August 6,2021
This Week
The Votes Are IN! In August, we’ll be replaying the 5 most popular worship services, as voted on by Live Oak members. Join us at 10:00 am Sunday for live replays and new chat. 

August 8, 2021
Our Ancestors' Breath
Carrie Krause, Director of Lifespan Faith Development

Most family trees contain some outlaws or skeletons in the closet–people we might wish to forget or hide away. What do we lose when we cut off part of our heritage? We can find lessons about who we are today, and how we can be better ancestors, if we open ourselves up and wrestle with the stories of our lineage.

Join us for Worship at 10:00am: the link will be on the Live Oak homepage:

Join us for Fellowship Time immediately following the service (approx. 10:45/11:00):
Share the Plate
Live Oak’s Share the Plate recipient for August is Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas. They create healthier communities by providing comprehensive reproductive and related healthcare services, delivering science-based education programs, and serving as a strong advocate for reproductive justice in Texas. In 2020 Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas had 93,602 patient visits in Austin, Dallas, Denton, El Paso, Fort Worth, Lubbock, Paris, Plano, Tyler, Waco, and surrounding communities
Support for Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas is needed now more than ever with legislators enacting 90 abortion restrictions across the country, including 12 abortion bans in states like Texas, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Montana and more. In May of this year Governor Greg Abbott signed into law Senate Bill 8, which seeks to ban all abortion in Texas after six weeks of pregnancy, well before many people know they're pregnant. With measures like these, Planned Parenthood's comprehensive health services are urgently needed in our state to keep promoting healthy and safe Texas citizens. Please visit their website for more information and to get to involved - Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, Inc.

To help support Planned Parenthood, go to the Donate link on the Live Oak website’s home page. Use the drop down menu to designate your donation for “Share the Plate”.

June recipient: Critter Crusaders - $324.25
A Few Words from the Minister
Getting the Twisties
Gymnast Simone Biles withdrew from Olympics events, explaining "the twisties" as the cause. Whoa. I know that feeling. Read more

A Few Words from the DLFD
(Director of Lifespan Faith Development)
My more
Special Notices
Women's Labyrinth Group on Zoom
Our finger labyrinth walk and sharing circle focuses on the First Harvest and the community that supports us.
Sunday, August 8, 6:30-9 p.m
We gather for a sharing circle followed by a finger labyrinth walk, celebrating First Harvest (also known as Lammas or Lughnasah). We are grateful for what we are harvesting in our lives and for the community that continues to support us. Please join us as we walk the path that “calls us from the center of who we are and who we long to be.” The group is open to women high school age and older. The Zoom link with be sent via email for those who are on the email list for the Women’s Labyrinth Group. If you need a copy of the Live Oak Labyrinth and/or the Zoom link, contact: Linda Webster

Shining Stars
Students Teaching Students
A number of Mary Hengstebeck ‘s English as a Second Language (ESL) students went rogue and took the initiative to practice outside regular class time. Why? To accelerate their grasp of the English Language. These students prepared, documented and presented a plan to Mary. Their plan focuses on highly motivated students practicing conversational speaking on their own. ESL student, Nguyen Viet Hung, said, “We will invite only some (six maximum) students who are studying in your classes and really want to study English by themselves.”
The next part of the plan involves 30 minutes of general English conversation in the breakroom, followed by a 30 minute session for the host’s presentation of a topic. Students take turns at being a host who researches a topic using YouTube, e-magazine/news articles, etc. and then presents it to the group for discussion. The topic is given to participants in advance so they can prepare questions or comments. It’s a very ambitious timeline and they want every minute to count. “One can just feel the hope, eagerness and commitment of their quest for improvement”, beamed Mary. We agree, Mary, you’re all shining stars.
Social Justice Update
Summary of Poor People's March from Georgetown to Austin, 7/27-31
Texans and National leaders of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival organized last week’s march. The call of this campaign is to: 1) End the filibuster,  2) Pass the For the People Act,  3) Restore the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and  4) Raise the Federal Minimum Wage to $15 an hour. Read more

New Student Awaiting Tutor
A young woman from Brazil wishes to go to college here, but she needs to improve her English skills. Blanda needs a tutor once a week to assist her with English comprehension and writing. Her skills are strong, and she will be a delightful student to teach. Please contact Kim Ono if interested.

Live Oak Seniors' Coffee Hour
Join us for Coffee hour on Thursdays at 10:30am. On the 1st & 3rd week of the month, Rev. Joanna will lead a lively discussion. The other weeks will be an informal gathering. The Zoom link will be on the What's Happening page.
coffee_beans_cup.jpg Pages to Visit:
Worship Service & Fellowship Hour:
Community Outreach & Social Justice:
In the Community
UBarU Camp & Retreat Center is offering e-events to help you connect with camp and with each other. All the details are at The cottages are available for personal and family get-aways. Just send me an email and we can confirm plans. Details about rates and accommodations

Each Friday at 6:30 p.m.   Join us for Friday Fellowship with Rev. Betty. Friday Fellowship includes meditation, readings, homily and discussion. All are welcome! Co-sponsored by UU Free Range Ministry and UBarU Camp & Retreat Center registration

Each Friday at 10 a.m. Dance as a spiritual practice, for all ages (adults and kids), genders, abilities, and fitness levels. Set an intention for joy, energy, movement, and community. Open to UUs and wider community, led by Community Minister Rev. Erin Walter. Questions or song requests, contact  link

Details at
Star Party 9/3 - 9/6
Men Aligned Fall Retreat   October 1-3, 2021 
Women Aligned fall retreat October 15-17, 2021

The deadline for the weekly e-newsletter and the Sunday announcements is midnight on Tuesday. The submission form can be found here
If you have any questions or comments about this Newsletter please email: