March 5, 2015
There's nothing worse than using a tried and true method to do something, only to find out it's changed and you're out of the loop! Well, this week this newsletter is devoted to getting you back in the Go ogle  L oop!

I'm going to share with you a fabulous story ( below) that a listener recently sent in. It's a longer article than usual, but worth reading because it will provide you with why and how you should be using the free Google Scholar website.

In fact, I'm so convinced at Google Scholar's value that I wrote a new chapter on it for the second edition of my book The Genealogist's Google Toolbox. (Keep reading below and you will find a special discount on the book this weekend.)

  I've also got a brand new updated version of my popular Google search video class for all of you Premium Members. I've added a discount this weekend as well to entice the rest of you to join us in the Googly fun. (And of course if you're already a member you are welcome to use the coupon to renew.)

So get ready to get in the
Google  Loop!
Thanks for listening friend,

Google Scholar for Genealogy?
Here's Why to Try It


Recently I heard from listener Sue Neale, whose story offers a compelling reason to use Google Scholar for genealogy research! Read it below-then I'll tell you a little more about Google Scholar.

"I've been using computers for genealogy research for about 30 years and am pretty good at finding most anything on the internet whether it pertains to genealogy or something else. It's a continuous learning experience because computer, the internet and genealogy on the internet are always changing and updating.


[After hearing your seminars at RootsTech 2015], I tried out a couple of Google searches for my husband's 3rd great-grandfather Silas Fletcher. Silas lived on Indian Key in the Florida Keys in the early 1820s.


My husband and I and our son visited Indian Key several years ago and the young lady who took us out in the boat had actually written her college thesis on Silas! Of course, we didn't think to get her name or any other information. So I Googled "scholar paper Silas Fletcher' and the first item on the search turned out to be her thesis!


I also found a second thesis on Indian Key and a research paper a third person had written-and they both contained information on Silas. In the footnotes I found references to deed books (book number and page number) that contained statements written by Silas, his wife Avis, their daughter Abigail and Mike's 2nd great grandfather William H. Fletcher about their lives and movements in the Florida Keys.


With that information I went to and found the deed books I needed for Monroe County. I was able to go find their statements very easily instead of having to 'browse' through the books on the off-chance I would find something (which I do if I don't know the exact book where the record would be).


I can hardly wait to try out the rest of what I learned

at your seminars to see what else I can find!"


Sue's experience is a great example of using Google to dig for your family history. One little-known feature on Google is Google Scholar, which would help Sue and anyone else more easily find material like what she describes: doctoral dissertations, theses, academic papers and more. Your keyword searches in Google Scholar will target results from academic publishers, universities, professional societies and more.



Though scholarly literature gets a bad rap sometimes for being boring or highbrow, they do something genealogists love: THEY CITE SOURCES. Sue cleverly read the footnotes of the materials she found and they led her right to a key source she needed.


Here's another resource she could find using the details found on Google Scholar in a Google Image search: a map of his community!


My newly-updated, revised book The Genealogist's Google Toolbox, Second Edition has an all-new chapter on using Google Scholar. Among other things, I show you advanced search strategies and how to use Google Alerts with Google Scholar for continuous updates on your favorite search results. Keep reading below for a coupon code to get a special discount this weekend!

Ultimate Google Search Strategies
 for the Family Historian

Updated for 2015!
Google continues to evolve and it is important to keep up with the changes so that your searches are as effective as possible (and with as little stress and frustration as possible!) In celebration of Lisa's new book The Genealogist's Google Toolbox Second Edition, she has updated the Ultimate Google Search Strategies Premium video (more on the below). And to add to the fun today through Sunday March 8 2015 at 11:59pm CST you can get 10% off a signed copy of the book with the coupon code: web10
In this video, Lisa gives you an update on the most recent Google changes. Then she will unleash advanced search strategies for genealogy that you probably aren't using but should be. These are the  'must-haves' that will help you get the best results possible. After this one hour class you will be armed with tips and tricks you can put into practice right away. (And be sure to download the class handout!)

Not a Premium Member yet?
Here's an incentive this weekend. Use the coupon code SAVE20
and get 20% off the one year membership. Plus you'll receive a free bonus ebook. Click here for details on joining.

Most Recent Podcast Episodes
Genealogy Gems Podcast
The Genealogy Gems Podcast 
Episode 176 
  • Get a Round Up of RootsTech Round
  • Genealogy Gems Book Club: More on Orphan Train, and some additional books to add to your reading list, options on how you can approach writing your own family's history
  • Your DNA Guide at Genealogy Gems, Diahan Southard, shares how to Social Network Your YDNA with Surname Projects
Learn what's new in using Google for your genealogy online searches. Plus: Lisa shares a listener's new genealogy blog, getting your paper organized, how to find topics that interest you on the Genealogy Gems website .

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Lisa's Upcoming Presentations:


SCGS Jamboree Webinar
Get the Scoop on Your Family History with Newspapers
March 18, 2015 


Virginia Beach Genealogical Society 

2 Webinars

March 21, 2015 


Allen Seniors Genealogy Club 

Allen TX 

March 23, 2015


Kendall Co Genealogical Society 

March 28, 2015 



Euless Public Library 

Euless, TX

April 2, 2015


April 14, 2015

2015 Conference in Providence RI
Keynote Speaker
April 15 - 19, 2015

Full Day Seminar
April 25, 2015

May 2, 2015

St. Charles, MO
May 13-16, 2015

Burbank, CA
June 4-7, 2015

Full Day Seminar
June 13, 2015

June 20 - 27, 2015

Full Day Seminar
Little Rock, AR
Keynote Speaker
Provo, UT
Full Day Seminar
Caldwell, TX
October 10, 2015

Fresno County Genealogical Society
Full Day Seminar
October 17, 2015


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