Volume 2 | January 26, 2022
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Faith Formation Findings
resources for everyday faith living
“Lifelong faith formation in the ELCA is guided by our baptismal covenant and the Holy Spirit's ongoing guidance as we live among God's faithful people, hear the word of God and share in the Lord's supper, proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed, serve all people, following the example of Jesus.
Our Synod has been invited to participate in this new way of being church and a new way of talking about our life of faith in our daily life. This month several congregations met with facilitators from the Life of Faith initiative to hear about the program and from current participants. The next step for these congregations will be to apply with the hope of starting this new journey in early spring. We are hoping to glean information to share with the whole synod as the program unfolds. More information about Life of Faith can be found on their website: https://lifeoffaith.info/
A Life of Faith Initiative
Epiphany Faith Practice:
“Practicing Gratitude”
Now that the last of our Christmas decorations are safely stored away, maybe it’s time to make an accounting of what we are truly grateful for. This might be good health, a warm house, and a full belly, or it might be your children, your friends, or your work. It’s up to you to really dig deep and find gratitude for a God who loves us so radically, delighting in our attempts to love one another and to love God!
Find a small piece of paper and write down three things for which you are grateful. I like to carry this around in my pocket so I can look at it occasionally. Once they are written down, step outside, and reach up to the sky, thanking God for these things for which you are grateful! Repeat every day or as often as you want.
Resources for all Ages
Illustrated Ministry creates accessible faith-based resources for the church and home. Our thoughtful and easy-to-use materials are designed to foster authentic faith engagement with our refreshing designs, creative activities, and intergenerational focus. We celebrate the expansive image of God in everyone, through open and inclusive language, diverse imagery, and progressive theology.”

If you are looking for something new for your community or congregation to do together, try https://www.illustratedministry.com/ Visit their website to try a free Mini Revolutions Epiphany Lesson, complete with coloring pages and activities. My congregation has used the Lent giant Coloring Pages as an activity in the Narthex before worship and during community time, using the colored pages as a backdrop for Easter. Most of their materials are digital and easy to work with, and at a fair price.

Service Opportunity: Mission at the Margins 
Our synod shares the longest border with Mexico, where most of the crisis on the border is taking place. Now is a good time to continue support to the folks who come across the border with nothing but the hope of a better future for themselves and their families.
Make these next few weeks a ‘noisy offering’ by gathering loose change to send to the synod earmarked for this great humanitarian mission. Give Now!