
Happenings At

Lord Of Life Lutheran Church

"Where everybody is somebody, and Jesus is Lord!"

Season Of Pentecost


November 1st

All Saints Day

(Church Service On Saturday, November 4th At 5:00 PM)


November 23rd

Thanksgiving Day

(Community Church Service And Pie Social At LOL On Sunday, November 19th At 4:00 PM)


November 26th

Christ The King Sunday

Issue Of: November 1, 2023

"O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever.

1 Chronicles 16:34 (NRSV)




Church Office

 Phone: (609) 268-0262 


Tuesday Through Friday

7:30 AM - 3:00 PM

[email protected]


Pastor Wendolyn Trozzo 

Phone: (609) 268-0262

[email protected]

Bill Reich

Council President

[email protected]


Debbie Chromeck

Church Secretary

Extension 301

[email protected]

Janell Reich

Adult Ministry 

[email protected]

Breanne Tomlinson

Children, Youth &

Family Ministry


Junior & Senior

High Ministry

Extension 305

[email protected]

Craig Baechler 

Property Ministry

[email protected]


Rick Krause

Music Ministry

[email protected]

Amy Wilmot

Grace Place



James Cuviello

LifeLines Editor

 [email protected]

"Where Everybody Is Somebody...
And Jesus Is Lord!"

Worship With Us

Saturday Evening At 5:00 PM

Sunday Morning At 9:30 AM

Join us on either Saturday evening for our 5:00 PM Song, Word, and Sacrament service or Sunday morning for our 9:30 AM Prayer, Praise, and Thanksgiving service. Holy Communion will be celebrated at both services.


Sunday Services

On YouTube

Our current and previous Sunday Worship Service videos will be available on the Lord Of Life YouTube website. Links are below to both the Lord Of Life YouTube website and Facebook page.

View Church Service on YouTube - Click Here

 Find Information On Facebook - Click Here

Live-Stream Service
On YouTube

There will be a live-stream of our Sunday 9:30 AM service. You are welcome to use the link below for access to the live-stream service when it is broadcast. As a reminder, the Lord of Life YouTube channel can be found at this link:


Links to prior issues:

October 1, 2023 - Click Here

(Links to past LifeLines after September 17, 2021 can be found in the above edition in the "Missed A LifeLines?" section.)

September 17, 2021 Click Here

(The September 17th issue contains links to all previous issues from April 3, 2020 through September 3, 2021.)

Coffee Hour Fellowship

Every Sunday

Join us for Coffee Hour every Sunday following the 9:30 AM service. Be with us in Fellowship Hall to socialize, catch up with church friends, enjoy some treats, and, of course, sip our "heavenly" coffee!

From The Pastor's Desk:

Back in August, I did something different for me. Looking ahead at the busy fall schedule for Church and schools and homeownership, across my desk came an opportunity to sign up for a Women's Retreat at the Lutheran-Episcopal camp in NJ - and I signed up. The main reason I went was to gather new ideas for leading adult education hours. The theme was "Breathe" which I thought would be, at best, nice. I could find 37 hours away, I thought (Friday from 5:00 PM to Sunday 6:00 AM, and get back in time for worship). Everything about it sounded... okay. Doable.

Little did I know! Another LoL member joined me, and we entered into what was truly a holy space and time. It wasn't that any activity was mindblowing, nor any moment was transformative. But being away, intentionally, with about 30 other women, was utterly unique and restorative. As the hours went by, our group became more and more open; as we talked together about what "breath" means, the depth of what we were encountering became illuminating and inspiring. 

Our world doesn't make much room for experiences like these. Sometimes it seems that the way things are is the only way they can be; and sometimes it seems if we step away and let go, that things will fall apart without us. Neither of these is true, but the only way to find that out is to truly step away, out of our comfort zone, into another place and time.  

God's people have always done this, whether entering the Sanctuary or gathering away from the world's pressures. As we move through the holiday build-ups of November and December, I invite you to take time away. Have coffee with a friend; create a meditation zone in your home; go for a walk in the woods; find a great Bible podcast or book. Give yourself room to experience space and to encounter grace.  

