Week of March 11, 2024

Worship Sunday

9:30 a.m. in Hickey Hall · 11 a.m. in Sanctuary

Livestream on Facebook · Livestream on YouTube

Office Hours

Mon - Thu 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Fri by Appointment Only

Orders due March 11

Easter Lily Orders

Help decorate the church and memorialize or honor loved ones by purchasing an Easter lily. After services on Easter, plants may be picked up or donated to be delivered to homebound members. Place your order online or find forms in the kiosk in the Narthex or in the church office. You may also call 248-651-9361 to order. Lilies are $15 each.

Final Lenten Concert

Friday at noon

Add something special to your Lenten Fridays by attending these 30-minute concerts. Free admission.

Mar 15: Amanda Ross, trumpet

Preschool Teacher Opportunity

Part-time Position for 2024-2025 School Year

St. Paul’s Preschool is looking to add another preschool teacher to grow our great team! Experience in an early education setting is preferred. Please reach out to Jennifer Archey for more information.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Tuesday, March 12

1 - 2:30 p.m. in Room 132

Quilt Ministry

Tuesday, March 12

2:30 - 4 p.m. in Room 132

Welcome to all who want to learn to quilt, knit or crochet. We have supplies to share. Ideas for new projects are welcome for our mission quilts, prayer shawls or Handmade Treasures to be sold at church and other outlets.

Join us! Contact Donna Heflin at 248-505-6413.

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The Evangel
Online Services

Prayer List

The following prayer requests have been received by our church. Please contact the office at 248-651-9361 with your prayer requests.

Healing & Comfort

Pete Olson, Joyce Olson, Kathy Pardon, Phil Rowan - father of Amy Heitman, Earl Bryant, Otto Arentzen, Mark Erickson


Blood Drive

Monday, March 18; 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. in Hickey Hall

The need for blood is great all year long, so St. Paul's will be hosting blood drives monthly. Schedule an appointment by calling Bill Molloy at 248-892-1705 or go to redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code ‘stpaulunited’.

Just Older Youth

Tuesday, March 19; Noon in the Parlor

Sixty plus? Just Older Youth is the place to be! We meet at noon with a brown bag lunch; coffee and dessert provided. We will be welcoming spring and looking forward as we plan the programs for the months ahead. Please join us!

Beer & Hymns

Tuesday, March 19

7 p.m. at Gus O'Connor's Public House

324 S. Main Street, Rochester

Join us to celebrate Pastor April Gutierrez and her family. St Paul’s provides the appetizers and you provide your voice. This will be a very special event you won’t want to miss. Please join us!

For children 5th grade and younger

Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday, March 24

10:30 a.m. south lawn near playground

Meet near the playground at 10:30 a.m. and hunt for candy filled eggs! We will have separate outdoor areas for different age groups. Dress for the weather! We will hunt rain, snow or shine.

Scholarships Available

Application Deadline is April 15

St. Paul’s Scholarships are available to eligible members of St. Paul’s UMC who have demonstrated service to the church or community. Scholarships may be used for tuition or room and board at an accredited college or university, vocational program, apprenticeship or training program. See more

Health Ministry Team has provided the following important information:

Managing Diabetes

Top Diabetes Symptoms

Serving Size Handy Guide

Coffee Hour Help Needed!

The FISH Committee is bringing back coffee hour before and after both services, but volunteers are needed! If you like coffee hour and a chance to visit with others before and after church, please sign up to help! Coffee Hour Sign Up

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Contact your pastors:

Rev. Elbert Dulworth - EDulworth@stpaulsrochester.org

Rev. Dr. April Gutierrez -on renewal leave until 6/30/2024

Rev. Judy May - JMay@stpaulsrochester.org 

Rev. Rick Kress - RKress@stpaulsrochester.org


Church Office               248-651-9361 


Dr. Timothy R. Hickey  Pastor Emeritus