LiNK E-News
Linden Hills Neighborhood Council
July 21, 2020
The People of Linden Hills
Meet Abdi Sahal, LHiNC Board Member
Wendy Ponte, LHiNC Board Member, Interview

Abdikhaliq Sahal, who just turned 23, is the youngest member of the fifteen-person Linden Hills Neighborhood Council. Having a broad range of ages on the board is a real asset for a neighborhood council, but this recent Augsburg University graduate also brings another unique perspective to bear in his council work-- that of his Somali heritage.
Abdi, how long have you and your family lived in Linden Hills, and why did your parents decide to settle in this neighborhood?
We’ve lived here for the last fourteen years. My parents, Aden Ali and Fatuma Kassim, moved our family here from St. Paul because they thought it would be a safe place to raise their children, as well as being a nice neighborhood.There are a few Somali families here in Linden Hills. We try to help each other. My family and I want our Linden Hills neighbors to get to know us.
Next LHiNC Meeting:
Q & A with MPS School Board Member Ira Jourdain
Linden Hills Neighborhood Council will hold its next virtual meeting 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4.

Ira Jourdain represents our district (6) on the Minneapolis Board of Education and will attend the meeting to present the Minneapolis Public School’s plan for the 2020-2021 school year and respond to questions and concerns.

If you are interested in participating in this virtual meeting, please complete this short online form , and you will be sent meeting details. Questions about the meeting? Please email [email protected] .
Survey Results:
Proposed Park Projects in Linden Hills
On July 10, LHiNC launched a survey on behalf of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to find out if Linden Hills residents would support two new park projects:
  • Clay courts in Waveland Triangle
  • Small pavilion by the bocce courts in Linden Hills Park.
The projects would be paid for with Park Dedication fees , which are assessed on any development within Minneapolis. 
Thank you to the 373 residents who participated! Find out about survey results and next steps.
Public Hearing on Charter Amendment Tonight
The Minneapolis Charter Commission is seeking public comments on a proposed amendment to the City Charter submitted by the City Council, which proposes removing the Police Department from the charter and adding a new Community Safety & Violence Prevention Department. Find out how you can submit comments on the proposed amendment, as well as participate and/or view tonight’s meeting.
Public Hearing Tomorrow:
Revised 2020 City Budget
The City Council’s Budget Committee is holding a second
public hearing on Wednesday, July 22 at 10:00 a.m. on proposed revisions to the City’s 2020 budget. The City is facing approximately $156 million in projected revenue losses because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The City Council is scheduled to vote July 24 on a revised budget. Learn more about the mayor’s revised budget proposal, and how you can participate in this virtual public hearing.
"20 is Plenty" Speed Limit Yard Signs Available
The new speed limit, starting this fall in the Twin Cities, will be 20 mph unless otherwise signed. To help get out the word about the new speed limits and the importance of slower speeds for safety the City has made yard signs available.

You can pick up your “20 is Plenty” yard sign at any Minneapolis fire station. Signs will be available from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. through Friday, July 24 while supplies last. Due to COVID-19, signs will be available outside the stations for no-contact pickup. Signs come with metal stands.  Find your nearest fire station here .

Shop Local Update
Linden Hills businesses are an integral part of our community. LHiNC wants to thank all of them for their continued services during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are asking you to thank them, as well, by continuing to support them, so we can all get through this together. 

LHiNC will continue to post new offerings and hours from local businesses on our website. This week, some new updates include:
  • New in-store hours and offerings at Great Harvest
  • Craft kits and virtual summer camps from Heartfelt
  • New technologies at Mint Orthodontics that help patients get done faster with far fewer office visits.
  • New in-store hours and featured gifts for all occasions at New Gild

Linden Hills Library:
Something for Everyone
Tuesday Quarantine Trivia ALL AGES - Tuesday, July 28 3 - 4:30 p.m.
Email [email protected]  and we'll send out an invite so you can connect.

Kids: Summer Reading
  • Dial-a-Chapter (612-543-6828) for kids 7+ years and Dial-a-Story (612-543-6830) for the 2+ patrons now online and available anytime. Click here to learn more.
  • Summer reading lists for 3rd - 12th graders in the community. Looking for a new book to read? Jessica and Libby of the Linden Hills Library are ready to help.Fill out this form with as much detail as you can, and we will email you (in 3-5 days) a list of 4-5 books.

Adults: Looking for something fun to do this summer? How about connecting with the   many events being offered FREE through the Hennepin County Library ?
Meet Be Well: A New Nonprofit in Linden Hills
Be Well is a new nonprofit organization that believes accessibility and a holistic approach to health creates vibrant communities. Be Well was created by a collective of Linden Hills residents and business owners recognizing a need to connect residents with the abundant number of health and wellness resources in the area. 

Follow them on Facebook to learn more about their mission and organization, and to stay apprised of their offerings and resources. Upcoming free events include: Healing through Writing on 7/21, Parenting in a Pandemic on 7/29, and Mindful Movement Yoga on 7/29.
Around the Neighborhood
Art Shanty Projects - No Ice Program in 2021
Art Shanty Projects had a wildly wonderful return to the ice on Lake Harriet this past winter—with incredible art, successful fundraising and 27,000 visitors. Due to COVID-19, the organization has made the decision to cancel their 2021 program. The safety of its community -- artists, staff, visitors -- was their top priority in making this decision. For more information, visit: .

Schedule a Virtual Home Energy Squad Visit
Save money on your utility bills and keep cool at home with the help of a Home Energy Squad visit. Learn more about the option for a virtual visit, recently featured on  KARE 11 . Don't wait to start saving, sign up today

Completing the 2020 Census is a Tool to Combat Homelessness
Another reason why it's important to be counted.  The U.S. government uses census numbers to decide how much housing assistance will go to each state.

If people do not  complete the Census  form or do not list all of the people living in a residence, it could result in:
  • The overall Census count for their community being lower than it should be
  • An inaccurate count of how many people are living in each type of housing
  • Their state not receiving their fair share of federal funding to address the housing needs of its people. Complete the Census Online today.
Important COVID-19 Links

Celebrate our neighborhood by tagging and following us on Instagram |  @linden_hills_council
LHiNC welcomes article contributions | submissions may be edited for length, clarity and relevance. Advertising and anonymous contributions are not accepted.

Editor: Carol Clemens -  [email protected]
Content Contributor: Becky Allen - Executive Director LHiNC - [email protected]