Live Oak
Unitarian Universalist Church
March 27, 10:00am - In Person or online
On the Road to Find Out
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford
"Well I left my happy home
To see what I could find out
I left my folk and friends
With the aim to clear my mind out."
- Cat Stevens.
On Rev. Joanna's last service before leaving on sabbatical, she shares some thoughts about renewal, sabbath, and journey.
Join us in person (or online) for Worship at 10:00am. The link will be on the Live Oak homepage: www.liveoakuu.org.
Share the Plate
Here but homeless
We will Share the Plate in March with Casa Marianella, an Austin nonprofit that provides the only homeless shelters in the area solely for immigrants. The group operates two clusters of shelters in renovated houses in East Austin, including space for women and kids, and also offers support services such as ESL classes. Most clients are asylum seekers coming from immigration detention. Learn more at: www.casamarianella.org
Go to the Donate link on the Live Oak website’s home page. Use the drop down menu to designate your donation for “Share the Plate”.
A Few Words from the Minister
Get Good, Do Good, Celebrate
I write this, sitting at my desk Wednesday evening. I can hear Gouri’s tabla drums from his lesson, conversation down the hall from a meeting, and – Joy of Joys – the choir rehearsing in the sanctuary. Read more
Masks Now Optional at Live Oak
In accordance with the covid guidelines recommended by the Live Oak Safety Team and approved by the Board, this Sunday Live Oak will move to "masks optional" for those who are vaccinated. The City of Austin is currently at "Level Two" in their staging. For more information about Live Oak's safety guidelines, please see: https://link.liveoakuu.org/covid-guidelines
Important Dates to Know
The Voting Rights Team wants to make sure you know these dates:
April 7 Last day to register for the May 7 local election*
April 25 First day of early in-person voting for the May 7 local election
April 25 Last day to register for the May 24 primary runoff election
April 26 Last day to apply for Ballot by Mail (received not postmarked) for the May 7 local election
*The May 7 ballots will have 2 state questions and city races including those in Austin, Round Rock, Leander, Georgetown, and Cedar Park for example
The Easter Bunny Needs Your "Hop"
Help stock our Easter hunt.
The annual Live Oak Easter egg is back on this year but we need the whole congregation to be involved, by donating prizes for the hunt.
Items are needed for children of all ages, from babies to preteens. These gifts do NOT need to be able to fit into eggs--children will be able to cash in their found eggs for what they want. Some suggested treasures are mini packs of crackers, stickers, sidewalk chalk, seed packets, coins, or even homemade items like bath bombs.
Please bring these items to church no later than April 17 (that's Easter).
The hunt begins at 11 am. Babies and preschoolers will hunt in the playground and elementary students by the back picnic tables. Teens are needed to work the egg-exchange table and to help hide the eggs during service.
You Are Invited to Join a Discussion On Environmental Justice
Because of Spring Break, the March meeting of the Environmental Awareness Team will meet on the 4th Thursday.
On Thursday March 24 at 6:30pm, the Environmental Awareness Team will meet and discuss the Environmental Movement and Human Rights and make plans for Earth Day Activities.
Chris Mihealsick
Invocation, 3-17-2022
The Leander mayor invited Rev. Joanna to give the invocation at the March 17 Leander City Council Meeting. Here are her words.
Why Does LOUU Exist?
To fulfill our mission! Is it time to update our mission to reflect our current congregation? That’s up to you. We are looking for 4 volunteers to work on reviewing and revising the church mission. Contact Karen Santhanam if you would like to be on this team!
Member Connections
We’ll be featuring in our newsletters those members who joined Live Oak during these many pandemic months. Welcome, Chrissy.
Chrissy Williams was raised Catholic but as an adult began a faith journey searching for a place where all are accepted. Eventually, she landed on our website and online services.
“We really feel like we could bring anyone to Live Oak and they would be welcome,” she said.
Chrissy and her husband, James (also a new member), moved to Austin about nine years ago. They both work for Bloom Consulting, a company that helps people with disabilities find and keep meaningful employment. Previously, she was a vocal music teacher in public schools for 12 years. She has joined Live Oak’s choir and the church’s live stream team.
She is busy preparing for a new baby in September and when time allows, enjoys reading and playing piano.
Chrissy was raised in New Jersey before a move to Houston in middle school. She went to college in Shreveport, LA.