Psalm 23 says, "Surely, grace and mercy will follow me" - though a clearer translation is that "grace and mercy will chase after me." So - stop; slow down, let God's grace catch up with you and remind you to breathe in, and out, and in again. May you be found by grace; may you arrange for yourself some time "away;" and may you, like me, return to this full world with a fuller heart, mind, and soul.


Pastor Wendolyn

A Request For Information:

Parents and grandparents, tell us about your children's or grandchildren's game schedules, recitals, school plays, etc. Just email the information to me at: [email protected]

Contacting Pastor Wendolyn:

The Lord of Life website has information on contacting Pastor. Just click on the link provided below to access the site.

Contacting Pastor - Click Here


Pastor's Contact Information:

Office Hours: Sundays, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Cell phone: 609-286-4533 - available 24/7 though I do not answer while driving or visiting.

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: "Friend" me at Wen Trozzo or join me at @PastorWendolyn

Instagram: Wendofish

All Saints Service


November 4th

At 5:00 PM

We will remember all our departed loved ones during this special Saturday night service on November 4th. Also, we will celebrate those who were baptized, received their First Communion, and were confirmed this past year.

New Member Welcome

During The 9:30 AM

Sunday Service

November 5th

Be with us as we officially bring new members into our Lord of Life church family during the church service. All are welcome!

Tuesday Morning

Prayer Meeting

Tuesday, November 7th At 9:00 AM

Join us for a brief time (20-30 minutes) of guided prayer, which will be led by Pastor Wendolyn. Future sessions will be held at 9:00 AM on the first Tuesday of every month. We will have a different theme/prayer focus each month and will also pray through the Lord of Life prayer list.

Adult Bible Studies - Two Different Opportunities:

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

November 1st, 8th, And 15th

At 10:00 AM

We will be looking at the life of King David and the Psalms that our Bible says are "of David." Find out how this shepherd boy became a palace musician and went from downing Goliath to hiding in caves to leading his nation. We will meet 3 times, on Wednesday, November 1st, 8th, and 15th.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study

November 1st And 8th

6:00 PM Dinner

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Study

An Inter-generational Faith Experience Called,

"Jesus' Travel Team"

We will have dinner together and think about how Jesus led his "Team" to "Victory" - and how we can affect our teams (the groups we are a part of) to be great together! Jesus and the disciples found a new way of being in the world, and we can, too. Join "Jesus' Travel Team" this November!

Hymns Of Praise Service

Sunday, November 19th

9:30 AM

This special service will be centered around hymns and songs of the church year. Background about each will be shared as well as some information about the composers. If anyone would like a specific hymn or song that they would like incorporated into the service, please e-mail Rick Krause or write your request on a piece of paper and give it Rick when you see him in church.  Have your requests to Rick as soon as possible. Not all requests can be used, but certainly some will be.

To Email Rick - Click Here

Medford Area 

Community Thanksgiving Service

And Pie Social

At Lord Of Life

With Interfaith-RISE

Sunday, November 19th,

At 4:00 PM

On the first Thanksgiving, immigrants were welcomed onto this soil. This year, we celebrate the blessings of welcome, hospitality, and the joy of giving thanks TOGETHER. Lord of LIfe will host this joyous gathering! (A link to view the flyer is below.)

I-RISE (Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Settlement ministry) will celebrate with us and share their ministry of welcoming people to this land -- modern-day Thanksgivings! We will collect new or gently-used blankets (size: twin-Queen) and have a freewill offering for I-RISE.  

PIE IS PROVIDED! Come and meet some of the people who have been welcomed by I-RISE, and enjoy a time "as American as apple pie."

To View To Flyer - Click Here 

Greening Of The Church

Sunday, November 26th

At 10:30 AM

Join us after the church service to help decorate the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall as we get ready for Advent and Christmas. Christmas trees, garland, and other ornamentations will be put in place. It is a joyous event in which both young and old can participate!

