Live Oak
Unitarian Universalist Church
May 30, 2021
Side with Love
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford
Love is asking us to live our values, be hospitable and inclusive, educate for liberation, restore and repair, and most importantly, to Side with Love. Join us for this special service featuring stirring music, deep-hearted reflection, and moving testimonies from a range of UU leaders.
Join us for Worship at 10:00am: the link will be on the Live Oak homepage: www.liveoakuu.org
Share the Plate
May's Share the Plate recipient is NAMI of Central Texas. Their mission is to improve the lives of all individuals affected by mental illness through education, support and advocacy programs. They envision a community that addresses mental illness as a health issue and provides the systems, resources and education for all people to achieve recovery.
Founded in 1984, NAMI Central Texas, formerly NAMI Austin, is a member of the largest grassroots mental health organization in the United States, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Through innovative education, support and advocacy programs, they are changing the way our community addresses mental health. NAMI Central Texas serves Travis, Williamson, Hays, Bastrop, Burnet, and Caldwell counties.
Go to the Donate link on the Live Oak website’s home page. Use the drop down menu to designate your donation for “Share the Plate”.
April recipient: The Safe Alliance - $1380.00
A Few Words from the Minister
Summer Healing
How will you make opportunities for summer to bring you renewal and recovery? Read more
A Few Words from the DLFD
Faith Development 5.24 to 5.31.21
Wondering and Wandering Flower Communion June 6th
On Sunday, June 6, after our online worship service, come up to Live Oak for a special “Wandering Flower Communion.” Park your vehicle, then come around the back way (by the Common Ground building) and walk along the labyrinth and chalice pathway. You’ll find buckets of flowers along the path where you can both distribute the flowers you brought to share, and find a flower to take home with you.
In solidarity and support to our young folks who are not yet eligible to get fully vaccinated, please continue to wear your mask and observe social distancing.
Flower Communion Helpers Needed
On Sunday, June 6, after the online worship service, we will hold a "wandering flower communion" along the chalice pathway. We need a few helpers for this - please let Rev. Joanna know if you can help. minister@liveoakuu.org
Exploring Membership - June
Please join me the second Sunday in June (June 13) for an online "Exploring Membership" class at noon. In this gathering, we'll get to know each other, and I'll share information about Unitarian Universalism and Live Oak UU Church. I'll also share information about what membership means, and how to become a Live Oak member. - Rev. Joanna
Learn About Climate Change and Poverty
Thursday Zoom Meeting May 27th @ 6:30pm. Find the link to the meeting on the
What’s Happening webpage.
Topic: Climate Change and Poverty – Climate change has disproportionate impacts on the global poor, including consequences and adaptation abilities
Join us to discuss this timely topic. - Chris Mihealsick
Literacy Program - Adult Basic Education Tutors Needed
ABE offers one-on-one lessons to adult students in reading comprehension and writing. Training for new tutors is provided. If you can spend 1 1/2 hours each week giving an online lesson and about thirty minutes for preparation, this may be a good volunteer opportunity for you. Contact Kim Ono or Mary Hengstebeck for more information.
Live Oak Seniors' Coffee Hour
Join us for Coffee hour on Thursdays at 10:30am. On the 1st & 3rd week of the month, Rev. Joanna will lead a lively discussion. The other weeks will be an informal gathering. The Zoom link will be on the What's Happening page.
LiveOakUU.org Pages to Visit:
Each Friday at 6:30 p.m. Join us for Friday Fellowship with Rev. Betty. Friday Fellowship includes meditation, readings, homily and discussion. All are welcome! Co-sponsored by UU Free Range Ministry and UBarU Camp & Retreat Center registration
Each Friday at 10 a.m. Friday Dance as a spiritual practice, for all ages (adults and kids), genders, abilities, and fitness levels. Set an intention for joy, energy, movement, and community. Open to UUs and wider community, led by Community Minister Rev. Erin Walter. Questions or song requests, contact erinjwalter@gmail.com link
Youth Summer camps- dates are based on age of camper
The deadline for the weekly e-newsletter and the Sunday announcements is midnight on Tuesday. The submission form can be found here
Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church
(737) 240-3455 | 3315 El Salido Pkwy, Cedar Park, TX 78613