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Care amiche e cari amici dell'Italia,

di seguito troverete gli eventi del mese di Agosto e altre informazioni dal Consolato e dall'Italia.

Buona lettura! 


Arnaldo Minuti

Console Generale 


* * *


Dear friends of Italy,

Here are the events for the month of August and other information from the Consulate and from Italy.


Arnaldo Minuti

Consul General

Ricordatevi di consultare sempre il nostro sito web e i nostri social media

Facebook - Twitter - Instagram per importanti informazioni e aggiornamenti sulle nostre attivita'.

Please be sure to visit our website and our social media

Facebook - Twitter - Instagram for important information and updates on our latest activities.

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Sunday, August 6 | 11 AM to 4.30 PM |Granite State Minerals|227 Market Street |Portsmouth, NH

Echoes of joy and heritage, Laughter and Legacy: A Spirited Day Celebrating the Hearthbeat of History and Tradition!

Wednesday, August 23 | 5:30 PM |North End Public Library|25 Parmenter Street|Boston, MA

"Sacco and Vanzetti Dairy', A docudrama by David Rothauser

Highlights del mese precedente

Presentazione del libro “The Eternal City: Recipes and stories from Rome”

Boston,6 Luglio 2023

Presentazione del libro “The Eternal City: Recipes and stories from Rome” con l’autrice Maria Pasquale in conversazione con Stephen Oddo alla libreria IAMbooks nel North End. Grazie per la splendida serata!

Presentation of the book "The Eternal City: Recipes and stories from Rome" with author Maria Pasquale in conversation with Stephen Oddo at IAmbooks bookstore in the North End. Thank you for a lovely evening!

Welcome to Boston FREMM Virginio Fasan

Boston, 11-13 Luglio 2023

Benvenuta a Boston alla Virginio Fasan, comandata dal Capitano di Fregata Fabio Casamassima. La FREMM (FRegata Europea Multi Missione) sta svolgendo un'esercitazione militare nell'Oceano Atlantico con il gruppo portaerei USS Eisenhower della US Navy. Orgogliosi di questo esempio di collaborazione tra Italia e Stati Uniti!

Welcome to Boston to the Frigate “Virginio Fasan”, commanded by Captain Fabio Casamassima. The Virginio Fasan is conducting a military exercise in the Atlantic Ocean with the US Navy's USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier group. A proud example of collaboration between Italy and the United States!

Premio "Buona Cucina" all'executive chef Dante Bellucci

Waltham, 27 Luglio 2023

Accademia Italiana della Cucina. Tanti complimenti all’executive chef Dante Bellucci del ristorante Vinotta a Waltham riconosciuto con il Premio “Buona Cucina” dalla Delegazione di Boston dell’Accademia, coordinata dal Delegato Enrico Vietri.

Cucina italiana di eccellenza nella Greater Boston.

Congratulations to executive chef Dante Bellucci of Vinotta Restaurant in Waltham, recognized with the “Buona Cucina” Award from the Academy’s Boston Delegation, coordinated by Delegate Enrico Vietri. Excellent Italian cuisine in Greater Boston.

Incontro con la rappresentanza di Boston della AJC

Boston, 28 Luglio 2023

Incontro con la rappresentanza di Boston della AJC (American Jewish Committee). Riflessioni su futuri progetti comuni.

Meeting with Boston representation of AJC (American Jewish Committee). Reflections on future joint projects.

Bacheca Consolare

Borse di studio per esperienze formative in Italia

Click here for more info

Grandi Eventi Sportivi in Italia


Abruzzo: la costa dei Trabocchi, le vie del vino


Valdobbiadene, Montebelluna, Caorle


Survey dedicata ai ricercatori italiani negli Stati Uniti

Per saperne di piu'
Dove compilare il sondaggio

Nuovo sito web del Comites

Link to the Website

Il Sottosegretario Di Stato Del Maeci Maria Tripodi Introduce La Guida Eduitalia-Study In Italy 2023

Download the full 2023 guide

Every last Sunday of the month | 4-7:00PM | Dante Alighieri Society|41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge

Caffe' Dante

Italian News Clicks

More information

Italian Classes at Passport to Languages

Click here for more info

Burlington Sons of Italy Lodge 2023

Burlington Sons of Italy Italian Language Classes

Would you like to learn to speak Italian?

For over the past 20 years, the Burlington Sons of Italy Lodge 2223 has been offering two 12-week semesters of Italian Language Classes annually. The 12 weeks of highly acclaimed classes are offered at six different learning levels from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced. There is something for everyone no matter the experience level. Further, the classes are taught by professional Italian teachers from academia.
The classes are especially aimed at those who have no Italian language experience and two beginner levels are offered. Then for those with a smattering of Italian language expertise and are planning a trip to Italy in the near future and need to sharpen their skills, there are two intermediate levels and they are a perfect fit for such travel. Finally the advanced levels are for those who want to go beyond.
Click here for more info

Editorial Staff of the Newsletter: Antonio Talarico
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Gli Uffici ricevono solo su appuntamento.


At this time all Consular services must be booked by appointment.