Live Oak
Unitarian Universalist Church
April 24th 10:00am - In Person or online
"Awake My Soul"
Rev. Jami Yandle
Leonard Jacobson says, “Awakening is about liberating yourself from the prison that is the world of the mind and daring to be here as all that you are.” My life has been about breaking out of the prisons of oppression and daring to be all of who I am. How can our congregations and Unitarian Universalism create communities of liberation that support all individuals in their quest to be all of who they are?
Join us in person (or online) for Worship at 10:00am. The link will be on the Live Oak homepage: www.liveoakuu.org.
Share the Plate
A legal helping hand
The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services is our Share the Plate recipient for April. RAICES provides free and low-cost legal help to immigrant children and families and to refugees in Texas. Its clients, including children, would have to go to court alone without that representation. The nonprofit also provides social programs, bond assistance for release from detention centers and advocacy personnel. Learn more at: www.raicestexas.org
Go to the Donate link on the Live Oak website’s home page. Use the drop down menu to designate your donation for “Share the Plate”.
A Few Words from the Minister
Rev. Joanna will be on sabbatical through August 31. During this time, we will be sharing some of her writings.
Today's: "TO BE A LEADER." We are filled with gifted leaders. Including gifted leaders who often chafe at the word “leader.” Chafe all you want, but I see you, and you are a leader.
Questions Big and Small!
In an effort to contribute to the flow of information at LOUU, we are trying out a new opportunity for both New and Seasoned folks to ask those questions that cross our minds from time to time. And, hopefully provide some answers!
Here’s what we’re going to try, and likely tweak as needed:
- A monthly zoom opportunity to “drop in” and ask about whatever you’d like to know about Live Oak. Maybe “who’s responsible for something”, or “when can I light a candle on Sundays”, or “I have a skill, but I don’t know how to find out if anyone needs what I have to offer”, or is there a team for “X”, or “I heard there’s a new Website coming, how will we know when?”, etc. Pretty much anything!
- The questions will be gathered by the “host”, and passed on to a designated person or group who will provide answers. Unless you request that your name be associated with the question you ask, there won’t be any attribution.
- The answers will appear (as they are available) in the weekly Newsletter under a section called “The Answers”. If you have a question, you can bet there are other folks who want to know the answer too!
There’s a great opportunity for learning for all involved, “questioners” and “answerers”, as well as the general congregation. Who knows what could come from all of this sharing of information?
You can drop into the Zoom meeting on the 4th Wednesdays at 6:30pm. The first session will be April 27. The link will be on the What's Happening Page.
-Carol Sheffield
Men’s Group to Start Meeting In Person
Men of the church are invited to participate in our first in person meeting after well over 2 years! Please join us Tuesday, April 26th at 7pm in the church Library.
Maypole Dance on May 1st
Join us for the Maypole Dance after church to celebrate the beauty of Spring.
We will celebrate Beltane and the beauty of Spring with a Maypole Dance in the area just outside the Fellowship Hall. At Beltane, the earth is fully awake. Now is the time when sweet desire weds wild delight in the greening of the year. When we dance the Maypole, we dance to renew the earth, and to renew ourselves and each other so that love may bloom. For more information: labyrinth@liveoakuu.org
Congregational Meeting
On May 15, 2022 following church service we will holding a Congregational Meeting. During this meeting we will be electing our Board Representatives and voting on plans for growth. Please be there as we will need 1/3 of the Congregation for quorum. Attendance via YouTube is also available here.
Update Your Contact Info
Reminder to let us know when you change your preferred email address, move, or get a new phone number. Send an email to administrator@liveoakuu.org.
Looking for Event Hosts
When there is a large event at Live Oak, we require an Event Host. This is a Live Oak person that is onsite during the event. The host duties include:
- unlocking the building
- helping renters arrange the stage
- being available to answer questions
- making sure the renter is only using the spaces they have reserved
- making sure any children present are staying in the reserved areas
- making sure the stage is reset after the event
- locking the building
Hosts are paid $20/hr which is included in the rental fees. Training will be provided. If you are interested, email Diane Stepakof-Fay.
Hunger is a social justice issue.
Join the Live Oak CROP Walk Team!
Peace begins when the hungry are fed. ~Dorothy Day
The CROP Walk is a nationwide movement to raise funds to end hunger and poverty in the U.S. and around the world, including Ukraine. Join the Live Oak team to raise funds to help neighbors near and far get the meals they need today and sustainable food security for tomorrow.
