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The 1979

Book of Common Prayer


Hymnal 1982

Please join us tomorrow, September 11 after Mass, for a community meeting to discuss options for our worship space. This is an important opportunity to hear from everyone and we hope you will attend.

One of the key concerns arising from the St. Clement's 2040 sessions was our physical plant and options available to us. We have not had response from developers and will be moving forward with some upgrades to the nave (the upstairs worship space). 

These upgrades will be focused on enhancing the grace and beauty of our Anglo-Catholic liturgy, while providing better accessibility overall and retaining flexibility for various uses, including support of musical offerings. If you've ever struggled with the steps leading up to altar, or watched someone else do so, you're aware of one of the problems!

Join us on Sunday, September 11, starting around noon, to look at some drawings showing options for how the space might be changed. Fr. Bob will lead us in the process of sharing the options and gathering responses from those present. The rector and vestry will then consider what they've heard and make decisions about where to go next. 

Any questions? Please email Michelle Heyne, Senior Warden, at

We look forward to seeing you next Sunday. 


An overview of the St. Clement’s 2040 process

Continue to pray for our Parish

Holy God, you have called us to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrod and adventures yet unknown.  Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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