Staff and student safety is one of our primary concerns. In order to have a school year with minimal disruptions it is important for everyone to be mindful of keeping the spread of illnesses at a minimum.

We will be taking the following precautions during the 2022-23 school year to keep a healthy classroom:

  • Students and staff will wash hands often, including upon arrival, before and after snacks, and following bathroom use.

  • Staff will clean and sanitize tables before and after snacks.

  • Staff will sanitize classroom surfaces and materials between each class.

  • HEPA filters are available to be used indoors when windows cannot be open.

  • Students or staff who are feeling ill will need to remain at home, following our illness and exclusion policy on page 7 of the Family Handbook.

  • When a student or staff are ill, staff will document symptoms on a Health Log, monitoring for classroom spread of illnesses.
As Covid-19 continues to be present in our community we will work closely with the Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department (LLCHD) to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in our classrooms. We will follow current childcare guidance from LLCHD, which are subject to change.

As of August 25, 2022 the following policies will be followed:

  • Face coverings will be optional in preschool classrooms.

  • Families will be notified of exposure to a positive case of Covid-19.

  • If students or staff are considered a close contact, they will be required to wear a mask for 10 days in lieu of a quarantine.

  • If a student or staff has a member of their household who has tested positive and cannot isolate from others, that student or staff will be isolated at home for 5 days before returning to class. Upon return to class they will be required to wear a mask until day 10.

  • If an increase in cases of Covid-19 have developed in a class, masking may become required for 10 days as determined by the LLCHD.
Lincoln Parks and Recreation Preschool Programs may adjust face covering protocols and isolation guidelines as necessary after consultation with LLCHD. During the school year, face covering requirements may change for a specific class based on the number of positive cases, outbreaks, community conditions or risk of spread.