Our Stewardship drive for 2024 has begun! All church members should have received two mailings giving all the details about this year's campaign. The second mailing contained a blue Time and Talents (T & T) questionnaire card and an Estimate of Sharing (EOS) card with a puzzle piece attached. When all the puzzle pieces are put together, a beautiful picture of our congregation will appear!

Please return both enclosures by Sunday, November 12th.

If you did not receive the mailings, please let the church office know. Additional EOS cards and T & T cards are available in the Narthex. You can return your EOS cards and T & T cards by mailing them to the church or by placing them in the Stewardship box in the Narthex.

It is critical that we receive 100% of the EOS cards and T & T cards. Without church member support, fulfilling our mission at Lord of Life is not possible. Each and every one of us counts! To emphasize the importance of receiving all of the EOS cards (even if you are unable to pledge at this time) generous donors have stepped forward to donate $1,000 when ALL of the cards are returned. Thank you in advance!

Pastor Wendolyn standing next to our Stewardship table in the Narthex holding an EOS card with a puzzle piece attached. On the table is the drop-box for returning EOS cards and T & T sheets. Our in-progress puzzle can also be seen on the table to the right.

Sign Up!

Lord of Life

"Welcoming All"

Lawn Signs Available

The Discipleship, Evangelism, and Communications Committee (DECC) has purchased brand new yard signs for a community outreach initiative! Please feel free to take one to display in your front yard, inviting all in your neighborhood to join us at Lord of Life. 

There is no cost to you for the signs, but a free-will offering will be welcome if you would like to contribute. We simply ask that the signs be returned to the church when you have finished displaying them as they can be used again in the future. Thank you for helping spread a warm welcome to our community!

If your have any questions about the initiative, contact Cynthia Tait. A link to her email is below.

To Email Cynthia - Click Here

Advent Family Night

Sunday, December 3rd,

At 4:00 PM

Advent FAMILY Night will be held this year on December 3rd beginning at 4:00 PM. Plan to join us (whether you are a family of 1 or 6) for a fun evening starting with a short play in the sanctuary by our youth and then continuing in Fellowship Hall where we will make several crafts. Crafts will be on display in the next week or two together with a sign up sheet. Please make sure you sign up so we can have enough supplies for each craft.

Admission is a plate of cookies, brownies, or your favorite dessert.

Nominations For

Church Council

Are Now Open

Help Wanted! The nominating committee, in accordance with the church Bylaws, is now seeking volunteers willing to accept nominations for various Council positions which include officers and ministry liaison leads. These are 2 year term positions, but occasionally people may leave early due to personal reasons.

What does Council do? Well there would not be a church without Council lay leadership, which attends to both the ministry and business needs of the church along with our Pastor, so these are very important positions to fill. Meetings are once a month, although there is usually some required tasks or actions between the meetings.

If you are interested in serving on Council or need more information, please speak to any of the following nominating committee members: Ed Hourihan, Linda Baechler, or Nancy DiYenno.

Please prayerfully consider what time/talent you can provide to this critical area of church leadership.

Bible, Faith, & Fellowship

(Age 3 - 4th Grade)

All children ages 3 to 4th grade are invited to join us at Bible, Faith, & Fellowship. Children will attend the first part of our Sunday morning 9:30 AM. Following the children's sermon, the group will leave the Sanctuary for Christian learning and other BFF activities. Friends are always welcome!


Youth Group

(Grades 6-12)

Sunday, November 12th, 4:00 PM


Sunday, November 26th, 4:00 PM

Our Lord of Life Youth Group will be having a scavenger hunt at the Moorestown Mall on Sunday, November 12th. The Sunday, November 26th gathering will be at Pastor Wendolyn's house for some fun board games. All youth grades 6 to 12 are invited to attend. Friends are always welcome.


