Volume 3 No. 29 |September 17, 2021
Sharing our wealth of arts and culture. We're having an ARTS BLAST!

Promoting The Arts & Arts Councils Everywhere

Notes from the editor:
Can we all do our part to keep this arts season on track and keep COVID at bay? I'm masking up and waiting for my booster.
Bookmark On the Calendar at WilliMiller.com for frequent updates. Calls for Artists, Auditions, & Volunteers are now online.

Catch up with events at Willi Miller's Arts Blast on Facebook and pick up some laughs and interesting info on the Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras page.
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Remember that Arts Blast and On the Arts Blast Calendar are alternating weeks for now, but check our Facebook pages often for updates and bookmark On the Arts Blast Calendar for frequent additions. If you have an arts-related event coming up, scroll down for information on submitting it for a free basic listing. Limited advertising is available.

Arts Blast wants information about arts-related scholarships for the Scholarships page on our website. Send me what you have, making sure to include a deadline for applying and a link to detailed information.
In This Issue

Coming Soon - Arts Blast on the Air!

Riverside Theatre Announces Mainstage Auditions for Kids

Terry Barber, Queen, and Martin County Backup Singers

Have Piano Will Duel- An Autumn Jazz Workshop and Concert

Art Across Cultures at Lighthouse ArtCenter

Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day - Pre-register!

Vero Beach Theatre Guild Auditions Coming Up

Scroll Down for a Taste of
What's Ahead from the Arts Blast calendar web page
Art Walk Downtown Fort Pierce Sept. 17
Don't Touch That Dial!
Through the years of Arts Blast, readers might have noticed the weekly mention of my Cultural Connection radio show produced for the Cultural Council of Indian River County.
The bad news: September 26 is the final show.
The Really Excellent news: Riverside Theatre and Ballet Vero Beach have picked up the baton and the first show sponsored by these two cultural institutions airs the following week! Stay tuned for times and places to hear it.

You can hear Oscar Sales and Adam Schnell with me on the Cultural Connection this Sunday at 8 a.m. on WAXE 1370 AM and 107.9 FM, and on iHeartRadio.com. A replay will be on the Cultural Council's website later in the week. culturual-council.org

A small number of advertising opportunities will be available in the show. Contact me for information.
Local Students Onstage with Mercury
Terry Barber really brings it on home with his return tour of Mercury: The Story of Queen's Front Man by inviting popular Martin County school choruses to sing backup!
Barber has a long local background, beginning quite a few years ago, when he came to the Treasure Coast to be near family following the loss of his mother to lymphoma. "Noticing the strong interest in the arts in the area, I settled in pretty quickly making lifelong friends, collaborators, and eventually founding Artists for a Cause," he said.

When we met for our first radio interview, it was my introduction to Barber's vocal range. He's a countertenor, at that time performing more in the classical genre. Now he's on tour with 'Mercury: The Story of Queen's Front Man.' He explained that countertenors are men who "use their headvoice predominately, like a female classical singer." In popular music, we hear Sam Smith, Barry Gibb, and Frankie Valle singing in this same register.

"Freddie Mercury and I have a similar vocal range of over 4 octaves. He used his upper register quite a bit. He also had vocal nodules which accounts for the rough raspy rock sound he made," Barber said.

In an earlier interview, the singer said, "Freddie and I both lived and worked extensively in London, NYC, Germany. Both of us care(d) about being considered 'a musician of some worth and substance.'” He's always been a Queen fan. "The songwriting is some of the strongest in the genre. It’s my goal for folks to get to know Freddie, so I’ll be sharing some details about his life as we perform."
Joining the band on stage will be Jensen Beach High School Jubilate Chorus, led by James Paul, and Martin County High School's award-winning OPUS, under the direction of Emily Vitale.

Paul, 41, whose Bachelor of Music Education degree was earned at Stetson University, has been choral director at JBHS for 19 years. He will have 15-18 students participating, he said, singing parts of a couple of songs along with the band and other school choruses.

Preparing for the concert involves learning the music, meeting with other performers, and "walking through how all aspects of our inclusion will work. It is exciting to work with professional musicians and perform in our own community."

