Interactive Science

Step into Project-Based Learning

Tea Williams focuses on the interactive elements of science in her middle school classroom at Lift For Life Academy. Ms. Williams' approach offers students the opportunity to conduct experiments and discover the magic of science through hands-on lessons. Project-Based Learning is the next big step in education; it transforms traditional teacher-led instruction into a more student-centered, outcome-focused approach — requiring students to work together as they tackle complex, real-world problems that emphasize uncertainty, fast-paced thinking, and innovative solutions.

Lift For Life Academy is starting project-based learning as early as elementary school through the “Our Planet” program. As part of “Our Planet” classes, LFLA has a robust, overflowing garden of vegetables and a coop full of chickens.  Ms. Rachel Hazen teaches students from kindergarten through 4th grade how our planet Earth works to create and sustain life; how to harvest vegetables like ears of corn, peppers, and tomatoes from LFLA gardens; and how to collect the eggs from our chickens. Using these crops, students in 2nd grade followed a recipe to create “egg muffins.” Through lessons like this, Ms. Hazen is teaching students how to make more connections with the world around them, generating a deep understanding of — and appreciation for — science.



Beyond Traditional

Gym Classes

Through a partnership with RiverCity Outdoors, Coach Amanda Prough and Coach Jazmyne Coleman have been taking their middle school PE students out of the gym and on to the water! Over the past two weeks, students have taken field trips to the Forest Park Boathouse to paddle boat, canoe, kayak, and use stand-up paddle boards. Coach Prough said, “The students are enjoying it a thousand times more than I thought they would.” 

Couch Prough and Coach Coleman have arranged for 6 weeks of field trips on Thursdays and Fridays with RiverCity Outdoors.  The lessons are starting with all types of watercraft and then will expand to more outdoor activities, showing our students that learning doesn’t just happen within the walls of a classroom. 

Students are learning more than outdoor skills from this boat house experience; they are also learning that canoeing builds teamwork, one of the key principles that the coaches try to impart in their gym classes. Putting students in a canoe and teaching them how to paddle together helped them experience the importance of communicating and cooperating to achieve a common goal.

Students are taking their newfound love of water sports home with them, too. One student said that he had brought his mom to the boat house over the weekend to use the paddle boats because he wanted to share the experience with her.

Our growing music program is in need of instruments! 

We are asking for donations of new or lightly used instruments!

To donate, please contact Claire Deane

[email protected]     314.231.2337 x125

Hawks Dominating the Field and the Courts this Fall

Life For Life Academy Football and Volleyball are off to historic program starts! Our Hawks Football team is 3-1 this season, the best start in the program's 13-year history, while our Lady Hawks Volleyball team is 8-1. 

Coaches and players from both teams shared what they think is the key to their winning seasons

Click Here to Read All About It!
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Scott R. Dolan


Tami Fernandez

Vice President

Kate Hatfield 


Brian Liberman


Ernest K. (Ernie) Banks

Dennis Cope

Sheila Gurley, Ed.S.

Beau Herndon

Mary Jo Liberstein, Ph.D. 

Mark Schweiss

Debbie Champion Snyder

Steven M. Stone

Gina Wischmeyer



Tami Fernandez


Todd Taylor

Vice President

Scott Dolan


Erich Thurmann


Marshall Cohen

Susan Goldberg

Marylen Mann

Dr. Katrice Noble

Carol Staenberg



Marshall Faulk

Carla Scissors-Cohen


In Memory of John Mann


Marshall Cohen


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