March 7, 2021
Our Ancestors Breath
Carrie Krause, Director of Lifespan Faith Development
Most family trees contain some outlaws or skeletons in the closet--people we might wish to forget or hide away. What do we lose when we cut off part of our heritage? We can find lessons about who we are today, and how we can be better ancestors, if we open ourselves up and wrestle with the stories of our lineage.
Join us for Worship at 10:00am: the link will be on the Live Oak homepage: www.liveoakuu.org
Share the Plate
SAFE: Stop Abuse for Everyone is our March 2021 Share the Plate recipient.
The SAFE Alliance is a merger of Austin Children’s Shelter and SafePlace, both long-standing and respected human service agencies in Austin serving the survivors of child abuse, sexual assault and exploitation, and domestic violence.
Go to the Donate link on the Live Oak website’s home page. Use the drop down menu to designate your donation for the “Ministers’ Discretionary Fund.” In addition to those designated donations, half of all undesignated gifts in March will go to the fund.
January recipient: Hill Country Community Ministries $900.00