
Happenings At

Lord Of Life Lutheran Church

"Where everybody is somebody, and Jesus is Lord!"

Season Of





Time After Epiphany

Issue Of: January 1, 2024

"Ascribe to the Lord the glory of his name; worship the Lord in holy splendor."

Psalm 29:2 (NRSV)




Church Office

 Phone: (609) 268-0262 


Tuesday Through Friday

7:30 AM - 3:00 PM

[email protected]


Pastor Wendolyn Trozzo 

Phone: (609) 268-0262

[email protected]

Bill Reich

Council President

[email protected]


Debbie Chromeck

Church Secretary

Extension 301

[email protected]

Janell Reich

Adult Ministry 

[email protected]

Breanne Tomlinson

Children, Youth &

Family Ministry


Junior & Senior

High Ministry

Extension 305

[email protected]

Craig Baechler 

Property Ministry

[email protected]


Rick Krause

Music Ministry

[email protected]

Amy Wilmot

Grace Place



James Cuviello

LifeLines Editor

 [email protected]

"Where Everybody Is Somebody...
And Jesus Is Lord!"

Worship With Us

Saturday Evening At 5:00 PM

Sunday Morning At 9:30 AM

Join us on either Saturday evening for our 5:00 PM Song, Word, and Sacrament service or Sunday morning for our 9:30 AM Prayer, Praise, and Thanksgiving service. Holy Communion will be celebrated at both services.


Sunday Services

On YouTube

Our current and previous Sunday Worship Service videos will be available on the Lord Of Life YouTube website. Links are below to both the Lord Of Life YouTube website and Facebook page.

View Church Service on YouTube - Click Here

 Find Information On Facebook - Click Here

Live-Stream Service
On YouTube

There will be a live-stream of our Sunday 9:30 AM service. You are welcome to use the link below for access to the live-stream service when it is broadcast. As a reminder, the Lord of Life YouTube channel can be found at this link:


Links to prior issues:

December 1, 2023 - Click Here

(Links to past LifeLines after September 17, 2021 can be found in the above edition in the "Missed A LifeLines?" section.)

September 17, 2021 Click Here

(The September 17th issue contains links to all previous issues from April 3, 2020 through September 3, 2021.)

Coffee Hour Fellowship

Every Sunday

Join us for Coffee Hour every Sunday following the 9:30 AM service. Be with us in Fellowship Hall to socialize, catch up with church friends, enjoy some treats, and, of course, sip our "heavenly" coffee!

Special Coffee Hour


The Sunday Service

January 7th

There will be special coffee hour following Pastor's final worship service with us. We will offer prayers and wishes for success to Pastor Wendolyn as she enters her EMT training. Please join us! All are welcome!

From The Pastor's Desk:

Dear Lord of Life community,

A new year has arrived, and with it, beginnings and endings. As I conclude my call here on Sunday, January 7th, I invite you to join us on Sunday for worship and a special coffee hour.  Lord of Life will be blessed to have an interim pastor, the Rev. Barry Scott, who will worship with us on January 7th and who begins official ministry on January 8th. Many of you have met Barry and his wife, Julie, who moved to Leisuretowne earlier this year. His level of care and experience is tip top, and he will journey with you through 2024.  

This change will take me from being your pastor, to being a pastor who happens to live in your community. We may bump into each other in the grocery store, and in that case we can chat about our families, the Eagles, and what's for dinner. I won't ask you about Lord of Life, as I hope you will be fully focused on ministry with Pastor Barry. My son, Caedmon, has asked to stay a member at Lord of Life; he has many adult mentors and youth friends here, and being in 10th grade, he wants to keep as many roots as he can. I ask that you treat him as a fellow disciple, focusing on him and not asking after me; it's not his role to be a link to the former pastor. (It may be tempting, but turn that curiosity about me into curiosity about Cade, because he is a fascinating kid!)  

As I move on to EMT training and possibly multiple vocations, I leave you with the reminder that God loves you, and that our community needs your kindness and generosity. Those are two gifts that honor God, care for your neighbor, and will bless you. The Lord of Life goes before you, behind you, beside you, and works through you; may this wondrous truth lead you into the new year and through all your days.