OPUS' Vitale first heard of Barber as a student in Stuart, attending several of his concerts. This time, she and twenty of her students will be on the stage with the band, singing two Queen songs.
Vitale, coincidentally, sang in Jubilate under Paul when she was a student at JBHS. She also is a Stetson University graduate. This is her second year as choir director at Martin County High School.
OPUS was sidelined last year by Covid restrictions, Vitale said, "so we are very excited to sing on-stage at the Lyric with Terry and the other musicians."

Gianna DiPiero, OPUS president and Martin County High School senior, said, "I learned that we would be singing in this concert just a few weeks ago - when I found out I was so excited!!! Queen has been one of my favorite bands for my whole life!" Covid has been tough on OPUS as well as many other choirs, DePiero said. "Last year we couldn’t have an in-person performance until December, and even then we had to have it in our gym instead of our auditorium. Obviously I was happy to be able to perform anything at all but nothing beats performing on stage."

The fall concert for OPUS is scheduled for October 27. On a personal note, the 2004 OPUS Holiday CD is near the top of my playlist every Christmas!
Recent recordings:
“When the World Falls Apart” was in the running for a Grammy, Barber said. "Check out the video on YouTube free or you can stream it anywhere you listen (Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon etc.)
"My “Reimagined: Mercury” album was considered for 8 Grammy nominations and also available everywhere folks listen".
Find him in many places, too:

Terry Barber, Touring & Recording Artist TerryBarber.com

Mercury: The Story of Queen's Front Man will be at the and at the Boca Black Box in Boca Raton October 9 at 7 and 9:30 p.m. and at the Lyric Theatre in Stuart October 10 at 7:30 p.m.

Photos: From top left - The band in concert; Reimagined: Mercury album cover; members of OPUS; Marcus Carr-Morales, 12th grade member of OPUS; Vitale directing OPUS; OPUS. No photos of Jubilate were available.
Autumn Jazz Concert - Have Piano, Will Duel
'Have Piano will Duel' will present its annual workshop and concert on September 18th, 4 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach, 520 Royal Palm Boulevard. Gifted music students in and around Indian River County will attend an intensive jazz workshop in the morning and present the fruits of their labor that evening.

Music Director Dr. Jacob Craig and professional trumpeter Paul Mc Call, will guide a quartet of jazz students in the morning sessions to experience and practice the skill of maximizing their performance with limited rehearsal time. It's the 4th consecutive year of the event.

The student ensemble will feature Mason Farrow on drums, Pat Gordon on bass, Luke Larabie on guitar, and Tanner Goulet on sax. Both Craig and McCall will join the students on stage on piano and trumpet. 
About Covid, workshop organizer Glenn Ferdinand said, "We've been able to follow the guidelines of COVID so far and still not cancel our workshop and concert, albeit on a much smaller scale. We were hoping the trend would continue down; however, we will have to limit our audience as we did last year." 

Reservations are suggested. Concert is open to the public with a suggested donation of $10. First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach, 520 Royal Palm Boulevard. www.verovinofestival.com/autumn-jazz-concert.
Riverside Theatre Holding Kid Auditions
What an opportunity for local thespians age 12 and over! Not only are the shows on the mainstage, but we're talking about Carousel and Billy Elliot!

Just in from Riverside Theatre:

Riverside Theatre, led by Producing Artistic Director/CEO Allen D. Cornell and Managing Director/COO Jon R. Moses, announces auditions for local children aged 12 and up to be part of the professional mainstage productions of CAROUSEL and BILLY ELLIOT. Auditions will take place on Saturday, October 16th from 12noon to 2pm.

Auditions will be held in-person at Riverside Theatre’s Education building. All attendees must wear a mask at all times inside except while auditioning. All audition personnel in attendance have been vaccinated and will be wearing masks for the duration of the auditions. Doors will open at 11:30am for check-in.  

All attendees will first sing a song of their choice. Some will be kept after the audition for a ballet dance call. Only girls will be needed for the dance call. Any kids cast in the productions will be required to have received the vaccine prior to the start of rehearsals.

