January 2013

2013 Trends

As we look forward to coming year, it's interesting to observe what professional trend watchers have been spotting. For over 10 years, trendwatching.com has been tracking and defining leading consumer trends, insights, and related innovations on a global scale. Their researchers, analysts, and writers work out of their London, Singapore, and Sao Paulo offices, collaborating with hundreds of on-the-ground spotters in 100+ countries. Here's a look at 10 trends that they've spotted for 2013.


1. "Consumers will embrace even more ways to participate in the funding and (pre-)launch of new products and brands."


2013 will see passionate consumers embrace two innovative new 'consumption' models: becoming PRESUMERS and CUSTOWNERS. PRESUMERS love to get involved with, push, fund, and promote products and services before they are realized. And thanks to countless new crowdfunding platforms and new manufacturing technologies that are finally tipping into the mainstream (and a burgeoning, global cult of entrepreneurialism at large), the coming 12 months will see them have more opportunities than ever to do so. No wonder that the amount PRESUMERS spent on crowdfunding platforms has risen from just 530 million dollars in 2009, to 1.3 billion dollars in 2011, to 2.8 billion dollars in 2012. (Source: Massolution/The Economist, May 2012).


Next for PRESUMERS? How about CUSTOWNERS: consumers who move from passively consuming a product towards funding / investing (if not owning a stake) in the brands they buy from.


However, these increasingly business-savvy consumers are often looking for both a financial and an emotional return, and therefore only brands that are open, friendly, honest, trusted, transparent, and somewhat 'human' will prove able to attract enthusiastic CUSTOWNERS.


Also, keep an eye on the US JOBS Act, which will be implemented in January 2013 and, for the first time, allows non-accredited US investors to buy micro-equity in start-ups. It's a major factor behind research firm Gartner's prediction that funds raised by crowdfunding platforms will rise to 6.2 billion dollars in 2013.


2. "Emerging brands from all over are catering to emerging middle classes from all over."


While the last two decades were about developed markets catering to emerging ones, and emerging markets increasingly catering to developed ones; now get ready for an explosion in products and services from emerging markets for emerging markets.


Think Chinese and Brazilian brands selling to the middle classes in Turkey, India, or South Africa, or vice versa. On top of that, with these emerging market brands having cut their teeth operating in fast-rising emerging markets and catering to ever-more important emerging middle classes, expect even more of the next global mass market powerhouses to come from emerging markets.


The numbers sure are juicy: in 2013, the GDP of emerging markets will exceed advanced markets for the first time (measured in Purchasing Power Parity terms) to 44.1 trillion USD vs. 42.7 trillion USD. (Source: IMF, October 2012).


3. "Lifestyle multi-if-not-hyper-tasking: why micro-convenience, mini-experiences, and digital snacks will rule in 2013."


For those wondering where 'mobile' will head next, one behavioral insight should give you plenty to run with: in 2013, consumers will look to their mobile devices to maximize absolutely every moment. Hectic, urban lifestyles mean that no amount of (micro) time will be too fleeting or activity too absorbing, to cram in more content, connection, consumption or simply more fun.


All of which means the next 12 months will see an explosion in MOBILE MOMENTS: products, services, and experiences that will enable mobile-loving consumers to embrace (seamless) lifestyle multi-if-not-hyper-tasking.


We could offer you a deluge of statistics on everything from mobile use to addiction, but we know YOU don't have the time, either, so we'll just offer three:


* A survey of US adult smart-phone owners found that 63% of female respondents and 73% of male respondents don't go an hour without checking their phone. (Source: Harris Interactive, June 2012).


* Cell phone users between 18 and 24 years of age exchange an average of 109.5 messages on an average day, more than 3,200 per month. (Source: Pew Research Centre, September 2012).


* An academic study of Android users' app-habits revealed that while users spend nearly one hour on their devices a day, the average app session lasted only just over a minute. (Source: DFKI, November 2011)


4. "It's time for products that give back."


Recession or no recession, long term, one of brands' major quests is for more ecologically sustainable activities. So here's just one small, sign-of-the-times eco-mini-trend for 2013: the phenomenon of products and services that quite literally contain new life inside. Rather than being discarded or even recycled (by someone else), these products can be planted and grown, with all the eco-status and eco-stories that come with that.


Of course, NEW LIFE INSIDE products are not going to solve major sustainability challenges. But more than ever in 2013, there is great symbolic value in creating new, environmentally beneficial life out of a consumer product. And symbolic, even playful statements of your values will resonate with consumers, too, especially if they are seen as expressions of larger intent to take more meaningful action.


5. "Digital technologies are the new medicine."

Digital technologies are the new medicine, as doctors and physicians turn to health apps and services to improve health outcomes. With over 13,000 health apps in the Apple app store it's not a case now of finding an app, but finding the BEST one, and - given that this is a health issue - one that is accurate and safe.