Pastor Wendolyn


January 28th

At 10:45 AM

Save the date to attend our Annual Meeting! We need a quorum in order for items on the agenda to be discussed and votes taken. During the meeting, the election of Church Council members will take place as well as the vote on the Spending Plan for 2024. The meeting will be held immediately following the regular 9:30 AM worship service.

Interim Pastor Named -

Will Begin

January 8th

LOL Church Member

Pastor Barry Scott


Your church council has been working with the New Jersey Synod leaders to determine the next steps that Lord of Life will take as we begin the process of looking for a new pastor. We are pleased to inform you that an interim pastor will begin working with us immediately - beginning on January 8, 2024. Pastor Barry Scott will be with us on a half-time basis for the next year. He will lead us in worship each weekend. We will work together to determine where his focus will be as he shepherds us through the next phase of our church life.

What follows is a letter from Pastor Barry to all of us.

From Pastor Barry D. Scott:

My name is Barry, and in my time as a pastor in the ELCA, I have usually been called Pastor

Barry, or PB for short. That started with kids and soon almost everyone just said, “Hey, PB!”


I have been married to Julie for almost 45 years. We moved to Leisuretowne last August, moving from Marysville OH, near Columbus after 17 years. We are originally from the Chicago area. Our daughter Katie and her husband Brian have two sons, and live in Medford Lakes. We moved to NJ to be near family, and began to worship at Lord of Life soon after we arrived. We found ourselves welcomed and comfortable here, and recently became members


For 19 years I owned a trucking and transportation services company outside O’Hare Airport in Chicago. Our family was active as members of a church in Bartlett IL. I served on the church council in various capacities, taught Sunday school, helped with Confirmation Classes, and was a Worship Assistant. In 1993, at age 39, I began seminary having sold the business. I was ordained in 1998 and called to Hosanna! Lutheran Church in St. Charles IL as Associate Pastor, serving there for eight years.


In 2006 I was approached to be the Sr. Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church and School in Marysville OH, and served 15 years until I retired in May of 2021. I then served as Interim Pastor at Epiphany Lutheran Church, Dayton on a part time basis, mentoring the new Sr. Pastor, leading weekly worship at one of the two church sites, and providing pastoral care and visitation. In Marysville I was a founding member of the ministerial association and The Hope Center providing social services to the community, and 2nd Chances Thrift store which supports Trinity School and The Hope Center. I served 4 years on the board of Families Matter, a juvenile drug diversion program for the County Court judge.


After moving to NJ, Bishop Bartholomew asked me to supply preach, which I began last October, mostly in South NJ. Recently the Bishop asked me to consider being the part-time Interim Pastor here at Lord of Life. As in every way and place I have served, I hear God’s call in my life, and in her request I heard that call again. I am honored to serve Jesus with you, and I am confident we will find ways to do that with joy as we prepare to call the next pastor to lead us in the Gospel of grace.


I look forward to getting to know you all, and finding new ways to be the Church together!


Your Brother in Christ,

Pastor Barry (or PB)

Nominations For

Church Council

Are Now Open

Help Wanted! The nominating committee, in accordance with the church Bylaws, is now seeking volunteers willing to accept nominations for various Council positions which include officers and ministry liaison leads. These are 2 year term positions, but occasionally people may leave early due to personal reasons.

What does Council do? Well there would not be a church without Council lay leadership, which attends to both the ministry and business needs of the church along with our Pastor, so these are very important positions to fill. Meetings are once a month, although there is usually some required tasks or actions between the meetings.

If you are interested in serving on Council or need more information, please speak to any of the following nominating committee members: Ed Hourihan, Linda Baechler, or Nancy DiYenno.