For those auditioning, please prepare 32 measures of a song of your choice, bring sheet music, a headshot and resume. Choose a song that best shows off your voice. While an accompanist will be provided, kids can sing A capella, but sheet music is preferred. Girls that are auditioning should be prepared for a dance call.
Personnel in the audition room include: Allen D. Cornell (Riverside Theatre’s Producing Artistic Director, Director, Carousel), Kyle Atkins (Associate Producer for Riverside), Richard Stafford (Director/Choreographer, Billy Elliot), Kristyn Pope (Associate Choreographer, Billy Elliot) and Anne Shuttlesworth (Accompanist).

Prior to the in-person audition date, those auditioning may submit a headshot, resume and any supporting vocal or dance video audition materials. While we encourage submission of the materials prior to the audition date, it is not required. If an individual cannot attend the in-person audition, video auditions will be accepted, but priority will be given to those seen in-person. 

All submissions and/or questions can be emailed to Kyle Atkins, at kylea@riversidetheatre.com

CAROUSEL begins rehearsals on December 14, 2021. Show dates are January 4, 2022 through January 23, 2022. 

BILLY ELLIOT begins rehearsals on March 15, 2022. Show dates are April 12, 2022 through May 1, 2022. (Only girls will be selected for from this audition.)

For more information on the October 16th audition process and procedures visit: www.riversidetheatre.com/student-auditions

Art Across Cultures
From Lighthouse ArtCenter, Tequesta:

Art Across Cultures features two concurrent exhibitions, Women in the Visual Arts and Art by Aboriginal People.
Women in the Visual Arts (WITVA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support professional women artists in South Florida.This juried exhibition features a variety of media created by select members whose work is, in part, inspired by the natural beauty of this area.
Art by Aboriginal People features a private collection of paintings and wood carvings primarily made by prominentn female Aboriginal artists from the central desert region of the Northern Territory of Australia. The Aboriginal paintings use a dot technique that creates a 3-D effect and a sense of movement and thythm. They tell stories with hidden symbols that have a deeper meaning about Aboriginal life. The art has been ethically sourced and certified.
The exhibition will be on view through
October 29. Lighthouse Art Center, 373 Tequesta Dr., Tequesta.
Photos - Lighthouse ArtCenter - Counterclockwise from top left:
Biggibilla - Cranes Dreaming; Lily Nangala, Woman’s Corroboree; Eileen Shaloum, Moon at My Window; Sami Davidson, Kaleidoscope.
Try Something New or Visit an Old Favorite
This is the Saturday! Museum Day is a one-day event in which participating museums and cultural institutions across the country provide free entry to anyone presenting a Museum Day ticket. Participants are allowed to download one ticket per email address. The ticket provides free general admission on Saturday, September 18, 2021, for two people. There are 74 opportunities in Florida alone! Reading down the list will get you itching for some autumn road trips.

Please check individual museums’ websites for Covid-19 protocols, as requirements vary by location.
Click here for a state-by-state list of participating organizations.
Just In From ORCA's Edie Widder:

Inspiration, Exploration, and Discovery in the Ocean Twilight Zone 
Join four leading ocean explorers and advocates for a live conversation about pushing boundaries and seeking solutions to the Earth's most pressing problems—deep in the ocean's twilight zone. 
James Cameron - Ocean explorer and Academy Award–winning filmmaker
Ray Dalio - Founder, Dalio Philanthropies and Co-founder, OceanX
Peter de Menocal - President and Director, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Edith Widder, Ph.D. - Deep-sea biologist and Founder, CEO, and Senior Scientist of the Ocean Research & Conservation Association
With special guest host, journalist and author Tatiana Schlossberg.