Confirmation Classes

Sunday, November 5th, At 4:00 PM


Sunday, November 19th, At 4:00 PM


Nursery Volunteers

Sign Up

On the third Sunday of each month, Lord Of Life will be having a "staffed" nursery during our 9:30 AM Sunday church service. We need to have 2 persons for each date. Orientation training will be provided prior to your first assigned date. If you are able to help, sign up by contacting Breanne.

If you have questions about Youth Ministry or would like to volunteer as a BFF teacher or in any other program, please contact Breanne Tomlinson. A link to her email is below.

To Email Breanne - Click Here

News From Janell Reich

Wiley Ministry

November 2nd

Visit Cancelled

Due to an outbreak of Covid-19 among the residents, our planned visit to Wiley has been cancelled. We will announce when the facility can have us join them again.

(On the first Thursday of each month, Lord Of Life presents a program, Songs Of Joy and Scriptures, to the Wiley residents in Marlton. If you would like to participate by either singing, playing an instrument, doing a scripture reading, handing out song sheets, or just being there to greet the residents, please contact Janell Reich or Sue Dreisbach. You do not have to commit to every month. Please consider joining us to bring joy to Wiley!)

To Email Sue - Click Here


Time For Talents

Friday, November 3rd,

At 10:00 AM

Join us for a time of creativity and fellowship! A variety of Thanksgiving themed projects will be available which include: leaf printing, decoupage, and shell painting. The photo shows samples of completed projects. All materials will be provided. Friends are always welcome! Contact Janell if you have any questions.


Stone Soup

Monday, November 6th

At 10:00 AM

Come join the fun! We will be making two large pots of soup together at Lord of Life, one chicken noodle and the other vegetable. You are asked to sign up on the sheet posted to the bulletin board to bring some vegetables.

We’ll enjoy time together as we chop the ingredients and add them to the broth. When it’s soup, we’ll eat together, put some in the freezer for Soup Ministry and take some home. You can even take some to share some with a neighbor.

It will be a time of fellowship and service. Friends are always welcome. Please contact Janell Reich if you have any questions.


Lunch Bunch

Wednesday, November 8th,

At 12:30 PM

Shamong Diner, Rt. 206

The November Lunch Bunch meal will be at the Shamong Diner on Rt. 206. Come and enjoy some wonderful food and fellowship. All are welcome: women, men, family, and friends! A sign up sheet is on the church bulletin board in the Narthex. Contact Barbara Wagner if you have any questions. A link to her email is below.

To Email Barbara - Click Here


Book Club

Tuesday, November 14th,

At 1:00 PM

Extremely Loud And

Incredibly Close

By Jonathan Safran Foer

This is a funny, uplifting novel about a boy's journey through New York in the aftermath of September 11th. Nine-year-old Oskar Schell embarks on an urgent, secret mission that will take him through the five boroughs of New York. His goal is to find the lock that matches a mysterious key that belonged to his father, who died in the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11th. This seemingly impossible task will bring Oskar into contact with survivors of all sorts of an exhilarating, affecting, often hilarious, and ultimately healing journey. With humor, tenderness, and awe, Jonathan Safran Foer confronts the traumas of our country's difficult history.


People Enjoying People


Thursday, November 16th,

At Noon

Give Thanks and THE ANNUAL GIVING TREE TAG CONSTRUCTION will be our focus for the November PEP gathering.  Sign up on the bulletin board if you will be attending.


Devotion And Walk

Tuesday, November 28th,

At 1:30 PM

Arney's Mount Park

150 Juliustown Rd, Columbus

(Weather Permitting!)

Join us for a brief devotion and picturesque walk. The park is located just to the east of Route 206. For more information about the park, click on the link below.

For More Information - Click Here

Blanket Service Project
Barbara Urban is supplying us with a new batch of knitted squares for making blankets. Once completed, they will be given to residents at Wiley. The squares will be available at the church beginning next week for you to pick up and put together. If you have any questions, contact Janell.
Monday Message:
Sign Up!

Each Monday, Janell is emailing weekly encouraging messages. If you would like to receive them, please contact Janell.
If you have questions about Adult Ministry, please contact the Adult Ministry Director, Janell Reich. A link to her email is below.