Please prayerfully consider what time/talent you can provide to this critical area of church leadership.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Beginning January 3rd

At 10:00 AM

The Daniel Plan:

40 Days To A Healthier Life

Centering On

Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus, And Friends

The Stepping-Stones to Health Committee is taking a bold step in 2024 and we hope that you will join us for this journey. Using the program developed by Pastor Rick Warren, Dr. Daniel Amen, and Dr. Mark Hyman, we will be offering a six-week program beginning the first week in January that focuses on YOUR health. So, if your New Year’s resolution involves deepening your relationship with God, losing (or gaining) a few pounds, beginning an exercise routine, thinking more clearly, or connecting with others, this program is for you. The weekly sessions (approximately one hour) include:

January 3rd – Faith: Nurturing Your Soul

January 10th – Food: Enjoying God’s Abundance

January 17th – Fitness: Strengthening Your Body

January 24th – Focus: Renewing Your Mind

January 31st – Friends: Encouraging Each Other

February 7th – Living the Lifestyle

February 14th – Snow Make-up Date

We will be using the book, The Daniel Plan, co-authored by Rick Warren, Daniel Amen, and Mark Amen, along with video lessons and a prepared study guide to support our Lord of Life family toward a healthier lifestyle. A Study Guide and Daily Devotional booklet are available. Please contact one of the group leaders if you wish to purchase one. There are two opportunities to join this exciting program including the Wednesday Bible Study hour at 10:00 AM (in person with co-leaders Janell Reich and Cynthia Tait), or Thursday at 7:00 PM (conveniently offered online with co-leaders Lu Hourihan and Joan Molner).

If these times do not fit your schedule, additional sessions may be added depending on demand. Contact Cynthia Tait with your requests.

For more information, contact any of the group leaders.

To Email Janell - Click Here

To Email Cynthia - Click Here

To Email Lu - Click Here

To Email Joan - Click Here

Thursday Evening Session

7:00 PM

Dates And Information

It is important to let either Lu Hourihan or Joan Molnar know if you will be attending the on-line sessions. You must receive information as to how to connect your computer and join the sessions on-line. The Thursday evening session dates are below.

January 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th

February 1st and 8th

The topics will be in the same order as the Wednesday sessions.



Thank You

From Barbara Wagner

Thank you to everyone who bought cookies/cakes at the bake sale. We were able to raise $400 which will go toward the scholarship fund. More information will follow about the scholarship fund in the next issue of the Lifelines.

Bible, Faith, & Fellowship

(Age 3 - 4th Grade)

All children ages 3 to 4th grade are invited to join us at Bible, Faith, & Fellowship. Children will attend the first part of our Sunday morning 9:30 AM. Following the children's sermon, the group will leave the Sanctuary for Christian learning and other BFF activities. Friends are always welcome!


Youth Group

(Grades 6-12)

Sunday, January 14th, At 4:00 PM


Sunday, January 28th, At 4:00 PM

All youth grades 6 to 12 are invited to attend. Friends are always welcome.


Confirmation Classes

Sunday, January 7th, At 4:00 PM


Sunday, January 21st, At 4:00 PM


Nursery Volunteers

Sign Up

On the third Sunday of each month, Lord Of Life will be having a "staffed" nursery during our 9:30 AM Sunday church service. We need to have 2 persons for each date. Orientation training will be provided prior to your first assigned date. If you are able to help, sign up by contacting Breanne.

If you have questions about Youth Ministry or would like to volunteer as a BFF teacher or in any other program, please contact Breanne Tomlinson. A link to her email is below.

To Email Breanne - Click Here

News From Janell Reich

Wiley Ministry

Thursday, January 4th

At 10:00 AM

On the first Thursday of each month, Lord Of Life presents a program, Songs Of Joy and Scriptures, to the Wiley residents in Marlton. If you would like to participate by either singing, playing an instrument, doing a scripture reading, handing out song sheets, or just being there to greet the residents, please contact Janell Reich or Sue Dreisbach. You do not have to commit to every month. Please consider joining us to bring joy to Wiley!

This month, we are only allowed to have 5 of us visit Wiley. Use of masks will depend on their status. They may or may not be needed. Let Sue Dreisbach know if you are planning to be with us.

To Email Sue - Click Here


Time For Talents

Friday, January 5th,

At 10:00 AM

Join us for a time of creativity and fellowship! This month we will be working on two projects. For the first one, Gloria Brosious will teach us Continental Knitting. It is a more natural and faster method than English Knitting. In the second, Janell will show us how to make an easy winter scene using watercolors. You are also welcome to bring your own project.