Vero Beach Theatre Guild has just announced auditions:

Auditioning for the role of CORA September 23rd and 24th, 6:30 pm
Rehearsals begin immediately. Show dates January 12th-23rd, 2022

Women Supporting the Arts is ready for your 2022 Grant Applications.
(Martin County only)
DEADLINE: September 24, 2021
Notification by Email: By November 17, 2021
Grants Paid: January 2022
The window is open to apply (click here or on the logo above) for the online application. 
On the guidelines page there is a video with tips about the application you may watch to assist you and/or you can email Nancy Turrell with questions. 
Visit the Cultural Alliance Art Guild exhibitions at many venues countywide and online.
Short & Sweet - Just A Taste of Arts Blast's calendar web page
Get the Whole Picture on the Website
Indian River County

Through Sept. 29 - CCIRC Art in Public Places Member Exhibit-Mixed Themes and Solo Exhibit - Steve Reid, Not Myself at IRC Administration Bldgs.

Through Sept. 30 - Summer Art Show at The Galleries at First Pres. Featured artists: Linda Irwin, Pat deRobertis, and Lolly Walton. 

​Through Oct. 26 - CCIRC Art in Public Places Member Exhibit - Vacation Doings and Destinations at Intergenerational Recreation Center

Through Oct. 28 - Pour Your Heart Out Exhibit - Art at the Emerson Gallery - EmersonCenter

 Through Dec. 5 - Hanneke Beaumont: Drawn to Life at Vero Beach Museum of Art

Ongoing - Riverside Theatre’s two virtual series, Putting it Together and Cast Chats. See the website for the link

Vero Beach Museum of Art has temporary new hours - open to the public Thursday through Sunday. Please check the website vbmuseum.org before planning a visit as hours can change.

Sept. 17-19 - Pirate & Caribbean Festival - Riverside Park - Vero Beach

Sept. 17&18, 7 & 9 p.m. - Comedy Zone Experience at Riverside Theatre - Sid Davis & Gali Kroup

Sept. 17, 5:30-9 p.m. - Live in the Loop at Riverside Theatre - East Harbor

Sept. 18, 5:30-9 p.m. - Live in the Loop at Riverside Theatre - Melinda Elena Band

Sept. 18, 4 p.m. - Autumn Jazz Concert - Have Piano Will Duel - at First Presbyterian Church Vero Beach

Sept. 18 - Smithsonian magazine Museum Day - free admission at participating museums - To find a museum and get your free ticket, go to smithsonianmag.com/museumday 

Sept. 21 - Pelican Island Audubon Society monthly meeting - Zoom -  https://pelicanislandaudubon.org
St. Lucie County

Through Sept. 20. - The BEZO Show at MIDFLORIDA Event Center, PSL

Through Sept. 26 - Love, Loss and What I Wore at Treasure Coast Theatre

Through Oct. 1 - Entries accepted for the A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery's Best of the Best juried art exhibition

Through Oct. 3 - Last of the Red Hot Lovers at Pineapple Playhouse

Sept. 17, 5-8 p.m. - Art Walk in Downtown Fort Pierce - One Year in the Whirled Celebration

Sept. 18 - Smithsonian magazine Museum Day - free admission at participating museums - To find a museum and get your free ticket, go to smithsonianmag.com/museumday 

Sept. 19 & 26 - Auditions for Clue at Treasure Coast Theatre

Sept. 19-21 - Auditions for The Savannah Disputation at Pineapple Playhouse

Sept. 20, 5:30 p.m. - St. Lucie Cultural Alliance Annual Members Meeting

Sept. 23-25 - Journeys: An Evening of One-Act Plays at IRSC Fort Pierce Wynne Black Box Theatre

Sept. 24 - Deadline to submit entries for ART - Area Regional Transit "beautify St. Lucie with bright, visually appealing images on our local public transportation buses, public transit facilities, and shelters."

Sept. 25, 12-11 p.m. - San Juan Festival at MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Event Center 
Brevard County

Ongoing - Virtual Visual Art 2020 by members of the Central Brevard Art Association on Facebook and YouTube.

Through Sept. 26 - Deathtrap at Surfside Players, Cocoa Beach

Through Sept. 26 - The Great American Trailer Park Musical at Titusville Playhouse

Through Sept. 26 - The Who's TOMMY at Titusville Playhouse

Through Sept 29 - Leap of Faith by Katty Smith, winner of the 100% Pure Florida juried exhibition, at 5th Avenue Art Gallery.