Globally just $25.00 can provide a water filter for a home. $50.00 provides two months of groceries (can you imagine?!).
CROP Walk is a great intergenerational event, an easy trail walk and what could be better than being outside in the springtime for a good cause? Join the team and raise funds from your family, friends and acquaintances! You can ask them to donate online or there are donation envelopes you can use. Check with Donna Durbin, Lois Scott or Lyndy Dower
Like Reverend Erin Walter said last Sunday as she invited us to deepen our practices for seeking joy and justice, showing up is a spiritual practice! If you can't walk, how about matching the amount you spent on Easter goodies - and then some - to our CROP Walk team?
Here are the details:
When: Sunday, April 24th at 1:30 pm
Where: YMCA 204 E Little Elm Trail, Cedar Park 78613
This month, TXUUJM begins new programs, open to all Texas UUs and your friends and communities. On Thursday, April 14, we start the "We Cry Justice" book group with the Poor People's Campaign (6:30-7pm) AND our new weekly Texas Justice Action Hour (7-8pm), taking actions for justice over Zoom, having fun, and building community together. TXUUJM is also looking for Get Out the Vote postcard captains for each congregation, and registering folks for "Being A Good Relative," a program of indigenous solidarity and environmental justice (7-8:30pm Mondays in May). Get all the details, invite friends and register now at bit.ly/TXUUJMApril2022. Any questions? Contact: txuujm@gmail.com
UBarU Events
UBarU Summer Youth camp dates:
Primary camp for campers ages 9-11 or rising* grades 4-6th - June 5-June 11, 2022
Intermediate camp for campers age 12-14 or rising grades - 7-9th June 12-18, 2022
Senior camp camp - for campers age 15-18 or rising grades 10th-2022 high school graduates - June 19-25, 2022
* “rising” means this is the grade the camper will attend in the fall of 2022, not the grade they have just completed.
Detailed information can be found at https://www.ubaru.org/summer-camps where there is all the information about COVID precautions, expectations, and cost for this summer.
Join us at camp for Bioblitz 2022! We will work together and with the app- iNaturalist- to catalog wildlife, plants and other creatures at UBarU. Expertise is not required; all are welcome! Bring a sack lunch, water bottle, smart phone, closed toes shoes and your observation skills. This is a free event hosted as an opportunity to learn and gather information about what is living and growing at UBarU.
If you need a tutorial for iNaturalist, the Kerrville Nature Center is hosting a session on April 19.
More details will be sent to participants as we get closer to the day.
Summer Family Camp
Spend time with your family in the beautiful Texas Hill Country! This Memorial Day weekend Family camp will offer opportunities to learn, grow, and share as a family, as well as opportunities for parents to enjoy some free time and activities designed just for them. Other activities will include cookouts, campfires, archery, swimming, games, nature education, and a star party (pending conditions). Programming is being planned for kids and adults. Register at UBarU.org
Young Adult Weekend
Young Adults (ages 18-30 years) are invited to camp for a weekend of camp activities including swimming, archery, games, crafts, labyrinth walking and more! June 25-27 are the dates which is a Saturday to Monday. You are invited to participate in the youth Bridging ceremony to invite the 2022 High school graduates into young adulthood. Lodging will be in the Brown Center bunks and private rooms. Meals are included along with the activities. Early bird price is $125. Discount offered for adults chosen to be counselors for youth camp. See application and job description for Adult Camp counselors at the youth camps page.
Genderfuul Retreat
Join us at camp July 8-10, 2022! The Genderfuul retreat is an affirming retreat where trans, non-binary & agender UU adults can build community with each other. From nature walks to spiritual discussions and crafts, we hope that each person is able to relax and connect with the sacredness of being genderful. Our chaplain will foster an environment where everyone is encouraged to acknowledge and value the wide variety of identities, experiences, feelings, vocabulary and traumas that come with existing in an often oppressively gendered world.
In addition to discussions, crafts, meals and lodging, the weekend will include swimming in the UBarU stock tank pool, walking the labyrinth, resting and renewing your body and spirit. Register at UBarU.org
LiveOakUU.org Pages to Visit:
The deadline for the weekly e-newsletter and the Sunday announcements is midnight on Tuesday. The submission form can be found here
Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church
(737) 240-3455 | 3315 El Salido Pkwy, Cedar Park, TX 78613