August 4, 2022

  • Crime is curtailing the Dallas economy! Prospective companies and their employees attempting to relocate to the Metroplex refuse to move to the city of Dallas, preferring surrounding cities.

  • Our City Council refuses to address rampant homelessness and vagrancy that drives up crime in our streets. It is glaringly irresponsible that these issues remain ignored by city officials.

  • You are NOT helping if you give panhandlers cash - you ARE enabling them in their addictions, and preventing them from seeking the accountability and aid readily available to them.

This Week's Top Stories:

Activists armed with assault rifles protest officials' sweep of Coombs St. camp, Friday.

Ignorant activists actually prevent itinerant people from getting the help they need, keeping them stuck in their choice state of living conditions.

Media downplay this issue, while people are dying of heat.

City Neglects Necessary DPD Equipment Upgrades: Now new patrol vehicles sit in lot, waiting for chips.

Outrageous: In their attempt to make up lost ground, the city only reflects more failure in providing its DPD with needed funding and better supply to be equipped in keeping Dallas communities safe.

Our city will die if we don't get crime down immediately -- city officials need to STEP UP!

Dallas is experiencing one of the highest homicide rate increases...

in the nation.

This study shows Dallas ranked 12th in the nation with officials citing one of the largest changes in homicides per capita from 2021 to 2022, 8th overall.

Crime in Dallas is rapidly approaching critical mass, with worse per capita crime than cities like Chicago, Philly, & New York.

Dallas Officers Suffer Heat Exhaustion After Altercation

Our police officers swelter in the Texas heat with no backup. Dallas Instead of fixing these problems with more officers and aiding equipment, the City Council would rather see the city suffer - vote them out.

Weekly Camp Update:

The Dallas City Council's limp-wristed approach at clearing out these camps only echoes its apathy towards the dangers these camps create for homeowners, business-owners, and the homeless population at-large.

Vagrant camps don't "go away" with infrequent sweep procedures; they only move around!

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Every Tuesday!

Stephen Moitz, Executive Director of Keep Dallas Safe, broadcasts on Facebook Live every Tuesday to bring you real-time updates on the state of homelessness, vagrancy, and apathetic lack of response from Dallas city officials.

This week we expose an encampment located on the cross-hairs of Empire Central Drive & Stemmons Fwy, District 2. Tents, clothes, trash, & other debris block pedestrian access to the sidewalk entirely.

Each week, Keep Dallas Safe takes a trip around the city's districts to document encampments with the purpose of informing the city of their locations, and advocate for the enforcement of the laws protecting residents and businesses from the problems these illegal camps produce. 

We currently track more than 100 encampments around Dallas.

"DIY" Camp

Location: Councilman Omar Narvaez's District 6

This location has earned the title of "DIY" camp because the inhabitants of this camp have built a mini home with scraps from around Dallas under this bridge.

We have reported this encampment to Councilman Omar on several occasions, but he continues to let it persist. His refusal to address this camp only incentivizes more like it to pop up.

The "Reinstalled" Camp

Location: Councilman Adam McGough's District 10

This location earned the title of the "Reinstalled" camp because while it was not there just a week ago, it has since returned.

This area off of Forest Lane has become a hotspot for vagrants to set up camp. This particular camp has left and returned several times over the past few months because Councilman McGough is not addressing it.

"Unapologetic" Camp

Location: Councilman Omar Narvaez's District 6

This location earned the title "Unapologetic" camp because this large encampment is boldly located in broad view on the frequently traveled Empire Central Drive.

Dallas needs to do better than this. There is no reason Councilman Narvaez cannot address this camp, District 6 residents should demand action.

If you see an encampment in your area, please notify your district councilman with the date and camp location via email.

Chad West, District 1

Jesse Moreno, District 2

Casey Thomas, II, District 3

Carolyn King Arnold,District 4

Jaime Resendez, District 5

Omar Narvaez, District 6

Adam Bazaldua, District 7

Tennell Atkins, District 8

Paula Blackmon, District 9

Adam McGough, District 10

Jaynie Schultz, District 11

Cara Mendelsohn, District 12

Gay Donnell Willis, District 13

Paul E. Ridley, District 14

To Report an Encampment:

Dial 3-1-1 or Call: (214) 670-3111

Mission Statement:

Keep Dallas Safe exists to address crime and homelessness in Dallas with the goal of transforming Dallas into the safest large city in Texas for residents and businesses. We aim to have a City Council that prioritizes crime rate which directly determines the quality of life in Dallas. We do this by fighting against the "defund the police" movement, holding accountable our city leaders' efforts towards lowering district crime rates, and highlighting our city's homelessness problems by pushing for enforcement of the prohibition of urban camping.

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