Lions Paw 1-11-19
Chapel Offerings
This month we will be doing a food drive for our chapel offerings. Bring non-perishables to the box out in the main hall. We will be taking a total weight to LEST so bring in as much food as you can!
Hotel Reservation for LEST
Parents and guardians- Mr. Schultz sent out an email today with hotel reservation info for LEST. Be sure to check your email=- it has a tentative schedule of events as well. Talk to Mr. Schultz if you have any questions.
Spirit Wear orders!
We will be doing one last spirit wear for the year! Starting on Monday you can pick up order sheets outside the office. We will need all orders no later than January 23rd! Talk to Ms. T for more information.
January 14th- Geography Bee
January 15th- Field trip to Peak Sports for MS Elective
January 21st- NO School MLK Day
January 25th- Zion Pride Day
January 28th- February 1st- National Lutheran Schools Week
Be sure to check us out on Facebook AND Instagram! Our Instagram name is ZionLutheranChristian -Check us out!