In 2013, expect consumers to turn to the medical profession, and medical institutions, to certify and curate these products, with doctors also 'prescribing' them, much as they prescribe medicines, as part of a course of treatment. For health providers, these digital 'medicines' promise to reduce costs by making consumers more aware of their health, improve compliance, and allow remote monitoring that can pick up warning signals earlier.


Even if you're not in the health industry, and think APPSCRIPTIONS isn't relevant to you, we bet that an hour spent considering the bigger underlying trend - towards mobile driven service delivery - could yield some profitable new insights.


6. "Flaunting the new 'it' cultures."

In 2013, global cultural capital will continue to be overturned just as dynamically as its financial equivalent. One result? Emerging markets will proudly export, and even flaunt, their national and cultural heritage in the next 12 months. Symbols, lifestyles, and traditions that were previously downplayed if not denied, are being brought up to date, to become a source of pride for domestic consumers, and of interest to global consumers.


7. "Why consumers want 'good' data not 'big' data."


If data is the new resource, expect consumers in 2013 to start demanding their share of its value.


To date, the 'big data' discussion has focused on the value of customer data to businesses. Now, increasingly savvy consumers will start to reverse the flow: seeking to own and make the most of their lifestyle data, and turning to brands that use this data to proactively offer customers help and advice on how to improve their behavior and/or save money.


Of course, this is nothing new in the world of entertainment, but in 2013 expect even 'mundane' industries to start taking consumers' data and making it useful. A word of warning: brands will have to walk a fine line between offering consumers a valuable (and ideally seamless) service, and freaking them out with aggressive, if not downright scary, 'services.' Yes, consumers want to feel served to, but they don't like to be watched.


8. "Local manufacturing is the new Service Economy."


In 2013, manufacturing is coming home, that is, if 'home' is a mature market. Driving this trend: the perfect storm of consumers' ever-greater NEWISM, the expectation of getting just the right product (and NOW!), eco-concerns, and the desire for more interesting STATUS STORIES, all combined with the spread of new local manufacturing technologies such as 3D-printing and make-on-demand.


Of course, consumer embrace of AGAIN MADE HERE will be welcome news for executives concerned by rising labor costs in China, long lead times, and fragile global supply chains.


Just one statistic to kick-start the discussion:


* Four out of five US shoppers (76%) notice "Made in the USA" claims and labels, and are more likely to purchase that product. (Source: Perception Research, July 2012).


9. "Not just transparent, but naked and proud ;-)"


So what's next for the mega-trend of transparency? Brands must move from 'having nothing to hide,' to pro-actively showing and proving they have nothing to hide, and go beyond uttering lofty statements on 'values' or 'culture' to real, unambiguous, and clear evidence, or statements about actual results.


No, not all consumers will be this demanding, but as total transparency becomes a hygiene factor, even those that aren't will expect brands to prove their ethical and environmental credentials to those that do care. Some statistics:


* The percentage of global consumers who trust business to do what is right fell from 56% in 2011 to 53% in 2012. (Source: Edelman, January 2012).


* The proportion of people saying brands making a notable positive contribution to their lives is around 8% in European markets, and 5% in the US. Interestingly, the comparable figures in China and Latin America are 57% and 30% respectively. (Source: Havas, February 2012).


* 69% of US consumers said they are more likely to buy from a brand that talks publicly about its CSR results, versus the 31% who would purchase from a brand that talks about its CSR mission and purpose. (Source: Cone Communications, October 2012).


* Only 44% of Americans trust companies' green claims. (Source: Cone Inc., March 2012).


10. "Brands' wishes will be consumers' command."


Expect to witness a daring change in the relationship between ambitious, responsible brands, and their customers in 2013. Switched-on brands that are embarking on the much-needed journey towards a more sustainable and socially-responsible future will demand that their customers also contribute, and in doing so earn the respect of even the most hyper-demanding of consumers.


But consumers aren't going to put themselves out for brands unless they truly believe in the bigger vision. So, in positioning yourself as a DEMANDING BRAND, make sure you're 100% transparent and sincere. Otherwise, it's time to stick to being a servile brand.

Source: trendwatching.com
Issue: 36         
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Table of Contents

Unleash The Power Of Lemons - Tokyo and Osaka
Limoneira's Fresh Lemons At The Venetian In Las Vegas
Educating Our Children
When California Temperatures Dip, Wind Machines Whip Up Sensible Heat for Frost Protection
Limoneira Winner's Block


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Limoneira Lifestyles 

Orchard Fresh Gifts 




Meyer Lemon Muffins

  • 9 ounces all-purpose flour (2 cups)
  • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar, divided
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 Meyer lemons, divided
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon



Heat the oven to 400 degrees. Combine the flour, 1 cup sugar, the baking soda and salt in a large mixing bowl. Set aside.