Book Club

Tuesday, January 9th,

At 1:00 PM

I Feel Bad About My Neck

And Other Thoughts About Being A Woman

By Nora Ephron

With her disarming, intimate, completely accessible voice, and

dry sense of humor, Nora Ephron shares her ups and downs in a candid, hilarious look at women who are getting older and dealing with all the stuff that goes along with it.


Lunch Bunch

Wednesday, January 17th,

At 12:30 PM

Rustic Grill

The January Lunch Bunch meal will be held at the Rustic Grill located at 519 Stokes Road A, Medford. Come, and enjoy some wonderful food and fellowship. All are welcome: women, men, family, and friends! A sign up sheet is on the church bulletin board in the Narthex. Contact Barbara Wagner if you have any questions. A link to her email is below.

To Email Barbara - Click Here


People Enjoying People


Thursday, January 25th, At Noon

Beach Party!

On Thursday, January 25th at noon - we're having a Beach Party! Wear your Hawaiian Shirt, bring a picture from a favorite vacation and come ready to sing Beach Boys tunes. Please sign up on the sheet posted on the Narthex bulletin board if you plan to attend.


Devotion And Walk

Tuesday, January 30th,

At 1:30 PM

Kinkora Trail

(Weather Permitting!)

Join us for a brief devotion and picturesque walk. We will be meeting at Kinkora Trail, 25020 Mt Pleasant Rd, Columbus, NJ 08022. Please contact Janell if you would like to carpool.

For information about the park and trails, click on the link below.

For More Information - Click Here


Blanket Service Project

Thanks to all who are working on joining knitted squares and creating bright beautiful lap robes. When we visited Wiley on December 7th for our music program, two blankets were delivered and put into immediate use. The two residents, who received them, were pleased to have some extra warmth they provided. The staff was impressed by how pretty and cheery they are. We will continue our ministry this coming year. If you have questions as to how to get involved, please contact Janell.

Monday Message:
Sign Up!

Each Monday, Janell is emailing weekly encouraging messages. If you would like to receive them, please contact Janell.
If you have questions about Adult Ministry, please contact the Adult Ministry Director, Janell Reich. A link to her email is below.

Do You Have A Favorite Hymn Or Church Song?

Do you have a hymn or song that you would like to hear or sing at worship? 

Please reach out to Rick Krause and let him know by phone (856-287-5328) or by email using the link below.

To Email Rick - Click Here

"Stepping-stones To Health"

At Lord Of Life:

Strong Bones And Balance Fitness Program

Tuesday, January 9th, At 11:00 AM


Monday, January 22nd, At 6:30 PM

Join us at our next program offering, Strong Bones and Balance Fitness, which meets in Fellowship Hall. This video class is open to all ages, with exercises that can be adjusted for nearly any ability level. Come as you are in comfortable clothes.

If you have questions, please get in touch with Cynthia Tait by email [email protected] or phone 602-708-6997.

Quilt Ministry

Thursday, January 11th

At 10:00 AM

The next meeting of the Quilters will be on Thursday, January 11th at 10:00 AM in Fellowship Hall. We will be working on a variety of tasks such as sorting fabric, making quilt kits, and tying quilts.

If you are unable to be with us at our meetings and want to make quilts, kits are available in the Narthex on the quilting display table, and pre-cut batting pieces and backings can be found in the quilting closet in Fellowship Hall.

Bed Sheets!!!

Bed sheets make great backings for the quilts. You can use any size and cut them to the correct size as needed. We welcome donations of new or lightly used bed sheets. They can be dropped off on the quilting table or in the Fellowship Hall closet. Label them for “Quilting Ministry.” Thank you in advance!


Quilt Ministry is open to everyone! There are many simple tasks that you can do. The only cost to join our group is your time!

There are simple jobs that anyone can do. They are:

Sort donated material.

Cut squares of material, pieces of batting or backing.

Put 48 squares together to make a kit.

Sew 48 squares together.

Pin a quilt top, batting, backing together.

Tie a quilt together.

Sew the edge of a quilt.

Gloria Brosious leads our group and will provide instruction. Hope to see you on the 11th!

