Contact Delegate Pogge District Office (Outside of Session): 1201 Jamestown Road Williamsburg, VA 23185 757-223-9690 Please send mail to: P.O. Box 196
Legislative Aide Amanda Johnston
The days are passing quickly, and November 3 is right around the corner. To spread the word about my campaign, I am asking for your help!
We need volunteers to help with literature drops next week (no door-knocking required!). We also are looking for volunteers to work outside of the polls on Election Day.
If you are able to volunteer for a lit drop next week or on Election Day, please reply to this email with your name and phone number. You can also sign up to volunteer via my website,
Don't forget your yard sign and bumper sticker! |
Reply to this email with your name and address, and we will make sure you receive a yard sign or bumper sticker. Also, please consider making a financial contribution to support the campaign!
As I chat with local residents, I am often asked where I stand on various issues and how voters can learn more about my legislative initiatives. I truly appreciate when voters are interested in researching candidates, and I welcome these questions.
One of the nicest aspects of running for re-election is the fact that voters can easily determine where I stand on the issues: my voting record tells the story. Better yet, all of those votes are easily accessible on Additionally, I send weekly newsletters when the General Assembly is in session. All of these articles remain posted on my website at
While my voting record speaks for itself, I am often asked what guides my policy decisions. The answer is simple: as a Republican, I subscribe to the
Virginia Republican Creed. The Creed accurately describes my perspective, and I view legislative decisions through this lens.
We Believe:
That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice;
That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society;
That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government;
That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing constitutional limitations;
That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense;
That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers, is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation.
If you or a friend ever have questions, please do not hesitate to email me at or call me at 757-223-9690.
The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind. With multiple events per day, I am keeping busy. While the temperatures drop, the tempo of the campaign picks up!
James City County Republican Committee Reception with Congressman Rob Wittman |
Legislative Meet & Greet at Patriot's Colony Left to right: Jack Greenhalgh, Congressman Rob Wittman, Senator Tommy Norment, James City County Berkeley Supervisor Mary Jones, Delegate Brenda Pogge |
Partnering with Sheriff Bob Deeds to give away bicycles at Chickahominy Day |
Delegate Pogge with David Coe, Executive Director, Colonial Behavioral Health and Charles "Rip" McAdams, Chair, Colonial Behavioral Health Board of Directors
Please continue making me aware of how I can be of service to you. You can reach me by email at or by phone at 757-223-9690. For campaign related inquiries, please email
Delegate Brenda Pogge
Paid for and Authorized by Brenda Pogge for Delegate