Join the Conversation on Youth Baker Acts
Join Safe & Sound Hillsborough for a community conversation on Youth Baker Acts hosted by our Family, Health, & Well-Being Committee. This listening session facilitated by Dr. Kathleen A. Moore, provides a forum for community stakeholders to be educated about and share lived experiences of the baker act system impacting our youth and to identify strengths and weakness of current practices and policies.
Who should attend?
This forum is for Juvenile Baker Act system stakeholders (Crisis Stabilization Units (CSU’s), Law Enforcement, Schools, Treatment) and those who use or are affected by this system (youth, parents, teachers, hospitals, faith-based, transportation, substance abuse, children in need of services/families in need of services (CINS/FINS), other pro-social/community members).
Register today by clicking the link below! For more information, contact us at
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Safe & Sound Hillsborough
Working together to build strong families, safe schools, and healthy families.