February 18, 2021
To make sure we all stay safe and well,
we're going to re-reschedule the
Spread the Love event to next weekend.
Once more, we're going to miss you now so we're safe tomorrow.
See you on 2/27/2021 from 10-1.
This Week
February 21, 2021
After the Storm
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

A week ago, we knew an extraordinary cold front was coming. But we had no idea the trauma that was ahead because of bad decision-making by government and industry leaders. This Sunday, we come together with our sorrows, our gratitude, our anger, and our resolve. 

Join us for Worship at 10:00am: the link will be on the Live Oak homepage: www.liveoakuu.org

Join us for Fellowship Time immediately following the service (approx. 10:45/11:00) https://link.liveoakuu.org/FellowshipHour

Share the Plate
Make this fund your Valentine
The Minister’s Discretionary Fund is our February 2021 Share the Plate recipient. The fund is a resource Rev. Joanna can use to help members facing an immediate hardship or to respond to others who seek help from our church. The money has gone to such needs as travel to a parent’s funeral, school tuition and Covid-related medical devices.

Go to the Donate link on the Live Oak website’s home page. Use the drop down menu to designate your donation for the “Ministers’ Discretionary Fund.” In addition to those designated donations, half of all undesignated gifts in February will go to the fund.

January recipient: Hill Country Community Ministries $925.00
A Few Words from the Minister
Through the Storm
Whew. What a week. Read more
A Few Words from the DLFD
Faith Development 2.15 to 2.21.21
Just a quick update on this Sunday's news... read more
Special Notices
Winter Breakdown: Posts from Members
During this week, members have shared some of their experience and thoughts with others on social media. Here is a sampling, reprinted with permission.

Policy Committee Meeting Sunday
The Policy Committee will be meeting this Sunday at 1pm. We'll be discussing the bylaws overhaul, a proposal for an investment committee, and new format for financial reports. All are welcome to participate in the discussion. The Zoom link is in the agenda.

Let's Talk about the Environment
A new group is being formed to increase our awareness of environmental concerns that impact all of us. Chris Mihealsick will be leading the Environmental Awareness Group which will meet monthly and explore topics and plans for action. This will be an intergenerational group for anyone over the age of 14.
Link to Group’s Webpage.

The first Zoom meeting is scheduled for 6:30pm on Wednesday, February 24th. Information will appear on the What’s Happening webpage.

Topic for first meeting: Science of Climate Change - The greenhouse effect, gasses that contribute to global warming, and human impact. Read more
Special Meeting Results - YAY!
We're building an elevator!
The congregation voted to approve the capital fund elevator project after the Jan 31 special congregational meeting. The draft minutes for the meeting are here.
This is truly something we should be proud of!

Accepting Nominations for Live Oak Elected Positions 
LOUU Board elections are coming up in May.
There is an opening for treasurer, trustee and nominating committee members.  If you are interested in any of the elected positions, or if you know someone who would serve Live Oak well, please let the nominating committee know: nominating@liveoakuu.org. If you have questions, the Nominating Committee encourages you to read the Bylaws or contact any member of the Nominating Committee for more information. You may use the nominating@liveoakuu.org email address or you may contact any individual member of the Nominating Committee: Mark E. Anderson, Carolyn Dower, Becky McPherson, Julia Mitschke, or Sanjiv Sarwate.
Live Oak Seniors' Coffee Hour
Join us for Coffee hour on Thursdays at 10:30am. On the 1st & 3rd week of the month, Rev. Joanna will lead a lively discussion. The other weeks will be an informal gathering. The Zoom link will be on the What's Happening page.
Got a Shot of Your Shot?
This vaccine is amazing - if I could, I'd be ringing a church bell every time someone in the congregation got theirs! In lieu of that -- when you get the vaccine, would you send me a photo? It can be a photo of you getting the shot, or smiling afterward, or even just a shot of the bandaid on your arm. These photos will probably be used in a future worship video. Send to: minister@liveoakuu.org

LiveOakUU.org Pages to Visit:
Worship Service & Fellowship Hour: http://www.liveoakuu.org/ for
Community Outreach & Social Justice: http://www.liveoakuu.org/justice/
In the Community
UBarU Camp & Retreat Center is offering e-events to help you connect with camp and with each other. All the details are at http://ubaru.org/home/e-events. The cottages are available for personal and family get-aways. Just send me an email and we can confirm plans. Details about rates and accommodations

Each Friday at 6:30 p.m.   Join us for Friday Fellowship with Rev. Betty. Friday Fellowship includes meditation, readings, homily and discussion. All are welcome! Co-sponsored by UU Free Range Ministry and UBarU Camp & Retreat Center registration

Each Friday at 10 a.m. Friday  Dance as a spiritual practice, for all ages (adults and kids), genders, abilities, and fitness levels. Set an intention for joy, energy, movement, and community. Open to UUs and wider community, led by Community Minister Rev. Erin Walter. Questions or song requests, contact erinjwalter@gmail.com  link

Saturday, March 6 at 11 a.m. Coffee with the Director where we can talk about what is happening at UBarU, hopes/wishes for camp and ourselves registration

March 26-28 Women-aligned Retreat  
April 9-11 Men-aligned Retreat 
Youth Summer camps- dates are based on age of camper
Details at www.ubaru.org

The deadline for the weekly e-newsletter and the Sunday announcements is midnight on Tuesday. The submission form can be found here
If you have any questions or comments about this Newsletter please email: editor@liveoakuu.org