Through Sept. 30 - Eau Gallery presents Life on Our Lagoon. Call for Art at eaugallery.com

Sept. 18 - Brevard's Got Talent - A Virtual Event

Sept. 18 - Classic Album Live - CCR Chronicle - King Center

Sept. 18 - Smithsonian magazine Museum Day - free admission at participating museums - To find a museum and get your free ticket, go to smithsonianmag.com/museumday 

Sept. 21 - Pelican Island Audubon Society monthly meeting - Zoom -  https://pelicanislandaudubon.org

Sept. 22 & 23 - We're Back! Concert- Melbourne Municipal Band, Melbourne Auditorium

Sept. 23 - Ultimate 70's: An Evening with Firefall, Orleans, Pure Prairie League - King Center

Sept. 24 - Fall Kick-Off Dance - Melbourne Municipal Band, Melbourne Auditorium

Sept. 24 - John Crist: Fresh Cuts Tour - King Center

Sept. 28, 8 p.m. - Rick Springfield at the King Center
No. Palm Beach County

Ongoing Fridays and Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. - Garden Sculpture Tours at the Norton

Through Sept. 19 - Painting Enlightenment: Works by noted Japanese scientist and artist Iwasaki Tsuneo at Morikami Museum & Japanese Gardens

Through Oct. 3 - For the Record: Celebrating Art by Women at The Norton Museum of Art

Through Oct. 29 - Art Across Cultures at Lighthouse ArtCenter

Through October - Afterschool Arts Annual Exhibition: Magic of Flight at the Norton

Through Nov. 21, 3:30 p.m. - Organ and piano demonstrations at Flagler Museum

Through Dec. 6 - The COVID Memorial Quilt at Armory Art Center

Through March 27, 2022 - Painting Enlightenment: Works by noted Japanese scientist and artist Iwasaki Tsuneo at Morikami Museum & Japanese Gardens

​Sept. 18, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Koto Workshop at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens

Sept. 18 - Smithsonian magazine Museum Day - free admission at participating museums - To find a museum and get your free ticket, go to smithsonianmag.com/museumday 

​Sept. 18 & 19, 9 a.m. - Annual Exotics and Orchids sale at Mounts Botanical Gardens

Sept. 19, or 23 - Sado: Tea Ceremony Class (beginners) at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens

Sept. 19 - Sado: Tea Ceremony Class (intermediate) at Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens
Martin County

Ongoing - Weekly Tuesday night car show at Elliott Museum. 5-8 p.m. Small fee to show your car. Admission is free for guests, who are asked to remember to follow CDC guidelines pertaining to social distancing, wearing a mask in public, etc.​

Ongoing, Thursdays, 11 a.m. - Tours of the Elliott Museum's auto collection. Meet at 10:55 at front desk.

Ongoing - Mark Cook: When Flows Return to the River of Grass - Virtual exhibit curated by the Arts Council of Martin County

Through Sept. 18 - Horizons, A retrospective exhibition of the works of Jim Houser and Dan Mackin at Cultural Court House

Through Oct. 3 - The Full Monty at The Barn Theatre

Through October 4 - Seminole People of Florida: Survival and Success - at the Elliott Museum

Through Oct. 30 - Martin Artisans Guild exhibition at the Palm Room, Sewall's Point

Through Oct. 31 - Portfolios - Jane Lawton Baldridge, A Sea Story Girl at the Elliott Museum

Through Dec. 12 - Exquisite Miniatures, by Wes and Rachelle Siegrist, at the Elliott Museum

Sept. 18 - Smithsonian magazine Museum Day - free admission at participating museums - To find a museum and get your free ticket, go to smithsonianmag.com/museumday 

Sept. 19, 1 p.m. - Blues Crusaders at Rock'n Riverwalk, Stuart

Sept. 19-21 - Auditions for Let's Murder Marsha at the Barn Theatre
Beyond the Treasure Coast

Daily at 11 a.m. - Keeper Chats from Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum. -Giant Pacific Octopus

Sundays at 2 - Upstairs Downstairs Live Theater at the Plant Museum

Ongoing, Saturdays, 2 p.m. - The Bass Highlights Tour at The Bass

Through Sept. 23 - Forge & Scroll Exhibition at Alliance for the Arts, Fort Myers

Through Sept. 24 - Wawa Summer Fun Days with complimentary admission at Bok Tower Gardens. Pre-registration required. https://boktowergardens.org/calendar/wawa-summer-fun-day-9/

Through Sept. 25 - Beaches, Creatures & Cowboys: Florida Movie Posters, a traveling exhibit from the Museum of Florida History at Lake Wales History Museum

Through Sept. 26 - Selected Portraits from the Morse Collection at the Morse Museum, Winter Park.