"Stepping-stones To Health"

At Lord Of Life:

Strong Bones And Balance Fitness Program

Tuesday, November 14th

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Join us at our next program offering, Strong Bones and Balance Fitness, which meets in Fellowship Hall. This video class is open to all ages, with exercises that can be adjusted for nearly any ability level. Come as you are in comfortable clothes.

If you have questions, please get in touch with Cynthia Tait by email [email protected] or phone 602-708-6997.

Quilt Ministry

Thursday, November 9th

At 10:00 AM

The November meeting of the Quilters will be on Thursday, November 9th at 10:00 AM in Fellowship Hall. We will be working on a variety of tasks such as sorting fabric, making quilt kits, and tying quilts. Another purchase of batting has just been done using a donation from Thrivent. Thank you Thrivent for your support!


Quilt Ministry is open to everyone! There are many simple tasks that you can do.

There are simple jobs that anyone can do. They are:

Sort donated material.

Cut squares of material, pieces of batting or backing.

Put 48 squares together to make a kit.

Sew 48 squares together.

Pin a quilt top, batting, backing together.

Tie a quilt together.

Sew the edge of a quilt.

Gloria Brosious leads our group and will provide instruction. Hope to see you on the 9th!

To Email Gloria - Click Here

Leftover Halloween Candy

Women's Ministry is collecting any leftover Halloween candy that will be used to make goodie bags for Bridge of Peace children. If you have any to donate, place it in the kitchen labeled "BOP Betty Mastrillo." All donations are greatly appreciated.

Other Goodies Collection

Also, we will be collecting granola bars, fruit bars, fruit snacks, fruit pouches, etc. These can also be placed in the kitchen labeled "BOP Betty Mastrillo."

Christmas Dinner

For Bridge Of Peace

Women's Ministry will be providing a Christmas Dinner for the Bridge of Peace children in December. Details will be forthcoming, but if you can help with this event, please let Betty Mastrillo know as soon as possible.

Save The Date!

Women's Christmas Gathering

Friday, December 8th, At 6:00 PM

Our annual Women's Christmas gathering will be held on Friday, December 8th at 6:00 Fellowship Hall. We hope you will be able to join us for some food, fellowship, and fun. Watch for more information in emails and the December LifeLines. 

To Email Betty - Click Here


Adult Ukulele Group

Monday, November 13th


Monday, November 20th

At 1:30 PM

Playing ukulele is easy and fun. And that’s what this group is, a fun time to learn and play easy music together.

If you would like to join us, we still have a couple of ukuleles available. We will be playing at Lord of Life's All Saints Service, 5:00 PM Saturday, November 4th and Christ the King Sunday, 9:30 AM service, on Sunday, November 26th.

Please contact Janell Reich for more information.

To Email Janell - Click Here

Holy Eucharist Ministry

Any church member who is unable to be at our services and would like to receive Holy Communion at their home should contact either the church office (609-268-0262) or Penny Miller (609-726-1698). A time for visit will then be planned.

Soup Ministry

If you make a meal or soup and have leftovers, please consider donating them. We are asking you to store food in a disposable deli container, label the contents, and place it in the large, upright freezer in the church kitchen which is located next to the stove. The food will be distributed to those of the congregation who are in need. Please contact Bettie Lohman or Barbara Ma with names of folks who could use a delivery.

Summary Of The Lutheran World Federation's

13th Assembly

The Lutheran World Federation's (LWF) 13th Assembly was held during the month of September in Krakow, Poland. LWF is a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world. It strives to put our Christian faith into action through humanitarian and development work, advocacy, shared witness, and dialogue.

The two links below summarize the happenings at the 13th Assembly and provide you a view of the LWF's goals and accomplishments.

To Learn More - Click Here

Meet The New LWF President - Click Here

Thanksgiving Baskets


For The

Christian Caring Center


Sunday, November 12th

The annual collection of food stuffs for our Thanksgiving food donation to the Christian Caring Center will end on Sunday, November 12thBags for your food donation are in the Narthex. The list of items needed are below (Cans with pop tops are best!):

Acme Gift Cards (For Purchasing Turkeys)


Instant Potatoes


Cranberry Sauce

Canned Vegetables

Canned Fruit

Canned Soup


Healthy Snacks


Christmas Collections For

The Christian Caring Center


Bridge Of Peace

The Giving Tree will go up with gift tags on Saturday, November 18th. Sunday, December 10th is the last day for gift collection. Gifts will benefit those served by Christian Caring Center.

We will also collect gifts for Bridge of Peace. We usually give them $500.00 to buy gift cards for the families and collect hats, mittens, and gloves for them. We also make up goody bags for them filled with candy, granola or fruit bars, and fruit snacks.

Christian Caring Center

Code Blue Needs

As winter approaches, many clients of the Christian Caring Center find themselves facing the difficulty of dealing with frigid temperatures. To help them, the Center has instituted a winter Code Blue program. They are in need of the items listed below. Any donation would be greatly appreciated.

General Needs:

Coffee Pots

Coffee, Sugar, Powdered Creamer, Hot Cocoa Supplies

Paper Plates & Cups And Utensil Supplies

Bottled Water, Juices, Packaged Snacks

For Shelter Clients:

Journals, Pens, Stamps, Envelopes

Razors, Socks, Reading Glasses

Puzzels, Magazines, Books

Gloves, Hats, Sweatshirts, Sweat Pants

General Hygiene Supplies, Feminine Hygiene Supplies

Ongoing Collection For

The Christian Caring Center


Bridge Of Peace

Please drop off your items for both the Christian Caring Center and Bridge Of Peace into the appropriate shopping cart located in the church entry hallway. Thank you in advance for your generosity!


Needs List For Bridge Of Peace Food Pantry

The food pantry at BOP could use several items that are currently in low supply. Here is the list of these groceries. Donations can be placed in the shopping cart in the church entryway.

Peanut Butter

Canned Tomato Sauce

Canned Fruit

Boxed Pasta

Boxed Macaroni And Cheese

Helping Hands Ministry

Wednesday, November 29th,

At 9:00 AM

(Sandwiches For The Christian Caring Center)

Helping Hands is a monthly ministry to make sandwiches for the homeless served by Christian Caring Center. It meets the last Wednesday of each month. We form an assembly line and make about 200 sandwiches in an hour. Jobs are easy – putting meat and cheese on a roll, placing sandwiches in a baggie, counting the sandwiches, and putting them in a grocery bag. Everyone gets a small, easy task and a lot gets done quickly while we share some time together. We keep everyone safe by wearing gloves and masks, spacing ourselves, and venting the room. All are invited to join us! If you have any questions, please contact Janell Reich.

Christian Caring Center News

The Christian Caring Center publishes a newsletter for all to read. The link below can be used to access its most recent edition (August 2023).

To Read The August 2023 Newsletter - Click Here

National Lutheran Choir

Free, Virtual

All Saints Concert

Sunday, November 5th,

At 5:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Below is link for information about the National Lutheran Choir's upcoming All Saints Concert. The livestream is FREE and open to all. Join us online for the concert livestream to watch from the comfort of your own home.

For Concert Information - Click Here 

To listen to the concert, navigate to the homepage (Use the link below.) as the concert is starting and click play on the video box to tune in! The time on the website is Central Time. Eastern time is one hour later.

To Listen - Click Here 

This livestream is free to all; no purchase is required to watch. 

The National Lutheran Choir is rooted in its mission to celebrate, invigorate, and expand sacred choral music, bringing inspiration and meaning to people of diverse faiths and backgrounds.

Founded in 1986 by the late Larry Fleming, grown under the direction of David Cherwien from 2002-2023, and now led by Jennaya Robison, the National Lutheran Choir sings a spiritual story through a diverse repertoire including selections from early chant and simple folk anthems to complex choral masterworks and new compositions. Currently in its 38th year, the National Lutheran Choir features a roster of more than 65 volunteer singers from various backgrounds and faith traditions.

