Pick Up Line/Drop Off Line Procedures
If you have a desire to walk your child into the classroom each morning, please park in the Church parking lot (lot closest to Hampton.) If all the spots are filled, please wait for one to open or park along the grass on Immanuel’s property on 135th street. Please respect our neighbors and DO NOT park along their yards. Please do not park in the back by the playground either, as that is the drop off area for child care families with car seats, and many bags to bring in. Once you are parked successfully you can walk your child into their classroom.
3K/4K pick up at 11:00. Please come prepared with your driver's license to run it through the data base to ensure that you are eligible to walk into the building. This is to protect all students in the building. You will be given a print out of your license on an index card, with a lanyard. Please wear this to come into the building every time. If you are not wearing it, you will be asked to run your drivers license again.
If you have a student in 3K/4K PM you will need to go into school to get the students. Then get the rest of your older students.
If you ONLY have students in middle school grades 6-8 please come no earlier than 3:05. You will need to get into lane 4, 5 or 6. If you have students in K-5th AND middle school, please still come at 3:05. Your younger students will wait with their teacher until middle school is let out at 3:10.
If you have students in grades Kindergarten-5th and you want to pick them up from the classroom, please park in the church parking lot and come inside. If you are using the pick up line please get into lane 1, 2 or 3 and Mr. Amling will get you into a spot.
Students and parents may NOT walk across the big parking lot. Safety first! Mr. Amling will put you in a designated spot, and your children will come to you. You should not get out of your vehicle.