January 6, 2021
Light in the Darkness
An Epiphany Call to Prayer for Our Nation
by Bishop Peggy A. Johnson
We celebrate January 6th as the Day of Epiphany, Three Kings Day, as we remember the Wise Men visiting the Christ Child. It begins the Christian season of Epiphany in our church year, which emphasizes the spreading of light and mission throughout the world.
As we gaze at the unthinkable scene of lawless turmoil in our nation’s capital today, with protestors breaking into the U.S. Capitol, this is a moment mired in darkness and grief. Our cherished democracy is being threatened.
I call the people of the Eastern Pennsylvania and Peninsula Delaware conferences to join in solidarity with our colleagues in the Baltimore-Washington Conference by lighting candles and placing them in your windows. May your peaceful witness in this and other ways be a reminder that light dispels darkness, good triumphs over evil, and truth overcomes falsehood.
God is with us during this national crisis. Please be in individual and collective prayer for our country tonight and in the weeks to come.