Weekly news & updates
Life Reset

Last week my kids went back to school and I feel like a new man! My schedule is back to what I’m used to and I feel like I’m already so much more productive.
But it isn’t just back to school. Summer vacations are over along with all the travel that goes with them. This is a time of year when most of us RESET our lives back to what is normal. During this time we. . .

Prayer - 10am
Worship at 11am at HFC or Online

Kids Club (PS-5th)
Youth Group (6th-12th grade)
The Gathering (18+)

Wednesday Activities begin 7pm

Community Groups:
Throughout the summer our Community Groups meet for fun & fellowship and discipleship training. Fall Group info coming soon - more info HERE.

Sunday Prayer Meeting
10 am in room 100.
Please come and go as needed.

How can we be praying for you? Share your praises and prayer requests with us and we will be sure to pray for you this week. 
-Missionary Partners The Daileys with Wycliffe Bible Translators Prayer Calendar: Click HERE
-Larry and LeAnn Sellers August Prayer Calendar: Click HERE
August Missions & Faith Promise Focus:
CEF - Child Evangelism Fellowship
Local Chapter: Clif & Dale Edwards and Marilyn Sellers
The Mihsills: Bobby & Jenny,
Moore and Rease
Video Update HERE
It's HERE! The VIP Party is THIS Sunday!

August is your time to shine VIP Volunteers! HFC runs on Jesus and the best volunteers ever! We couldn't do what we do without you! The VIP Party is this Sunday, August 28th, right after morning worship! Check out the invite video here.

Come ready to walk the red carpet in your best dress! Really go all out! We will have the red carpet ready for you, along with VIP Swag Bags and some treats! We cannot wait to celebrate with you, so come ready to party!

Not currently a VIP Volunteer? Join us! There is a place for you! Check out the VIP page and get all the details on ministry opportunities at hfcog.org/VIP
School Supply Drive for High School Students: Aug 7th - Aug 28th

Let's finish this supply drive strong! This is the last Sunday of the campaign (though you are free to donate at anytime!)
High School Students do not receive supply packets from the district like the Elem and Middle Schools do. We have a wishlist of the needed supplies - simply click HERE!
Bane Elementary
We Serve Opportunities

-Beautification Project: We have been invited to place 4 planters at the entrances of the school! If you garden and are interested in helping us pick planters, plants, and completing this project, please email PastorSarah@hfcog.org .We are looking to complete this by Labor Day with install Sat Sep 3.

-Girls Club: Begin praying now for this program and the leaders who will step up and lead this special time, which will begin in September. It's a huge opportunity for us in the school - pray for the conversations that happen at club!
Kids Night Out - Back to School Bash!
August 27th

Water themed fun on the back playground with the new water slide! 4 pm - 7 pm
Come in your swimsuit - bring a towel, change of clothes/shoes. Pizza and popsicles! Please RSVP to Pastor Sarah via email or text by Wednesday Aug 24th.

Able to help out with this event? We need you! Email PastorSarah@hfcog.org !
Men's Breakfast
Sep 10th

Join the men for breakfast:
7 am to help cook // 8 am breakfast
Sign up at hfcog.org/men

FREE Coffee with Naomi

Sunday, Sep, 11th

10 am in the Lobby

RSVP to Naomi@hfcog.org

Summer Save
The Dates
AUGUST: Volunteer Appreciation Month!
August 27 - Kids Night Out - Back to School Bash!
August 28 - School Supply Drive for High School Students ends
August 28 - Volunteer Open House & VIP PARTY following Worship

Fall Save
The Dates
Sep 1 - Community Groups Begin!
Sep 3 - Bane Elem. Beautification Project
Sep 4 - New Fall Semester Begins for HFC Kids!
Sep 7 - Fast & Pray Wednesday
Sep 10 - Men's Breakfast
Sep 11 - HFC Kids Training 8am room 109
Sep 18 - RESET (Back to Church Sunday)

Oct 13th - Care Net Pregnancy Center's Annual Fall Fundraiser
(Sermons updated typically by Wednesday afternoon)
Year-to-Date Budget Need: $226,014.90

Year-To-Date Giving: $212,185.08

Budget +/- : ($13,829.82)

Year-To-Date Faith Promise Missions:
$12,390.50 (28.55%)

Give online at HFCOG.org/give
Did you know?

The Church of God has a child sponsorship program called Children of Promise?

They are celebrating 30 years of ministry in 2022 with 2 specials goals!

1) To raise $300K for monthly food, education, health care, and to discipleship to kids through The Gap Fund, for College and Trade School Scholarships, for Global teams support and for
GLF: New annual global teams regional conferences! They are just shy of $200K now!

2) To sponsor 500 new children. THEY ARE ONLY 5 SPONSORSHIPS AWAY! HFC, let's clear the board and sponsor these 5 beautiful children!

To find out more on this amazing and life-changing program, visit them HERE.
Houston First Church of God / hfcog.org