To Email Gloria - Click Here

Puzzle Exchange


Sunday, February 11th

Lord of Life is having a jigsaw Puzzle Exchange that will continue until Sunday, February 11th.We will use a long table in Fellowship Hall for you bring in and place your old puzzles from your home and pick up some new ones. It’s an opportunity for all of you puzzlers to clear out your shelves and get some new ones for putting together during the cold winter months!

After February 11th, we'll donate any leftover puzzles to either Wiley, Bridge of Peace, Christian Caring Center, St. Vincent DePaul, and maybe even the Marlton Library.

(The photo below shows the Puzzle Exchange table in Fellowship Hall.)

Ohana Ukuleles

There will be practice every other Monday at 1:30 PM in January and February. The dates are: January 8th, 22nd and February 5th, 19th. If we need a snow make-up date, we'll meet January 29th.

We will play Saturday, February 10th at the 5:00 PM service. Songs will be: This Little Light of Mine, Marching in the Light of God, and Down in My Heart.

New members are welcome. Please contact Janell Reich for more information.

To Email Janell - Click Here

Holy Eucharist Ministry

Any church member who is unable to be at our services and would like to receive Holy Communion at their home should contact either the church office (609-268-0262) or Penny Miller (609-726-1698). A time for a visit will then be planned.

Soup Ministry

If you make a meal or soup and have leftovers, please consider donating them. We are asking you to store food in a disposable deli container, label the contents, and place it in the large, upright freezer in the church kitchen which is located next to the stove. The food will be distributed to those of the congregation who are in need. Please contact Bettie Lohman or Barbara Ma with names of folks who could use a delivery.

A Message From Betty Mastrillo:

I would like to thank everyone for your continued giving to Bridge of Peace. We could not do what we do for them without your help!!

Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Christian Caring Center

Code Blue Needs

As winter approaches, many clients of the Christian Caring Center find themselves facing the difficulty of dealing with frigid temperatures. To help them, the Center has instituted a winter Code Blue program. They are in need of the items listed below. Any donation would be greatly appreciated.

General Needs:

Coffee Pots

Coffee, Sugar, Powdered Creamer, Hot Cocoa Supplies

Paper Plates & Cups And Utensil Supplies

Bottled Water, Juices, Packaged Snacks

For Shelter Clients:

Journals, Pens, Stamps, Envelopes

Razors, Socks, Reading Glasses

Puzzels, Magazines, Books

Gloves, Hats, Sweatshirts, Sweat Pants

General Hygiene Supplies, Feminine Hygiene Supplies

Ongoing Collection For

The Christian Caring Center


Bridge Of Peace

Please drop off your items for both the Christian Caring Center and Bridge Of Peace into the appropriate shopping cart located in the church entry hallway. Thank you in advance for your generosity!


Needs List For Bridge Of Peace Food Pantry

The food pantry at BOP could use several items that are currently in low supply. Here is the list of these groceries. Donations can be placed in the shopping cart in the church entryway.

Peanut Butter

Canned Tomato Sauce

Canned Fruit

Boxed Pasta

Boxed Macaroni And Cheese

Helping Hands Ministry

Wednesday, January 24th,

At 9:00 AM

(Sandwiches For The Christian Caring Center)

Helping Hands is a monthly ministry to make sandwiches for the homeless served by Christian Caring Center. It meets the last Wednesday of each month. We form an assembly line and make about 200 sandwiches in an hour. Jobs are easy – putting meat and cheese on a roll, placing sandwiches in a baggie, counting the sandwiches, and putting them in a grocery bag. Everyone gets a small, easy task and a lot gets done quickly while we share some time together. We keep everyone safe by wearing gloves and masks, spacing ourselves, and venting the room. All are invited to join us! If you have any questions, please contact Janell Reich.

Christian Caring Center News

The Christian Caring Center publishes a newsletter for all to read. The link below can be used to access its most recent edition (December 2023).

To Read The Newsletters - Click Here

American Red Cross Blood Drive

At Lord Of Life

Tuesday, January 23rd

2:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Blood supplies remain critical and you can help! Give the "gift of life" at our blood drive on Tuesday, January 23rd. Please make a reservation by clicking on the link below. Both Power Red and regular donations are being accepted.

To Register - Click Here

Thank You!

