March 18, 2021
This Week
March 14, 2021
"Take Courage, Friends
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford
Live over the past 5 years has twisted our conceptions of the continuum between courage and caution. What does courage look like, in 2021? And how can we live it out as a noble virtue? 

Join us for Worship at 10:00am: the link will be on the Live Oak homepage:

Join us for Fellowship Time immediately following the service (approx. 10:45/11:00)

Share the Plate
SAFE: Stop Abuse for Everyone is our March 2021 Share the Plate recipient.
The SAFE Alliance is a merger of Austin Children’s Shelter and SafePlace, both long-standing and respected human service agencies in Austin serving the survivors of child abuse, sexual assault and exploitation, and domestic violence.

Go to the Donate link on the Live Oak website’s home page. Use the drop down menu to designate your donation for the “Ministers’ Discretionary Fund.” In addition to those designated donations, half of all undesignated gifts in March will go to the fund.

February recipient: Minister's Discretionary Fund $2750
A Few Words from the Minister
Complicated Feelings Regarding the End of the Pandemic? It's Not Just You.
Spring is here, and we have the hopes that all adults will have received their vaccine by summer. It is a glorious time full of hope and possibility. And, our feelings may be a little more complicated than that. Read more
A Few Words from the DLFD
Faith Development 3.15 to 3.21.21
The latest news...Read more
Special Notices
Policy Meeting Sunday
The Policy committee will be meeting this Sunday for a regular board meeting, where the topics will include the bylaws rewrite, appointing an interim trustee, and investment committee discussion. All are welcome to attend this open meeting via the link on the What's Happening page.
Easter Bunny Deliveries
Carrie is helping the Easter Bunny recruit delivery drivers! If you can help deliver packages to families the weekend of April 3-4, let her know
Happy Birthday, Live Oak Labyrinth!
Our labyrinth is 17 years old on the Spring Equinox. The Labyrinth Team (Mike Schultz, Katherine Enyart, Becky McPherson, and Linda Webster) looks forward to our community labyrinth walks when it is safe for us to be together on the labyrinth again. For now, we invite you to appreciate the coming of Spring by getting outside and walking the labyrinth at a time that is convenient to you. Birthdays are a good time to say “Thank You.” We are grateful to Anne Eaglewalker and Live Oak members who designed, and built, and continue to tend the labyrinth; to all who bless this path with their footsteps; and to our church for this gift of sacred space. This year we thank especially Becky McPherson who has been giving special care to our labyrinth during the pandemic.
Photo credit: Becky McPherson
Could Global Warming have Caused the Big Freeze?
You are invited to attend the Environmental Awareness Group on Thursday March 25th and we will discuss: Climate Change, extreme cold events, and the resilience of electric grids.

The Zoom Meeting is at 6:30 Thursday March 25th. The link will be on the What’s Happening page.
Faith in Action Workshop Registration
What's in your justice ministry?
Live Oak is in the process of developing its congregational social justice ministry. An initial step in this development was becoming a member of Texas UU Justice Ministry (TXUUMJ). Carmen Rumbaut is our representative to this organization and will be helping us decide which TXUUJM initiatives we will support and how.

An additional step in this development was offering the “Saying Yes, Saying No” workshop which was attended by about 25 Live Oak members.
The next step in development of our Live Oak Social Justice Ministry is the Faith in Action workshop to be led by Heather Vickery, Saturday, March 27, 2-3:30. Heather is the Coordinator for Congregational Activism at the UU College of Social Justice. You can find out more about Heather and the workshop at The purpose of the workshop is to become clearer about how a congregational ministry is structured, developed and maintained. This step will prepare us for the next phase of implementation.

Attendance is limited to 18. Initial invitations were extended to Live Oak leadership teams and 10 spaces remain available for registration.
You can register for this workshop here. For questions or more information, contact Wayne Gregory, Live Oak Social Justice and Community Outreach Liaison.
ABE Tutors Needed
Do you want an activity to punctuate your week, give you something to look forward to, help you remember what day it is? Our Adult Basic Education program needs 2 tutors right away. We're getting one student who realizes it's time to get his GED but falls short of the requirements for the Literacy Council Williamson County pre-GED program, and another who didn't learn to read or write properly due to civil war in her home country of Liberia. Our program offers one-on-one lessons to students. Training is provided. If you can spend 1 1/2 hours each week giving an online lesson and about thirty minutes for preparation, this may be just the volunteer opportunity you've been looking for. Contact Kim Ono or Mary Hengstebeck for more information.
Opportunity – help your neighbors learn English.
If you have been thinking you might want to help, we invite you to observe some classes.
Getting to know our wonderful students, is a great way to have a positive influence in our community. Our goal is to increase student’s confidence so they can talk with people at stores, their neighbors, their children’s teachers, and health professionals. Our goal is not perfect grammar or perfect pronunciation.
Anyone who wants to teach or assist, will work with current teachers to become familiar with our classroom activities. You determine when and how much you want to participate. Conversation classes are 1.5 hours, and we structure them so that the students are doing 80% of the talking.
If you would like more information, please contact Mary Hengstebeck or 512-983-7009.
Live Oak Church will be distributing food to our neighbors at Fresh Food Friday and need volunteers to help.

* Friday, March 19th @ 8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. in the Live Oak parking lot. This is when we distribute the food to our neighbors. Volunteers are needed to set up, direct people to the drive through area, collect client information, and place food in the client’s trunk. You do not need to remain the entire 2 & 1/2 hours.

HCCM has asked for 7 people for each activity. We are asking you to please let us know if you will be able to participate in either activity, so we know if we have enough or too many people.

To RSVP or for any questions please contact Donna Durbin at:
Live Oak Seniors' Coffee Hour
Join us for Coffee hour on Thursdays at 10:30am. On the 1st & 3rd week of the month, Rev. Joanna will lead a lively discussion. The other weeks will be an informal gathering. The Zoom link will be on the What's Happening page.
coffee_beans_cup.jpg Pages to Visit:
Worship Service & Fellowship Hour:
Community Outreach & Social Justice:
In the Community
UBarU Camp & Retreat Center is offering e-events to help you connect with camp and with each other. All the details are at The cottages are available for personal and family get-aways. Just send me an email and we can confirm plans. Details about rates and accommodations

Each Friday at 6:30 p.m.   Join us for Friday Fellowship with Rev. Betty. Friday Fellowship includes meditation, readings, homily and discussion. All are welcome! Co-sponsored by UU Free Range Ministry and UBarU Camp & Retreat Center registration

Each Friday at 10 a.m. Friday  Dance as a spiritual practice, for all ages (adults and kids), genders, abilities, and fitness levels. Set an intention for joy, energy, movement, and community. Open to UUs and wider community, led by Community Minister Rev. Erin Walter. Questions or song requests, contact  link

Saturday, March 6 at 11 a.m. Coffee with the Director where we can talk about what is happening at UBarU, hopes/wishes for camp and ourselves registration

April 9-11 Men-aligned Retreat - Details at
April 16-18 Women-aligned Retreat - Details at

Youth Summer camps- dates are based on age of camper
Details at

The deadline for the weekly e-newsletter and the Sunday announcements is midnight on Tuesday. The submission form can be found here
If you have any questions or comments about this Newsletter please email: