October 2022

Graphics by Gulla' Studio |www.gullastudio.com

Care amiche e cari amici dell’Italia,

all’inizio del mio incarico come Console Generale d’Italia a Boston, con grande orgoglio ed emozione, desidero riconoscere il sostegno incondizionato e gli sforzi della comunità italiana e italo-americana, delle organizzazioni e delle associazioni nel promuovere i valori, la cultura e le tradizioni del patrimonio italiano nella nostra giurisdizione consolare.

Ottobre è il mese in cui celebriamo, con rinnovato entusiasmo, il nostro comune patrimonio culturale e l’immenso contributo degli Italiani e Italo-Americani a questo grande Paese.

Desidero ringraziare di cuore il Comitato dell’Italian Heritage Month per l'organizzazione dell'evento inaugurale e per la promozione delle numerose iniziative di questo mese.

Mi auguro di poter collaborare con voi per rafforzare ancor di piu' i legami di amicizia fra i nostri due Paesi e sostenere gli Italiani e Italo-Americani impegnati nei settori dell'impresa, dell’innovazione e della scienza, della cultura, dell’educazione e della promozione della lingua italiana. Insieme possiamo arricchire ulteriormente il nostro comune patrimonio culturale da trasmettere alle future generazioni!

Arnaldo Minuti, Console Generale

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Dear Friends of Italy, 

As I begin my tenure as Consul General of Italy in Boston with great pride and excitement, I wish to recognize the unwavering commitment and work of the Italian and Italian American community, organizations and associations in their efforts to promoting the values, culture, and traditions of Italian heritage in our consular jurisdiction.

October is the month in which we celebrate, with renewed pride, our common heritage and the immense contributions made by Italians and Italian-Americans to help build this great country. 

I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Italian Heritage Month Committee for organizing this year's Kick-off Program and for promoting this month's celebrations.

I look forward to working with you and strengthening even further the ties between our countries, and to supporting the Italian and Italian-Americans in the fields of business, innovation and science, culture, education and the promotion of the Italian language. Together we can further enrich our common heritage for future generations!

Arnaldo Minuti, Consul General

Ricordatevi di consultare sempre il nostro sito web www.consboston.esteri.it e i nostri social media Facebook - Twitter - Instagram per importanti informazioni e aggiornamenti sulle nostre attivita'.

Please be sure to visit our website www.consboston.esteri.it and our social media Facebook - Twitter - Instagram for important information and updates on our latest activities.

Monday, October 3 | 6:00PM | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge

October as Italian Heritage Month Committee

Saturday, October 1 & Sunday October 2 | 11:00AM-2:00PM |  AiR Space at the Armory | 191 Highland Ave 3rd Floor, Somerville

Masks in Motion

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Friday, October 7 | 6:30PM | I AM Books | 124 Salem Street, Boston

The Bee and the Fly

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Saturday, October 8 | 6:30PM | I AM books | 124 Salem Street, Boston

The Betrothed - Libriamo from Italy with Books

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Monday, October 10 | 9:30AM | Dante Alighieri Society|41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge

The Columbus Day breakfast

Monday, October 10 | 11:00AM | Tall Ship Park | 1 East Pier East Boston Pier One

Italian American - Cultural Celebration

Thursday, October 13 | 7:00PM | I AM Books | 124 Salem Street, Boston

Julia Lisella - Our Lively Kingdom

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October 14-21-28 | 4:30PM | Salem State University | 352 Lafayette St. Salem, MA

The 2002 New England Contemporary Film Festival

Saturday, October 15 | 6:00PM | I AM Books | 124 Salem Street, Boston

L'armonia dell'italiano, in teatro e ovunque.

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Monday, October 17 | 7:00PM | I AM Books | Zoom Webinar

Le parole della Costituzione italiana per i giovani di oggi

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Thursday, October 20 | 7:00PM | I AM Books | Zoom Webinar

Commedia dell'arte and renaissance music demonstration

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Friday, October 21 | 6:30PM | I AM Books | 124 Salem Street, Boston

Pasquale & the Good Italians

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Thursday, October 27 | 6:30PM | I AM Books | 124 Salem Street, Boston

Remembering Anthony Riccio

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Friday, October 28 | 6:30PM | Boston College | Gasson Hall 100 


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Scuola PIB per bambini di Boston e del New England

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Italian News Clicks
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Italian Classes at Passport to Languages
Click here for more info
Burlington Sons of Italy Lodge 2223
Burlington Sons of Italy Italian Language Classes

Would you like to learn to speak Italian?

For over the past 20 years, the Burlington Sons of Italy Lodge 2223 has been offering two 12-week semesters of Italian Language Classes annually. The 12 weeks of highly acclaimed classes are offered at six different learning levels from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced. There is something for everyone no matter the experience level. Further, the classes are taught by professional Italian teachers from academia.
The classes are especially aimed at those who have no Italian language experience and two beginner levels are offered. Then for those with a smattering of Italian language expertise and are planning a trip to Italy in the near future and need to sharpen their skills, there are two intermediate levels and they are a perfect fit for such travel. Finally the advanced levels are for those who want to go beyond.
Click here for more info
Editorial Staff of the Newsletter: Antonio Talarico

Gli Uffici ricevono solo su appuntamento.

At this time all Consular services must be booked by appointment.