Liskow & Lewis Co-Hosts
Virtual Discussion on Criminal Justice Reform 
More than 160 employees from Shell Oil Company and Liskow & Lewis were part of an important and powerful discussion about criminal justice reform. The presentation was given by Chauntelle R. Wood, a litigator at Liskow & Lewis, Bianca Roberson, legal counsel at Shell Oil Company, and Yodit Tewolde, a criminal justice reform advocate.

The discussion was focused on criminal law and policies, how the laws and polices are interpreted, and the impact they have on minorities.

"To have an open and dynamic discussion not only about racial injustice but also about what we can do to start change was refreshing and moving. I'm proud that I not only get to be a part of a company that is making progressive steps towards change, but also partner with clients who are doing so," said Chauntelle.

The conversation sparked positive feedback and a deep interest for continued discussions.
If you have interest in learning more about this topic, or if you would like for Liskow & Lewis to host a similar presentation for your company, please reach out to Chauntelle.
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