I want to thank everyone who has given me greeting cards for many occasions that are mailed to church members who are celebrating a special event or who we want to let know that your church family is thinking about you. Please continue your generosity in 2024 so we can continue to share the love from all at Lord of Life and God's blessing!

Priscilla Faucett

Thrivent Magazine Recognizes

Lord Of Life

The Winter 2023 edition of Thrivent Magazine recognized the efforts of this past summer's service project team in West Virginia. You can read the article by accessing the magazine on-line using the link below. It is found on page 9.

To Read The Magazine - Click Here

Continuing Your Contributions:
Your continuing financial support is essential to maintain the Ministries of Lord Of Life. Offerings are being collected at all church services. If you are still not attending services at our church building, your contribution can be mailed to the church (1 Winchester Court, Tabernacle, NJ 08088). Both Simply Giving and remain in place for all to use. 
Something new has been added to make it easier for you to contribute to Lord of Life using your cell phone! Simply scan the QR code below with your cell phone, and you will be able to make a donation using
(More information about these electronic ways to contribute can be found on the church's website. The link is below.)

******** Options

Using on your cell phone has a new added feature. You are now able to pick a particular fund for your contribution to Lord of Life. The photo below shows the catagories of giving. We will update what appears on the list if a new catagory comes about or if one ends.

Thrivent Choice Dollars

To Lord Of Life


Thrivent Financial has a program called Thrivent Choice in which many who own Thrivent products are eligible to participate. Your Thirvent account generates "Choice Dollars" which can be donated to Lord of Life or other charitable organizations. Not all accounts generate Choice Dollars, but many do. As of the end of November 2023, Lord of Life received $3,116 from this program. A link to information about Thrivent Choice is below. There is no cost to participate. Please consider directing your Choice Dollars to our church in 2024.

To Learn More About Thrivent Choice - Click Here

Church Envelopes For 2024

Are Available

Please pick up your 2024 church contribution envelopes! They are on a table in the Narthex. If you only give electronically and do not use the envelopes, place your 2024 box of envelopes in the container marked "Do Not Use Envelopes" which is on the table next to the envelopes. We are asking everyone to either bring your 2024 envelope box home with you or deposit it in the box for "Do Not Use Evelopes." This will greatly help our Stewardshiip Team manage the distribution.

Assignments To Ministries

Each Council member is designated to lead a specific Church Ministry. Congregation members with concerns, ideas, or who would like to be more involved with a particular aspect of church life, should reach out to the specific Council member assigned to that Ministry.

Property – Craig Baechler

Worship & Music – Barbara Wagner

Pastoral Care & Nurturing – Penny Miller

Support (Finance/Stewardship) - Bill Reich

Discipleship/Evangelism/Communications – Cynthia Tait

Learning 1 (Grace Place) – Merle Brown

Learning 2 (Church Proper) – Tammy Miller

We are Family – Jim Ernst

Photos From December Events

At Lord Of Life

Time For Talents

Friday, December 1st

Photos of our group at work and the watercolor cards that were made.

Tabernacle Tree Lighting

Friday, December 1st

Lord of Life had an information table, our Praise Team and Choir provided the entertainment, and Pastor Wendolyn delivered the invocation at the annual event at Tabernacle Town Hall. Thanks to all our members who participated!

If you have not watched the Lord of Life YouTube recording of our Choir and Praise Team welcoming Santa, click on the link below.

To View The Video - Click Here

Advent Family Night

Sunday, December 4th

Our youth presented an Advent Play in the Sanctuary. Following that, Fellowship Hall was filled with members and friends working on a variety of projects. It was a fun night for all who attended.

Thank you!

Many thanks to everyone who helped to make Advent Night such a success. There were over 50 people in attendance. This event couldn't have happened, though, with out the help from Kristy Godfrey, Penny Miller, Barbara Ma, Lu Hourihan, Sheri Perkins, Barbara Wagner, and Carolyn Cuviello for creating the crafts, Nancy DiYenno for playing the piano, Ed Hourihan as the narrator, plus the youth that helped with the skit.

Women's Christmas Gathering

Friday, December 8th

Here's some photos of the group enjoying the fellowship this night.

