The Assistive Technology Project was established November 1, 1989.

The name was changed from Project to Partnership in 1998 to represent the unique collaboration that began and continues today with Nebraska VR, Nebraska Health and Human Services, Nebraska Department of Education, and many more.

We are looking forward to our 35th Anniversary!


Connecting Nebraskans with opportunities through

assistive technology

On the Road in 2024

ATP needs contractors to quote on home accessibililty projects. Maketing in 2023 included a variety of strategies to help with recruitment. For the New Year we haven attached magnets to some our state vehicles to boost recruitment.

May Faith, Program Supervisor (left) and Elizabeth Lamborn, Accounting/Contractor Recruitment, installed a magnet on the Lincoln office van.

Learn more and share the link with potential contractors

ATP's Advisory Council

Needs You!

Individuals with disabilities, their family members and service providers-Make a difference-apply today!

Sending an email or chatting on the phone can be challenging for people with both significant vision and hearing loss.

iCanConnect provides equipment and training at no cost for people with both significant hearing and vision loss who meet the program’s disability and income eligibility guidelines.

iCanConnect is a national program with local contacts in each state that help people stay connected to friends, family and the world. ATP helps Nebraskans determine their eligibility for the program, assesses the needs of the applicant, identifies equipment solutions, and helps with installation and training.

Read our latest success story

For more information contact Brooke Harrie

[email protected]

The Lincoln ATP office has a new address. Please update your records: 500 S. 84th Street, Lincoln, NE 68510-2611

Mailing address: PO Box 94987, Lincoln, NE 68509-4987