October Newsletter

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The LinkUS Leadership Coalition began its work in August. The LinkUS Steering Committee has held three meetings since; meeting in August, September and October. The meetings include an understanding of the core principles of LinkUS programming, discussions about priority networks and learnings from peer cities such as Austin, Charlotte, Denver, Indianapolis and Minneapolis that have undergone mobility initiatives. The October meeting included firsthand discussions from representatives from Austin, Charlotte and Indianapolis.


To view the most current version of the LinkUS Coalition Steering Committee membership roster, visit our website. You can also watch the full September meeting, subscribe to our YouTube channel and we encourage you to share videos on your social media channels.

Last month, representatives of the LinkUS partners and Coalition members gave a presentation at the Columbus Metropolitan Club (CMC) and participated in a robust discussion about LinkUs. Mayor Andrew J. Ginther’s opening remarks about LinkUS and the positive impact he envisions it will have on the city included, “We have the opportunity to proactively define our vision for Columbus and Central Ohio and to take bold steps to build a region that will help address future growth and expand on a system of corridors throughout the region.”

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Panelists discussing LinkUS were Columbus City Council President Shannon G. Hardin, YWCA Columbus President and Chief Executive Officer Christie Angel, COTA Chief Equity Officer Monica Jones, and Executive Director of the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) William Murdock.

Watch the video to hear their informative presentation and answers they gave to questions during the discussion that followed on the CMC YouTube channel. 


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ULI Columbus Mobility Lessons from Austin, Charlotte and Indianapolis 

On October 19, Urban Land Institute (ULI) Columbus held a webinar featuring representatives from Austin, Charlotte and Indianapolis who shared how they are advancing ambitious multimodal transportation investments and initiatives to support public health, sustainability, and equitable community development in their cities.


Attendees learned how these cities are moving significant transit and mobility initiatives to support broader efforts across their communities as well as gained insights to: 

  • understand how these cities are developing advanced transit systems that support quality growth strategies, 
  • consider funding approaches and realities, 
  • hear the role communication and engagement play in the growth initiative to build awareness, inform, and get community input to gain support from the public, and  
  • learn how these cities worked to inspire community members to become champions of these initiatives to help advance and promote this effort. 

Representatives from these three cities later shared their insights and expertise with members of the LinkUS Coalition during the October 19 meeting of the LinkUS Steering Committee. Its members heard from:   


  • Taiwo Jaiyeoba, Assistant City Manager and Director of Planning, Design and Development, Charlotte, NC
  • Sharmila Mukherjee, AICP, Executive Vice President, Planning and Development, Capital Metro Austin, TX, and 
  • Brooke Thomas, AICP, Director of Strategic Planning, IndyGo. 


These transit experts shared what they are doing in their communities, the projects they are leading and discussed how their respective communities are collaborating with residents to prioritize community desires, such as housing, health and workforce options into these projects. They also discussed how they are leveraging cross-sector partnerships to create walkable and sustainable communities. Watch the full October Steering Committee on our YouTube channel.

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Stay Connected and Informed 

Visit our website to stay in the know about LinkUS. Check out the latest informational video that gives an overview of the LinkUS initiative and showcases what the possibilities can be with high-capacity bus rapid transit. For those of you who are active on social media, follow us on all social media platforms and please share and like our posts. 

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