Giving Tree

Presents Delivery

Wednesday, December 13th

Donated children's presents were brought to the Christian Caring Center. Thank you to all who contributed these wonderful gifts!

Helping Hands

Wednesday, December 20th

Our crew made 192 sandwiches for the Christian Caring Center. Thanks to all who helped!

Lord Of Life Sign Repaired

Friday, December 22nd

Thanks goes to Bill Dreisbach and Jack Gordon for fixing the lights in our sign on Tabernacle Road. It is now like new and in top working condition.

Church Choir Prepares For Christmas Eve

Wednesday, December 20th


Sunday, December 24

The Lord of Life Choir holds practices on almost every Wednesday evening and prior to the church services at which the choir sings. These photos are from two rehearsals of anthems for the 7:00 PM Christmas Eve service.

If you would like to join our choir, please speak with the director, Rick Krause. The choir regularly sings during our Sunday morning church service.

Christmas Eve

Sunday, December 24th

Christmas Eve candlelight services.

January Birthdays

Jan. 1: Renee Thomas

Jan. 2: Kaitlyn Heinrich

Jan. 3: Jean Butler and Jameson Schmauder

Jan. 5: James Cuviello

Jan. 6: Marian Hollenbeck, Ted Hussey, and Nicky Wolfer

Jan. 11: Heather Cosper

Jan. 12: Jake Steinhour

Jan. 14: Heather Barger and Frank Humphreys

Jan. 16: Barbara Godfrey

Jan. 19: Anthony Barbella and Abigail Bencivengo

Jan. 20: William Leach

Jan. 21: John Welling

Jan. 23: Giana Favilla, Sue Michaleski, and Christopher Willitts

Jan. 25: William Dennis, Luke Leach, and Joanne Safier

Jan. 26: Christine Bencivengo and Olivia Murray

Jan. 27: Travis Pummer

Jan. 29: Bruce Heinrich and Dylan Shepard

Jan. 30: Chance Heinold

Jan. 31: Julia Ghegan and Amelia Kucklinca

January Wedding Anniversaries

Jan. 5: Kirsten & Harry Granfors (Celebrating 61 years!)

Jan. 12: Gloria & Robert Brosious (Celebrating 67 years!)

Jan. 26: Donna & Lanny Nairn (Celebrating 62 years!)

January Baptismal Anniversaries

Jan. 2: Monica Hollenbeck

Jan. 4: Tait Christianson

Jan. 7: Jack Welling

Jan. 8: Jeffrey Grosser

Jan. 10: Robert Brosious and Katelyn Pummer

Jan. 12: Luke Godfrey and Katarina Humphreys

Jan. 13: Matthew Michaleski

Jan. 15: Andrew Cosper

Jan. 17: James Cuviello and Wallace Pickard

Jan. 18: Allison Safier

Jan. 20: Alan Dennison and Callan Schmauder

Jan. 24: Carol Koskela

Jan. 29: Paul Horner

Jan. 31: Caedmon Trozzo

From The Editor:

Godspeed Pastor Wendolyn:

The Editor would like to wish Godspeed to you, Pastor, and hope that happiness and success come your way in pursing your EMT training. Below is a link to a musical farewell.


James Cuviello, LifeLines Editor

To Listen - Click Here

LifeLines Ending Song:

This is hymn from our ELW found in the "Time After Epiphany" section. It is number 311. The tune is different from what is used in our hymnal and may be more familiar to many. Enjoy!

To Listen - Click Here

Next LifeLines:

The next monthly issue of LifeLines will be published on:

Thursday, February 1st

Please Submit News For This Edition By Friday, January 26th

LifeLines is published monthy, on the first day of each month. Please submit articles for upcoming editions of the LifeLines 5 days prior to the next issue date.
Regarding the use of images, no copyright infringement is intended.
Advertisements are controlled by YouTube on those links, and we are not able to eliminate or select them. Advertisements randomly appear and change from viewing to viewing. We do know not know which advertisement will be seen by a viewer, and it may not be the one which the Editor saw when choosing the YouTube links. There is no endorsement of any product in YouTube advertisements.
To contact the LifeLines Editor by email, click on the following link: