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The Messenger E-News

Livestream @ 10 on Facebook

8:00 AM Rite I

9:00 AM Coffee Hour

9:15 Adult Formation

10:00 AM Rite II: Choir & Sunday School

Click either button to watch the livestream

Visit our virtual worship page for the Sunday Bulletin

Livestream @ 10 on YouTube

Thanks to the Green Team and all who joined us for the bulb workshop last Sunday! Bernie taught us the correct way to plant daffodils.

More photos here.

Upcoming Events @ St. John's:

See Sunday's Lectionary here.

Literary Ladies

Sunday, 10/20 @ 12:30 PM

We Believe Class Sunday, 10/20 @ 6 PM

Café & Healing Eucharist

Thursday, 10/24 @ 10 AM & 11:30 AM

Faith by the Fire

Friday, 10/25 @ 7 PM

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We were blessed by an extraordinary view of the Northern Lights over Saint John's on Thursday, October 10! More photos here.


Walk in Love: Stewardship of Creation

In last week's e-news I shared why I always use the verse "Walk in love..." as my offertory sentence.

“Walk in love…” is in my neural pathways. If I say or think those three words the rest of the offertory sentence flows with little conscious effort. It is almost pre-linguistic: a reflex, perhaps even rote. That's what some people say about liturgy often repeated: it means nothing as we repeat words robotically. But I don’t think that is the case. I think that our liturgy and this phrase Walk in love has been written into my brain so deeply that it's part of me.

“Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us an offering and sacrifice to God.”

My walk in life is meant to imitate Christ’s walk. My walk should emulate his self offering. My walk is a reminder that everything I have and am comes from God, and living life with that attitude reminds me that I should walk through life as though it is a gift, not a possession.

I know this most when I go for long walks along the Brandywine or hike with our Holy Hikers. The first 10 minutes of any walk my mind is often busy, overfull with the stresses of the day and concerns for those I know and love. But at some point I hear a bird, or see the sun glinting off the water as it flows by and... something shifts, I slow down, breathe deeper, take notice of the world around me. My mind stills, and my walk becomes one of love. This is the moment I'm flooded with gratitude. This is the moment I become generous.

Peace and blessings,

Rev Jill

Bulb Planting: River of Crocus Sat. Oct. 26 @ 9 AM

Be a part of an event that will blossom on our front lawn in 2025 after we plant 1000 bulbs Saturday, Oct. 26. Please join us at 9AM. Bring a trowel, gloves and something to kneel on. We provide bulbs & assistance digging.

The Giving Train: LIVE at St. John’s!   Saturday, November 9 5-8PM

Save the date for our 3rd annual Giving Train fundraiser:

Delicious food from Tone's Spot Food Truck & fellowship! Dance the night away with The Crooked Rose Band!

Details and tickets here.

ICYMI - This Week at St John's

wwjb beer

At What Would Jesus Brew? John Pachkowski taught the history of lagers and pilsners.

Thanks to Bernie who shared this beer he brought back from Poland!

field fire pit

The Girl Scouts held a bonfire event at our fire pit!


Faith By The Fire

Evening Prayer & Fellowship Friday, October 25 @ 7 PM

Bring a chair & snacks/beverages to our new fire pit in the field for a time of prayer and fellowship around the fire. We’ll provide the s’more fixings! Rev Jill will lead us in Evening Prayer.

What is the Bible?

Adult Formation this Fall -- Sundays Mornings at 9:15

Join Rev Jill and Rev Terry this October and November as we unpack the question, "What is the Bible?"

Visit our website for the syllabus.

WE BELIEVE: Exploring our Episcopal Faith Sunday evenings at 6pm

This Fall, Rev. Jill and Rev. Terry offer a class for folks who want to learn more about the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement. This class is excellent preparation for those who would like to be baptized, receive the sacrament of Confirmation or be ‘received’ as a full member in the Episcopal Church. A full class outline is on our website

If you need to Zoom in for this class, please email Rev Jill using the button below.

RSVP to Rev Jill


New date for Road Clean-Up:

Nov. 2 @ 10 AM

Join the Green Team for our first roadside clean-up of Concord Rd.  Please reach out to Bob and Linda Fertig, or Glenn Wikel for more information. Sign up here.

Delivery Help Needed on Wednesday Mornings

Our team that takes turns making the delivery of food donations to St. Mary’s on Wednesday mornings could use a few more volunteers in the rotation. If you are interested, please contact Ronnie Liberi.

Parkinson's Support Group

1st Wednesday of the Month

Next one is

November 6 @ 1:30 PM to 3 PM

More info here.

Submit Prayer Request
Pastoral Care Needs

For Your Calendars

St. John's Episcopal Church

Usual Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9 AM - 1 PM


The Rev. Jill LaRoche Wikel, Rector

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