Wednesdays Away:

(Next 2 Sessions: November 1st And December 6th)

Wednesdays Away is a time of spiritual renewal hosted by Cross Roads throughout the year. The sessions include prayer and conversation, led by a spiritual director and focusing on a different spiritual practice or theme each month. These retreats are open to all people interested in exploring new faith practices. Attend one or attend all—and be sure to invite friends to join you.

Learn more and register at:

Summer Staff Applications Being Accepted:

Cross Roads in now accepting applications for summer 2024 staff positions. There are a variety of jobs available. To learn more and apply, click on the link below.

For Summer Staff Positions - Click Here

Free Covid Test Kits Available

As of September 25th, every US household can again receive four free COVID-19 rapid tests, which are delivered directly to your home. COVID rapid tests can help you know if you have COVID-19 when you have symptoms, have been exposed, or are going to meet up with others. Click on the link below to order your test kits.

To Order - Click Here

Continuing Your Contributions:
Your continuing financial support is essential to maintain the Ministries of Lord Of Life. Offerings are being collected at all church services. If you are still not attending services at our church building, your contribution can be mailed to the church (1 Winchester Court, Tabernacle, NJ 08088). Both Simply Giving and remain in place for all to use. 
Something new has been added to make it easier for you to contribute to Lord of Life using your cell phone! Simply scan the QR code below with your cell phone, and you will be able to make a donation using
(More information about these electronic ways to contribute can be found on the church's website. The link is below.)

******** Options

Using on your cell phone has a new added feature. You are now able to pick a particular fund for your contribution to Lord of Life. The photo below shows the catagories of giving. We will update what appears on the list if a new catagory comes about or if one ends.

Assignments To Ministries

Each Council member is designated to lead a specific Church Ministry. Congregation members with concerns, ideas, or who would like to be more involved with a particular aspect of church life, should reach out to the specific Council member assigned to that Ministry.

Property – Craig Baechler

Worship & Music – Barbara Wagner

Pastoral Care & Nurturing – Penny Miller

Support (Finance/Stewardship) - Bill Reich

Discipleship/Evangelism/Communications – Cynthia Tait

Learning 1 (Grace Place) – Merle Brown

Learning 2 (Church Proper) – Tammy Miller

We are Family – Jim Ernst

Photos From October Events

At Lord Of Life

Lunch Bunch

Wednesday, October 18th

Gutes Essen und Gemutlichkeit! Our group enjoyed food and fellowship at Sebastian's in Wrightstown.

Schulmerich Bell Factory Tour

Tuesday, October 24th

Rick Krause, Ed and Lu Hourihan, along with 7 members of Prince of Peace church, visited the Schulmerich hand bell factory in Hatfield, PA for a 1 hour tour. The Lord of Life hand bells were purchased from this company and are still used by the hand bell choir. The company was founded in1935. Initially most of its business was fabricating, tuning, and delivering new sets of hand bells and melody chimes. Currently most of the business is refurbishing sets (replacing worn parts, cleaning, and tuning). However, new orders are still being produced. The tour covered the manufacturing process starting with the receipt of the raw cast bells and chimes, through cutting them on a metal lathe, polishing, fine tuning, all the way to packing and shipping. Also demonstrated was the refurbishment process. All in all it was a very interesting and insightful tour. You can get more information by clicking on the link below. If you look, you will see these bells are expensive, but they sound beautiful when our hand bell choir plays for us!

To Visit The Website - Click Here

Helping Hands

Wednesday, October 25th

212 sandwiches were made by our team for the Christian Caring Center. We wish to thank Thrivent for sponsoring this month's Helping Hands!

QPR Training

Wednesday, October 25th

Lord of Life hosted Question, Persuade, Refer training to church members. This valuable tool can help prevent suicide and save lives.

PEP Tailgate Party

Thursday, October 26th

Many favorite teams were represented as we enjoyed a wonderful time together!

Fall Clean Up Day

Saturday, October 28th

Thank you to all our members who helped with cleaning up our church property, both outside and in!

November Birthdays

Nov. 1: Tom Larson and Anna Yannessa

Nov. 2: Wesley Evans

Nov. 3: Malin Jasinski

Nov. 4: Katelyn Pummer

Nov. 5: Nick Kulina and John Lupnacca

Nov. 7: Beverly Evans and Nadia Strobl

Nov. 9: Sandy O'Neal and Noel Quinn

Nov. 11: Rita Batten and Chris Kulina

Nov. 12: Noah Bencivengo, Tina Leach, Dean Morales, Eileen Mullen, and Tracy Sander

Nov. 13: Graceanna Rogers

Nov. 14: Marge Finley, Paul Rickershauser, and Dick Schaeffer

Nov. 16: Cheryl Dennison and Winnie Grosser

Nov. 17: Athena Beneventano and Lawrence Burke

Nov. 18: Monica Hollenbeck and Justine Jacobs

Nov. 19: Tait Christianson and Jeffrey Grosser

Nov. 20: Cameron Buchler

Nov. 21: Dawn Heinrich and Marie Lamb 

Nov. 23: Joe Batten

Nov. 26: Luke Repsher

Nov. 27: Joe Snodgrass

November Wedding Anniversaries

Nov. 3: Justine & Andrew Jacobs (Celebrating 10 years!)

Nov. 7: Dawn & Bruce Heinrich, Bonnie & Paul Horner, and

Michele & Frederick Nisula

Nov. 12: Cathy & Jeffrey Shepard

Nov, 14: Marie & David Lamb

Nov. 15: Courtney & Charles Ghegan, Jr.

Nov. 18: Debbie & Mike Chromeck and

Barbara & Jim Wence (Celebrating 56 years!)

Nov. 19: Noel & Bob Quinn (Celebrating 57 years!)

Nov. 20: Cindy & Bill Keenan

November Baptismal Anniversaries

Nov. 1: Emily Miller

Nov: 2: Dan Rinck and Paul Rogers

Nov. 3: Kirsten Granfors

Nov. 4: Sheri Perkins

Nov. 7: Bonnie Rohner

Nov. 8: Chad Allen, Joshua Allen, Stacy Allen, and Fran Bubeck

Nov. 10: Jamie Wagner

Nov. 18: Massimo DeCristofaro

Nov. 19: Logan Barnes and Grace Heinold

Nov. 23: William Reich and Eric Rickershauser

Nov. 27: Rita Batten, Josephine Grosser, and Maxwell Tomlinson

From The Editor:

Our Faithful Friend:

On Monday, October 16, the Monday Message sent out by Janell Reich included a note about former Lord of Life member Barbara Knapp. I could not pass up this opportunity to tell everyone that despite living in Lancaster, PA, Barbara remains active with our church. She is a member of the Editor's review team. Each month, she receives a draft copy of the next LifeLines, reads it, and sends corrections back to me. I thank her each month, but let me offer the public thanks and recognition that she deserves now.

(The photo shows Barbara with her children Peter and Desiree.)

Time Change:

Eastern Standard returns at 2:00 AM, Sunday morning, November 5th. Remember to set your clocks back one hour before retiring on Saturday night, November 4th.

LifeLines Ending Songs:

There are three significant worship events during the month of November: All Saints Day, Thanksgiving, and Christ The King Sunday. We remember our departed loved ones; we give thanks to God for our many blessings; and we celebrate and praise our Saviour on Christ The King Sunday, which marks the last Sunday in Pentecost. Here is a song for each.

For All The Saints - Click Here

We Gather Together - Click Here

Christ Whose Glory Fills The Skies - Click Here

Next LifeLines:

The next monthly issue of LifeLines will be published on:

Friday, December 1st

Please Submit News For This Edition By Saturday,

November 25th

LifeLines is published monthy, on the first day of each month. Please submit articles for upcoming editions of the LifeLines 5 days prior to the next issue date.
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