February 2022
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Cari italiani e amici dell’Italia,
di seguito troverete gli eventi del mese di febbraio.

Buona lettura a tutti!

Federica Sereni
Console Generale

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Dear Italians and Friends of Italy,
Here are the events for the month of February.


Federica Sereni
Consul General
Ricordatevi di consultare sempre il nostro sito web www.consboston.esteri.it e i nostri social media Facebook - Twitter - Instagram per importanti informazioni e aggiornamenti sulle nostre attivita'.

Please be sure to visit our website www.consboston.esteri.it and our social media Facebook - Twitter - Instagram for important information and updates on our latest activities.
Thursday, February 3 | 7:00PM | Zoom Webinar
The Italian Table: Food, Stories and Traditions
Saturday, February 12 | 2:30 & 8:00 PM | First Church in Cambridge, Congregational, 11 Garden Street, Cambridge
Presenting Un petrarchino cantato, Petrarch's Canzoniere in song
Blue Heron is a professional early music and Renaissance vocal ensemble now in its 23rd season. Acclaimed by The Boston Globe as “one of the Boston music community’s indispensables” and hailed by Alex Ross in The New Yorker for its “expressive intensity,” Blue Heron is considered the finest of its kind in North America. Feel free to visit www.blueheron.org for more information.

On February 12, 2022, we are presenting Un petrarchino cantato, Petrarch's Canzoniere in song. The program is a musical valentine of 16th-century madrigals setting poetry by Petrarch. Petrarch beheld a lovely young woman, Laura, and was instantly pierced through by love at once carnal and spiritual. His love for Laura would obsess, torment, and inspire him until her death from the plague in 1348 and beyond, for the rest of Petrarch’s life, shaping his work and the very meaning of his existence. Petratch's Canzoniere reigned through centuries to ultimately inspire some of the most expressive, beautifully crafted, and emotionally powerful music of the sixteenth century. Music by Arcadelt, Willaert, de Rore, Wert, Marenzio & others is exquisitely presented by six Blue Heron musicians, with dramatic recitation of poems and other writings in Italian by Alessandro Quarta (https://www.blueheron.org/about-us/musicians/alessandro-quarta/) and in English translation by Jade Guerra (https://www.blueheron.org/about-us/musicians/jade-guerra/). 
Saturday, February 19 | 2:30 PM | Online Webinar
Between Quarrels and Sculpture: the Trevi Fountain
Presented by Camilla Parisi, Ph.D. in History of Art from The Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.

Camilla Parisi is an art historian, and she is currently working at the post-earthquake reopening of the Museo Nazionale d’Abruzzo in L’Aquila. She received her Ph.D. in October 2019 from the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa with a dissertation on the sculptor Filippo della Valle (1698-1768), whereas she studied for her B.A. and M.A. in Rome at La Sapienza Università di Roma. Her education includes a diploma in restoration and conservation of artworks at the Istituto Italiano Arte Artigianato e Restauro, a school that collaborates with the Vatican Museums. In 2015 she has been fellow at the Warburg Institute in London. During her university years, she collaborated to several exhibitions on different artists, as Caravaggio, Leonardo da Vinci, Tiziano and Canova. She worked for a short period at the Israel Museum of Jerusalem and, most recently, she has been assistant curator for Sfida al Barocco, an important exhibition held in Turin in 2020. From fall 2020 and summer 2021, she has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Scuola Normale Superiore with a project on the collections of the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence.
Saturday, February 26 | 6:00 PM | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
Carnevale di Tango
In collaboration with the Dante Alighieri Society of Massachusetts and the Fernanda Ghi Dance Academy, three well-known descendants of Italian immigrants from South America will be "reviving the spiritual ties of compatriots abroad" as envisioned by the society’s founders in 1893. The Duo Scofano-Minetti (bandoneón/piano) walks the fine line between the classical, the folk, and the popular by presenting a stunning repertory of South American music.

Enjoy an evening of music, dance, and instruction from world-class performers from South America at the Dante Alighieri Society (41 Hampshire Street; Cambridge, Massachusetts) in celebration of Carnevale di Tango on Saturday evening, February 26, 2022. The Duo Scofano-Minetti (bandoneón/piano) will present a stunning repertoire of music with astonishing power in support of a beautifully choreographed tango performance by world-champion Fernanda Ghi and her partner Silvio Grand. It is the intensity of their performances and interpretations, their extraordinary level of musicianship and dance, and the originality of their compositions that makes this performance so unique.

Visit Eventbrite for online purchases or in-person at Dante Alighieri.

Every fourth Wednesday of the month | Laboratorio di Teatro Italiano
SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, March 1| 6:00PM | Zoom Webinar
The Child is the Teacher - A life of Maria Montessori
UMass Amherst - Graduate Study in Italian
Share your passion.
Italian News Clicks
Scuola PIB per bambini di Boston e del New England
"Saturday School" di italiano a Providence, RI
Da settembre 2021 e' aperta SIRI, la "Saturday School" di italiano a Providence, RI! SIRI offre gruppi di gioco, gruppi propedeutici alla letto-scrittura, e gruppi di lettura e scrittura per bambini italofoni fino ai 7 anni. SIRI si propone anche come punto di ritrovo per le famiglie italiane e italofone residenti in RI e dintorni.

La docente: Anna Aresi, Ph.D. (Brown, 2016) è insegnante, traduttrice e mamma di un bambino e una bambina trilingui. Con un'esperienza decennale di insegnamento dell'italiano, dal 2016 lavora con bambini/e e famiglie bi- e multilingui. Si occupa anche di traduzione di libri per l'infanzia.

Contatti: scuolaitaliano.ri@gmail.com
Italian Classes at Passport to Languages
Burlington Sons of Italy Lodge 2223
Burlington Sons of Italy Italian Language Classes
Would you like to learn to speak Italian?

For over the past 20 years, the Burlington Sons of Italy Lodge 2223 has been offering two 12-week semesters of Italian Language Classes annually. The 12 weeks of highly acclaimed classes are offered at six different learning levels from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced. There is something for everyone no matter the experience level. Further, the classes are taught by professional Italian teachers from academia.
The classes are especially aimed at those who have no Italian language experience and two beginner levels are offered. Then for those with a smattering of Italian language expertise and are planning a trip to Italy in the near future and need to sharpen their skills, there are two intermediate levels and they are a perfect fit for such travel. Finally the advanced levels are for those who want to go beyond.
Editorial Staff of the Newsletter: Antonio Talarico

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At this time all Consular services must be booked by appointment. For emergency cases related to COVID-19 write to: urp.boston@esteri.it