We been knowin what to do move toward an antiracist 
language and literacy education. The real question is this: 
What are we waiting on to do the work?
-April Baker-Bell
For the second year in a row, we’re calling out “standard English” as the marker of intelligence and academic success.

Join us for Linguistic Justice Practice in Community College and Beyond: A One-Day Online Conference, hosted by Glendale Community College in partnership with Las Positas College and 3CSN, on Friday, April 28, 2023, from 9 AM to 4:30 PST.

This FREE conference will feature keynotes and workshops from April Baker-Bell,
whose extraordinary research demonstrates the power and effectiveness of linguistic justice in the classroom, and Vershawn Ashanti Young, whose groundbreaking argument for “students’ rights to their language habits and own Englishes” has empowered instructors and programs to shift their approach to critical writing. Their work expands our understanding of what makes good writing in our multi-ethnic, polyvocal America and how that should inform our campuses and disciplines. 

The conference will bring together folks from community colleges and beyond with varying levels of expertise and practice to exchange ideas, approaches, and tools to broaden the use of language/linguistic equity strategies in our institutions, from the classroom to the hallways! This year's conference will also include students because this work cannot, and should not, be done without their voices, their experience, their expertise.   
We need your voice!
Are you using language/linguistic equity in your practice? Have ideas to share with the field? Workshop, panel, lightning round, and individual session options are available. Submit a proposal!

Deadline: March 27th
Questions? Contact Julie Gamberg at and Michelle Gonzales at 
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