She loves watching comedies and “fluffy” shows, Chrissy said. “If that's your cup of tea I'd love to share my Hulu list with you.”
Calling All Crafters
In conjunction with Selfies with Santa Live Oak will be hosting a Holiday Craft Bazaar of handmade items. It is a great way for us to use our creative talents and donate to LOUU. Start planning your projects now for this December!
In addition to items, we need people to help plan, organize and assist at the event. If you are interested in helping with the event, please email me at alisonlmcpherson@gmail.com.
Are you looking for a way to help feed the millions of Ukrainian refugees?
The CROP Walk is an inter-faith, multi-generational fund raising event sponsored by Church World Services to combat hunger. Twenty five percent of the funds will be allocated to the host countries for the refugees, i.e. Romania, Moldova, Georgia.
Youth, teens, littles and adults have several ways to take one step at a time on the paved one mile (one-way) walk: complete the total 2 miles, drop out when you need to, cheer the walkers on at the one mile mark, push your stroller, use a walker or wheelchair. Just do it!
What: The Leander/Cedar Park Hunger CROP Walk
When: April 24th @ 1:30 pm CDT
Where: Pavilion at Twin Lakes YMCA 205 E Little Elm Trail, Cedar Park, TX
Who: You!
Invitation to Chalice Circles
Interested in small group discussions to build larger connections?
We are tentatively gauging interest in another Chalice Circle. There is a facilitator willing to lead if there are enough people who sign up. Read more about them below and then email dlfd@liveoakuu.org if you would like to join one. Time and days are still to be decided once we know our possible participants.
Chalice Circles are intentional small learning groups (8-10 people) that encourage sharing through deep listening. Groups build relationships that strengthen community and spirit. All groups begin with the same curriculum and then have the option to continue with a new topic, or join another group. Circles remain closed until one topic is completed. However, new members may be added at the start of a new series. Therefore, registration remains open throughout the year.
Groups choose how and where they meet, including an option for virtual meetings. Each meeting is 90 minutes long and includes opening words, check-in, readings, reflection and a closing.
Literacy Program - Tutors Needed for Adult Basic Education
New students mean new volunteer opportunities.
Our one-on-one tutoring program has an immediate need for two or more tutors.
New Construction Photos
Click here every week for more photos!
Lifespan Faith Development News
Find out what’s developing
With the return to indoor worship, that means we can return to indoor RE. However, children's classes may still choose to meet outside and teachers will make that decision at the start of class time. Masks are optional indoors or out while we remain in Stage 2.
Worship service is at 10 AM, followed by faith development classes at 11. We will continue to livestream worship services.
Childcare is available during service for children under 6, or older children who may prefer it. But remember that all children are welcome at service at all times and childcare is for your comfort only. Wigglers welcome!
March 27: Questing, Resting, and Sabbaticals
K-7th grade: Questing, Resting, and the 4th Principle
Class will meet in room 111 to discuss the importance of sabbatical for all of us. There may even be a quest involved . . .
High School Youth: Service Planning or Sabbatical Questions with Reverend Joanna
Class will either meet in the Library to work on their May 8 service, or speak with Reverend Joanna in Fellowship Hall about her upcoming sabbatical.
Adults: Sabbatical Questions with Reverend Joanna
Join Reverend Joanna in Fellowship Hall to wish her a thoughtful and renewing sabbatical.
At-Home Faith Development Online is available all month long here:
We cannot have RE classes without volunteers to staff these classes. Please consider donating just one hour a month to our Religious Education program. Don't pass up a chance to get to know the amazing, thoughtful youth we have at Live Oak.
-Cindy, Acting DLFD
We Want You!
The Live Oak UU Church Chorus invites ALL to sing with us!
The Live Oak UU Church Chorus is extending a loving invite to all those interested in vocal music. Our ensemble is searching for singers of all types and no previous experience is necessary. If you have a willingness to learn, grow, and sing, then we would love to have you join us.
We rehearse weekly on Wednesday nights from 7:30-9:00 pm with bi-monthly performances. For more information or if you are interested in joining us, please email the Music Director, Curtis White. We hope to hear your voice alongside ours!
LiveOakUU.org Pages to Visit:
The deadline for the weekly e-newsletter and the Sunday announcements is midnight on Tuesday. The submission form can be found here
Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church
(737) 240-3455 | 3315 El Salido Pkwy, Cedar Park, TX 78613