Cut two lemons into 1-inch pieces. Put them in a blender and pulse until the lemon is finely chopped. In a small bowl, lightly beat the eggs. Add the milk, butter and chopped lemon. Stir.

Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the lemon mixture. Stir just until all ingredients are moistened.

Place 12 muffin-cup liners in muffin cups; coat with cooking spray. Spoon the batter into muffin cups, filling each half full.


Combine the remaining 2 tablespoons sugar and the cinnamon. Sprinkle about one-fourth teaspoon over each muffin. Cut the remaining lemon into 9 paper-thin slices; cut each slice in half. Top each muffin with half a slice of lemon.


Bake about 20 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 5 minutes in pan on a wire rack. Serve warm.


Makes 18 muffins


Source: Los Angeles Times 































Unleash The Power Of Lemons - Tokyo and Osaka

In our continuing rollout of UNLEASH THE NATURAL POWER OF LEMONS, we've linked with a number of passionate, local opinion leaders in Japan. These people from The Land of the Rising Sun are passionate about health and nutrition, beauty, and delicious cuisine. Here's the line-up for Tokyo and Osaka:




Dr. Chiaki Kawashima - Beauty


After graduating from Tokyo Medical University, Dr. Chiaki Kawashima became a dermatologist and began the azabu-skin clinic. She has extensive experience working at various dermatology clinics located in the Tokyo Metropolitan and Kansai areas.


Annually, she attends a number of trade conferences in Japan, and internationally, to enable her to integrate the latest technology into her practice. She is a member of the Japanese Dermatology Association, the Society of Aesthetic Dermatology, the Japanese Cosmetic Science Society, the Japan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and a number of other prestigious organizations.


The Azabu Skin Clinic specializes in natural rejuvenation and creating beautiful skin which does not require surgery, based on advanced aesthetic dermatological medicine, and provides the latest cosmetic medical techniques that are safe and effective.


Naomi Moriyama - Health


Naomi Moriyama is the author of the bestselling book "Japanese Women don't get old or fat." She was born and raised in Tokyo and spent childhood summers on her grandparents' hillside farm in the Japanese countryside, eating tangerines from the trees and fresh vegetables from the family garden.


She attended college in Illinois, where she gained 25 pounds eating pizza, burgers, and banana splits before moving back to Japan and re-discovering the secrets of her mother, Chizuko's, Tokyo kitchen.


Naomi's book illustrates that something incredible is happening in Japan. Women are living longer and healthier than everyone else on Earth. They are eating some of the world's most delicious food. Yet they have by far the lowest obesity in the developed world. Japanese women have the #1 longest life expectancy on Earth - - 85 years. (World Health Organization)


Naomi and her co-author and husband, William Doyle, have been featured extensively in the media appearing on the Today Show, The View, Iron Chef America, Real Simple Television, BBC Essex, and The Today show in Australia and many other media outlets. Her book has also garnered much praise from the critics.


Yuko Tsuruoka - Cleaning


Yuko Tsuruoka established Clean Planet Cleaning services 22 years ago to provide customers with life that is in harmony with a more natural, more comfortable, and more secure environment. She believes that the use of natural materials and additive-free detergents are safe for the houses of her clients and protect her staff and the global environment.


Clean Planet has served customers in 23 wards of Tokyo with cleaning services safe enough for babies. The company has received a number of compliments from her customers including from the staff of a German diplomat living in Tokyo. This customer enthusiastically endorses Clean Planet Cleaning with its friendly, reliable, and confident cleaning staff.




Dr. Yukio Hattori - Recipes


The Hattori Nutrition College is an elite culinary school based in Osaka founded by Dr. Yukio Hattori. The school features state-of-the-art facilities and teaches classic and contemporary cooking techniques. It was made famous by The Iron Chef when its students were featured as assistants to competing chefs. Dr. Hattori also acted as an adviser to contestants.


Dr. Hattori has received several awards including the Medal Langevin and awards from the Japanese Ministers of Health and Education. He has also received the Chevalier Order of Merit from the President of France. Dr. Hattori and his institute have been featured extensively in the media including TV Champion on Tokyo TV, Iron Chef, Mentore G on Fuiji TV, and Apron on Love on Asahi TV.


Dr. Hattori is also the author of a number of publications including Healthy recipes of Seafood and a 5-volume set called Kamishibai.


Kojiro Tomoshige - Lifestyle


Kojiro Tomoshige had the inspiration for Jiro flowers almost 20 years ago. With a head office and production studio in Kashima and retail stores in Umeda (Osaka), Kobe, Kyoto, Namba, and Honolulu Hawaii, he and his staff are creating a culture of flowers.