Through Sept. 26 - From Margins to Mainstays: Highlights from the Photography Collection - MFA St. Pete

Through Sept. 26 - Iridescence - A Celebration - at the Morse Museum, Winter Park.

Through Oct. 2 - Solo exhibition by photographer Martin Stranka at Snap! Orlando

Through Oct. 3 - Selected Portraits from the Morse Collection at the Morse Museum, Winter Park.
Through Oct. 3 - Earth into Art - The Flowering of American Art Pottery at the Morse Museum, Winter Park.

Through Oct. 9 -  Creating Home: Artwork by Jessica Osceola at Marco Island Historical Museum

Through Oct. 25 - The Nature of Encaustic: A Florida Wax Show at Bok Tower Gardens

Through Nov. 27 - Down the Garden Path at Immokalee Pioneer Museum - photos by Lisette Morales

Through Nov. 27 - Down the Garden Path at Immokalee Pioneer Museum - photos by Lisette Morales

Through Nov. 27 - Pioneering the Past: The Story of the Brickell Family -- South Florida's Forgotten Founders - at Museum of the Everglades

Through Nov. 28 - InFocus: Precision Photography of Extraordinary and Uncommon Shells at Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum

Through Nov. 28 - InFocus: Precision Photography of Extraordinary and Uncommon Shells at Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum

Through Dec. 14 Second Tuesdays - Fusion Fest - MYgration Films Watch Party

Through Dec. 23 at the Plant Museum - "When the Train Comes Along": Booker T. Washington at the Tampa Bay Casino

Sept. 18-Jan. 23 - Pieced and Patterned: American Quilts, c. 1800-1930 - Museum of Fine Arts St. Pete

Sept. 18 - Smithsonian magazine Museum Day - free admission at participating museums - To find a museum and get your free ticket, go to smithsonianmag.com/museumday 

Sept. 20, 7:30 p.m. - Frost Music Live! At the Ballet: Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet, and Cindrella - UM Gusman Concert Hall

Sept. 22, 6 p.m. - Small Talk summer series with artist Farley Aguilar at The Bass

Sept. 24, 7:30 p.m. - Frost Music Live!Melton Mustafa w/Frost Studio Jazz Band (pre-concert talk 6:30 p.m.) - UM Gusman Concert Hall
Event schedules can change, often at almost the last minute. Verify, double check, and then do it again before you head out the door. And when you do go out, take a mask. Without one, you risk being turned away.
Information is to be received in an email at least one week before publication.

Use this format for Calendar entries:
Who (organization)
What (Event)
When (dates, time)
Where (Name of venue, address)
Why (a brief description of the purpose)
Web/Facebook address
Contact for public use (for tickets, questions, etc.)
Then add a short, descriptive release if available.
Send only one photo, with caption, unless more are requested.
Media contact with email for Arts Blast followup (not for publication)
Here's a suggestion for uploading information to calendars that allow you to input your own events.
In the body of the listing, sometimes called Description, make sure to include all dates in each upload. For example: Performances are on March 12-31; or the exhibit is open March 12, 14, 15, and 17. That information should be in all dates you post individually.

If you are a member of the Cultural Council of Indian River County, you need this information:

IMPORTANT: In order to promote your events as a member of the Cultural Council, you must enter your event on the CCIRC calendar via this link: https://www.calendarwiz.com/culturalcouncil and click on "Submit your event"
The deadline is MONDAY - 10 days prior to the Wednesday publication.
Copyright ©2019-2021 Willi Miller's ARTS BLAST!, all rights reserved.