First, gather materials for drawing a picture and find a quiet space for your group.
Start by having the children/family sit down in a comfortable place.
Say: Today we are going to imagine what it was like to be on the journey with the Wisemen, following the star to the baby Jesus. I’ll be leading us today, but I will need your help and your imagination to tell the story.
Slowly say: First let’s get comfortable. Close your eyes. Let your body relax. Take a deep breath in and out. With this next deep breath, let go of all the things bothering us today as we breathe out. And as we breathe in again, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to be with us at this time.
Start telling the story. You can tell it any way you like since it’s a familiar story or read it from a children’s Bible or storybook. Stop occasionally to ask the group for details:
Can you see the Star?
Have you ever followed a star to anywhere?
Who came to see the baby in the manger?
Where did they come from?
How did they know where they were going?
What did they bring with them? What did they say about Jesus when they found him?
You get the idea
Now ask, what did you like best about this story?
After everyone has a turn to talk, if you have time ask:
Let’s draw a picture of something from this story. Maybe the Star or the Wisemen or the night sky?
When you have finished your coloring, Thank Jesus for being our star and showing us the way. Amen