Friday, December 15th, 2023

Immanuel Family, 

The month of December is a favorite every year. The students' excitement for the Christmas season is evident in their smiles and demeanor. The teachers enjoy decorating their classrooms, and getting into the Christmas spirit. All of the decorations never deviate from the true meaning of Christmas here at Immanuel, Jesus! The birth of our Savior, our King is the true meaning of Christmas. As our students work hard on their Christmas services with Mrs. Forshee, this is evident through their voices and music. Please be sure to join us for one of the students' Christmas services on Wednesdays evenings in December at 6:30 pm in Church, or at 8:15 am on Wednesdays in the Church for our school Chapel service. 

With admission season coming, please be sure to share our AMAZING Ministry with everyone and anyone looking for an excellent Lutheran education. Our open house dates are January 17 from 8:00-3:00 and 5:00-7:00 pm as well as February 7 from 8:00-3:00 and 5:00-7:00 pm. What a blessing our Ministry of Immanuel is! 

Merry Christmas!

Love God, Love Others!

Mr. A.J. Amling/Principal

Quick Links:

2023-2024 Calendar

Parent / Student Handbook

Lunch Calendar

Immanuel Calendar

Staff Favorite List

Make a Payment


Immanuel Website

Spirit Wear


Amazon Smile

Alumni on Facebook

School News

Forward Exam 

The Forward Exam was taken during the 2022-2023 school year, and Immanuel’s results are in. Immanuel continues to have a four out of five star rating with an overall score of 70.9% which is exceeding expectations for the State of Wisconsin. 

The link for the report card can be found HERE

Here is a list of the educational options available to children who reside in the pupil’s resident school district, that includes public schools, private schools participating in a parental choice program, charter schools, virtual schools, full−time open enrollment, youth options, course options and options for pupils enrolled in a home−based private educational program. Click on each one below to see a list of options. 

Options for pupils enrolled in a home-based private educational program.

Principal Chat

Our first principal chat was offered at the end of October. Thank you to those of you who attended! At the chat, Mr. Amling was able to inform parents about events happening around the Immanuel community, and opportunities to get involved. He was also able to share information that our National Lutheran School Accreditation saw from their visit. Future principal chats will be offered on January 18 and April 5 from 8:00-8:45 am. Hope to see you there!

Pick Up Line/Drop Off Line Procedures

If you have a desire to walk your child into the classroom each morning, please park in the Church parking lot (lot closest to Hampton.) If all the spots are filled, please wait for one to open or park along the grass on Immanuel’s property on 135th street. Please respect our neighbors and DO NOT park along their yards. Please do not park in the back by the playground either, as that is the drop off area for child care families with car seats, and many bags to bring in. Once you are parked successfully you can walk your child into their classroom. 


3K/4K pick up at 11:00. Please come prepared with your driver's license to run it through the data base to ensure that you are eligible to walk into the building. This is to protect all students in the building. You will be given a print out of your license on an index card, with a lanyard. Please wear this to come into the building every time. If you are not wearing it, you will be asked to run your drivers license again. 


If you have a student in 3K/4K PM you will need to go into school to get the students. Then get the rest of your older students. 


If you ONLY have students in middle school grades 6-8 please come no earlier than 3:05. You will need to get into lane 4, 5 or 6. If you have students in K-5th AND middle school, please still come at 3:05. Your younger students will wait with their teacher until middle school is let out at 3:10. 


If you have students in grades Kindergarten-5th and you want to pick them up from the classroom, please park in the church parking lot and come inside. If you are using the pick up line please get into lane 1, 2 or 3 and Mr. Amling will get you into a spot. 


Students and parents may NOT walk across the big parking lot. Safety first! Mr. Amling will put you in a designated spot, and your children will come to you. You should not get out of your vehicle. 

Giving/Warming Tree

The Giving Tree is set up and ready to go Please select a name and return a gift. Gifts need to be returned no later than Dec. 11th. We will also be having a Warming Tree down by the    office for hats, mittens and scarves that will go to Bob Under the Bridge.


Preorder your yearbook today!!!!

Yearbook ID: 14863824

Parent Teacher League (PTL)

Mark your calendars for our Immanuel Basketball Tournament January 25-28, 2024. We will need many volunteers again to run this tournament!

After School Child Care

Just a reminder that all students will need to be picked up from school by 3:20. At 3:20 all students left with their teachers will be signed into Child Care. You will need to pick them up from Child Care. Child Care will be asking for payment for those students who are not registered upon arrival. Fee for unregistered children is $15 per hour, per child with a $15 minimum charge. This is in accordance with our Student Parent Handbook. 

Please have a payment and drivers license ready for them at pick up. It is important that Child Care sees your drivers license so that they know you are eligible to pick up your child. Thank you for keeping all of our children safe. 

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is located in the south hallway next to the elevator/Child Care doors. Please have your children check for any missing clothes in the buckets on the table. Any left over clothes will be donated to local thrift stores on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month. Please be diligent in checking this area. 
Sports/Clubs news
Click the link below to see upcoming practices and games!

Questions about athletics? Please click the link below to visit our website!

We would love it if you would worship with us here at Immanuel. Worship times listed below!

Saturday evening 5:00pm
Sunday morning 8:00am & 10:30am

Bible study and Sunday school 9:15 to 10:15
Child Care
Career Opportunity

Child Care has immediate part time openings for Child Care teachers. If you are interested, and love working with children please contact Mr. Amling at 

High School News


LCL currently has 80 applications for the class of 2028 as of December 1st which is a significantly higher number than any previous incoming freshman class. If your student has not visited yet, we strongly recommend setting up an appointment soon. If your student would like to attend, we encourage you to fill out an application for admission very soon. When you fill out the application for admission, you will be able to sign up for the LCL Entrance Exam which will be on December 16th or February 10th at 8:30am. The LCL Entrance Exam is a requirement for acceptance. 


Lake Country Lutheran will not be able to guarantee enrollment after March 1st for the 2024-2025 school year. 


I would also like to let you know that LCL will be having a Winter Open House on January 22nd at 7:00pm. 


For all admissions information, please follow this link .  

8th Graders -- Early Application Discount ends December 31st

Attention 8th grade families! High school is right around the corner and we are excited to welcome another great group of incoming students at Living Word Lutheran High School! Take advantage of our early application discount and receive a $450 tuition credit when you apply before December 31st. Visit for more details.