New Year’s Greeting,
As we welcome in a new year, filled with possibilities and always the love, grace, mercy and faithfulness of God, I will be introducing on our new theme for 2025. For the last two years we have focused on the idea of “Intentional Increase.” This was a theme and focusing of messages that served us well, compelling and even challenging us to grow our faith and live more purposefully in the Name of Jesus.
This year's theme—to be announced on Sunday—calls and even compels us to live what we believe. It requires us to live our faith in spite of doubts, setbacks, ill-treatment or against the attacks of any enemy. In every way through the enablement of the Holy Spirit, God has given us the ability to do “all things through Christ” as our strength and our shield.
This Sunday, I ask that you join me in studying 1 Corinthians the 15th Chapter in its entirety. I will focus on verse fifty-eight, but in order to comprehend the worth of that verse, reading the entirety of the text is necessary. Finally, as this is the first Sunday of the new year, and the first Sunday for the Communion Observance, I pray that you will make your way to the House of the Lord so that we can worship, praise and pray together as a Family of Believers.
One more thought; please join me and others here on Saturday morning at 8:00 AM for prayer.
Pastor Mark W. Thompson