, Jesus declared that the Temple was now desolate, and that it would soon be torn down and destroyed. How then could anyone think that Jesus was the Promised Messiah?

Promises Fulfilled.

It turns out that Jesus was indeed fulfilling the promises… but not in the way that was expected. Jesus was not merely here to defeat the Romans, but to take on the problem of Sin itself, defeating it through His death on the Cross. Jesus was indeed restoring the Kingdom of God, but not in and through a single earthly nation, but as a new community that now included all nations. And God’s Presence was returning to once again dwell among the People of God, but no longer within the walls of a Temple-structure… God's Presence would now dwell within His People themselves, transforming their hearts.

The point being... Jesus fulfilled the promises, but not in a way that anyone would have ever saw coming. Only those with “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” could catch a glimpse of what was now happening through Jesus. It turns out that the Gospel was far bigger than anyone could have possibly imagined. In fact, it still is.  So, may we have eyes to see and ears to hear to comprehend the Good News that we are a part of.

May we walk in the Image of God this week!


Easter 2023 - It All Leads To Resurrection!

"Be the Aroma of Jesus"

John 12:1-8

Sunday Services - In-Person and Online!

You can now attend our Sunday Morning Worship Service either in-person or online.

We are now Live-Streaming on BOTH:
Facebook and on YouTube


Join us in person or online!!!

View on our Facebook Page

View on our YouTube Channel

View on our website

Family Dance - Friday, April 28th

On Friday, April 28th, Eaglebrook Church will be hosting a Family Dance!!!

Moms and Dads can bring their sons and daughters out for a fun time!

Arbor Vitae Town Hall


Get your picture taken at our photo-station

Enjoy snacks and refreshments

This is a FREE EVENT for the entire community!

For more information, contact Carol Warden.

Winter Small Groups!!!

Small Group Bible Studies are a wonderful way to connect at a deeper level with one another, as we dig into the Scriptures together, seeking to discover what it means to follow Jesus in our own place and time. Our desire at Eaglebrook Church is that everyone would be a part of a Small Group!

The Small Group Bible Studies available this season include:


Women's Bible Study

When: 5:30pm-7:15pm Monday Evenings

Where: Eaglebrook Church

Topic: Twelve More Women of the Bible

For More Information: Jani Rowe


Mid-Week Small Group Bible Study

When: 7:00pm-8:30pm Wednesday Evenings

Where:  Eaglebrook Church (Church Library) 

Topic:  The Parables of Jesus 

For More Information: Arnie Boedecker 


If you would like more information about any of our Small Groups, or have any additional questions, you can email Arnie.

Next Elder Board Meeting

The next Elder Meeting is scheduled for:

Monday, March 20th at 6:30pm

If you have any issues or concerns that you would like the Elder Board to discuss at the next meeting, please talk to any of the Elders.

Why So Serious?
If you come across an item that you would like to see featured in
future segments of "Why So Serious?", please email your
submission to [email protected]
Scripture of the Week

Romans 16:25-27 (NIV) -- Now to him who is able to establish you in accordance with my gospel, the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ, in keeping with the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all the Gentiles might come to the obedience that comes from faith—to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.

As we ended our teaching on Sunday... we asked the question... "do you smell like Jesus... or... do you just smell?"

Of course, that was taken from our passage in John 12, but also 2 Corinthians 2:14-16.

May you truly be the aroma of Christ to those around you this week!

See ya this Sunday!!!


Eaglebrook Church ______ www.eaglebrookminocqua.org _______ 715-356-3313
