Friday Film Series hosted by Wildflower Church
The WildEarth Climate Action Team offers a series of documentaries focusing on the World-wide Water Crisis and some of the solutions that are being applied or explored. Starting October 1, then every other Friday, four evenings of film viewing and discussion will be hosted. Following are the dates and films; details on the films and Zoom links will be provided in the next few weeks.
10/15 The Shadow of Drought: When California droughts end, people tend to return to apathy about conserving H20. This is no longer an option
Israel's Solution for a Water Starved World: In the middle of a desert, Israel applies planning, sound infrastructure and technology innovation to attain water self-sufficiency
10/29 The Last Drop: National Geographic film explores the growing water scarcity crisis in the U.S., especially the west, from public and personal action perspectives
The World's Water Crisis: Examines the looming global water crisis, asking hard questions about how it is managed or commodified, and how access may be ensured as a human
11/12 Dark Hobby: Dark Hobby , a beautiful expose, follows Hawaiian Elders, conservationists and scientists who fight the devastation to species and reefs caused by the aquarium trade.