The Decoder
May 2020 
During the COVID-19 crisis, people need literacy skills more than ever.  Decoda has launched a special fundraising appeal to support literacy programs in communities across BC.   

Donations will be matched dollar for dollar - up to a total of $10,000 - thanks to a special group of Decoda board members, staff and donors!

You can give where you live and double the impact.   Please donate today!
Every day, we receive new information that affects our lives and our decisions.  Literacy matters more than ever.

Our literacy partners are meeting the needs of their communities in so many ways.  

Decoda is here to help. 

Food security and literacy go hand in hand.

One group has fou nd a creative way to combine food and literacy to support their learners during the pandemic.

How do you replace face-to-face learning? You use new techniques. 

See how one organization has adapted …  

When you think of a library, what do you think of? Lots of books on shelves? What happens when the doors are closed and you can’t borrow books? 

Tina Chau, our librarian, has all the answers … | (604) 681-4199 | [email protected]