Black History Month Greetings,
This Sunday, we begin a series of messages that address a critical mandate in these days and times; the need to stick Together. We should as a people of God celebrate our history, our accomplishments, our giftedness and the character of God’s goodness that lives in each of us. Having said this, we cannot deny that the minorities of this nation are under assault. There are executive letters that are placing not only our Hispanic, Argentinian, and Mexican brothers and sisters under duress, but as African Americans, we are likewise being attacked and blamed for the problems that face this nation.
Whenever you hear the rhetoric about eliminating funding or dismantling programs connected with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), you are hearing propaganda blaming Blacks for the racism that our White brothers and sisters say they are experiencing. But in fact, over seventy-percent of DEI initiatives have benefitted White women, and not minorities. It’s the same narrative regarding Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity initiatives; the majority of those initiatives do not benefit minorities.
What’s the answer, and how do we deal with these unconscionable attacks that are part of this American narrative? One word; TOGETHER. The Bible teaches us that together, nothing can stop us because of who we are, but more so, who we are in Christ Jesus. This Sunday, we continue our thematic messages on "Together We Stand,” as we take a deep look into the book of Nehemiah. For Sunday, please study Nehemiah the 4th Chapter, and don’t forget that this is communion Sunday. So for those who will worship virtually, please ensure you have your elements prepared.
Bishop Mark W. Thompson, Senior Pastor