Dear Friend and Prospective Partner in Ministry,

Light for the darkness, formerly Caritas/2MIPeople, is a mental health ministry of Giddings-Lovejoy. We try to bring the light of Christ into the darkness of mental illness. We believe and live John 1:5: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” We facilitate groups where people with mental illness connect, expand spiritually and heal. Currently, we facilitate two weekly groups, one at the Independence Center and one at the St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center. We would like to add two more weekly groups in 2020, one for members of the Presbytery and one for the general public. The group offered to members of the Presbytery churches would allow more anonymity than a group within their church and a safe space to explore their faith while in the darkness without fear of judgment. Lastly, we would like to publish the group resources materials, especially for churches in rural areas to have the resource who feel called to provide spiritual and emotional care for those who may not otherwise receive it due to geographical distance or lack of available resources.

The Darkness: 1 in 5 people in the U.S. lives with mental illness; it increases to 1 in 4 for 18-25 year olds. Mental illness is the leading cause of disability and number one reason for hospital admission for those under 45. Those are statistics, but we all know someone who struggles with mental health—this is personal. For me it’s very personal; I was on mental health disability just two and a half years ago for Major Depressive Disorder mixed with PTSD. I understand the darkness, which is something the group members appreciate. I am well now and thriving, beginning my doctorate in ministry focusing on Pastoral Care and Counseling in January. I know that it takes more than just meds or just prayer to find health; faith and spiritual connection are huge! Help me foster that healing faith for others.

The Light: The Mental Health Services Administration identified 8 dimensions of wellness that contribute to mental health. The spiritual dimension is one of the 8 dimensions, and we also incorporate the intellectual and social dimensions of wellness in our groups, too. We offer a place for people to connect, to be heard, and to explore their spirituality—a place where God can meet them in the midst of their life and their illness, a safe place to ask the questions about their faith and struggles. What I love about these groups is that they meet even without a facilitator. We have created something they don’t want to miss.

Currently we are only funded through 2019. We need to raise $30,000 to fund the ministry for 2020. This would include supporting four groups and caring and connecting for the group members as necessary during the in between times. It would also support the publishing of our group materials for other groups to use locally and nationally. We have an anonymous donor who will match your donation up to $15,000! Would you partner with us in bringing Light into the darkness? This will give you an idea of how your support will help: $50—discipleship materials for groups for two months, $150—preparation, facilitation, and pastoral care for one group, $600—a week of ministry, $2500—a month of ministry.

Please write checks to Giddings-Lovejoy with the memo of Light.

With Gratitude,
Rev. Thirza Sayers , servant leader
Light for the darkness or 404.313.4549