Kojiro believes that flowers are the symbols of love and appreciation and his organization is thinking comprehensively about flowers. Jiro Flowers researches the history of flowers, novels in which flowers were introduced, and the types of flowers used in a variety of films. Jiro's beautiful web site provides countless examples of his creativity and innovation.
Limoneira's Fresh Lemons At The Venetian In Las Vegas


Limoneira lemons are used as garnishes, in recipes and beverages at the beautiful Venetian Resort and Casino in Las Vegas.


The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino is a luxury hotel and casino resort situated between Harrah's and The Palazzo on the east side of the Las Vegas Strip. The resort opened on May 3, 1999, with flutter of white doves, sounding trumpets, and singing gondoliers, with actress Sophia Loren joining The Venetian chairman and owner, Sheldon G. Adelson, in christening the first motorized gondola. Built at a cost of $1.5 billion, it was one of the most expensive resorts of its kind when it opened.


In October 2001, the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum opened within the resort, featuring its first collection. On June 27, 2003, the Venezia tower opened, adding 1,013 suites and a new wedding chapel.


On June 11, 2012, the Venetian opened Carnevale, a summer-long festival that is anchored by a nightly 3-D projection show on the clock tower. In September 2012, The Blue Man Group show closed and relocated to the Monte Carlo, after being at the Venetian for six years.


The Venetian has been a featured performer in a number of films, videos and television productions:


  • The implosion of the old Sands to clear way for the Venetian was used as the crash landing site in the 1997 movie, Con Air;
  • A suite from the Venetian is featured as a location in the 2005 movie Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous;
  • Various Venetian locations were settings for the introductory scenes of the 2001 movie, Rat Race;
  • The exterior of the Venetian is portrayed in the 2007 movie, Resident Evil: Extinction.
  • There is a dramatic zombie attack scene which takes place on the Venetian's replica of the Rialto Bridge;
  • The music video "Shots", by LMFAO featuring Lil John, was performed at the Venetian;
  • The casino in the Venetian has been used in filming scenes for CSI;
  • "Building the Venetian" was the subject of an episode of the show MegaStructures;
  • The Venetian appeared in a scene of the 26th episode titled "The Strip" of season one of The O.C.;
  • The Venetian appeared in a scene of the twenty-fifth season of The Real World: Las Vegas (2011);
  • The Venetian appeared in the opening of Miss Universe 2010.
Educating Our Children - Limoneira Continues With Plans In 2013 To Bring Hundreds Of Students To Limoneira Ranch

Each year, hundreds of children visit Limoneira Ranch to learn about agriculture and sustainability. This fun, instructional and innovative program was developed by Mary Maranville and it meets the California Content Standard Based Science Curriculum for field trips. Among the many topics students learn are the functions of each part of a lemon tree including photosynthesis and the pollination of flowers, the role of plants as a source of matter and energy in the food chain, the benefits of the local geography in agricultural production, the role of solar energy in the agricultural production process, and the invention of refrigeration and its impact on citrus production.
When California Temperatures Dip, Wind Machines Whip Up Sensible Heat for Frost Protection


If you live in or travel to California and are near citrus producing areas, you have probably wondered about the tall towers located throughout the orchards. These towers, or wind machines, blow air almost horizontally and were introduced as a method for frost protection in California during the 1920s. The machines are now commonly used in many parts of the world. Wind machines are used on a wide variety of crops including grapevines, deciduous trees, and citrus. California citrus orchards are nearly all protected by wind machines.


Wind machines generally consist of a steel tower with a large rotating fan near the top. There is usually a two- or four-blade fan with a diameter typically varying from 3 to 6 meters. The typical height for fans is about 10-11 meters above ground level. The most effective wind machines have propeller speeds of about 590 to 600 rpm. Fans rotate around the tower with one revolution every four to five minutes. Most wind machine fans blow at a slight downward angle (about 7�) in the tower direction, which improves their effectiveness. When the fan operates, it draws air from aloft and blows at a slightly downward angle towards the tower and the ground.


Wind machines provide protection by increasing the downward sensible heat flux density and by breaking up microscale boundary layers over the plant surfaces. Fans do not produce heat, but redistribute sensible heat that is already present in the air. The fans mix warm air aloft with colder air near the surface They also help by removing the coldest air close to the leaves and replace it with slightly warmer ambient air. The amount of protection afforded depends mainly on the unprotected inversion strength.

Limoneira Winner's Block   


This month our lucky winner is Corey Mintz from Toronto, Canada. As our monthly winner, Corey has won a Limoneira Orchard Fresh or Lifestlyes Gift.


Congratulations Corey!!!   


For your chance to win, make sure you're on our mailing list to be entered into our monthly drawing. To join click here or visit our website at www.Limoneira.com    


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