Live Oak
Unitarian Universalist Church
Spread the Love is REALLY happening!
See you on 2/27/2021 from 10-1.
February 28, 2021
Finding Hygge on Groundhog Day
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford
Living during this pandemic is HARD, y’all. Join us for this honest but hopeful service about addressing the reality of the isolation but finding contentment (and maybe even joy) within its limitations.
Join us for Worship at 10:00am: the link will be on the Live Oak homepage: www.liveoakuu.org
Share the Plate
Make this fund your Valentine
The Minister’s Discretionary Fund is our February 2021 Share the Plate recipient. The fund is a resource Rev. Joanna can use to help members facing an immediate hardship or to respond to others who seek help from our church. The money has gone to such needs as travel to a parent’s funeral, school tuition and Covid-related medical devices.
Go to the Donate link on the Live Oak website’s home page. Use the drop down menu to designate your donation for the “Ministers’ Discretionary Fund.” In addition to those designated donations, half of all undesignated gifts in February will go to the fund.
January recipient: Hill Country Community Ministries $900.00
A Few Words from the Minister
Post-Storm Brain
My mom and I are in agreement: our brains aren't working right, if they're working at all. Read more
A Few Words from the DLFD
Faith Development 2.22 to 2.28.21
Rescheduled: Policy Committee Meeting Sunday
The Policy Committee will be meeting this Sunday at 1pm. We'll be discussing the bylaws overhaul, a proposal for an investment committee, and new format for financial reports. All are welcome to participate in the discussion. The Zoom link is in the agenda.
Huge Thank Yous!
These folks helped make sure Live Oak’s buildings made it through the freeze and its aftermath:
Tim & Sue Buckley braved the roads several times to check the pipes inside and out. You may not realize, but in addition to the 3 sets of restrooms and the kitchen, there’s a janitor’s sink, two water heaters, most of the classrooms have sinks and 3 have restrooms.
Alyssa Goss, CT Goss and Tim Stryker spent hours on Sunday cleaning up the trees that were damaged. There were branches all over the picnic area and playground.
Elizabeth Maze coordinated volunteers to help distribute water. Many of Live Oak’s neighbors were either without water or under a boil alert.
All the "Water Distribution" volunteers:
- Alyssa, CT, Nick, Oliver, and Wren
- Jane Justice, Steven Collins, and Colin, Ashlei, Kylie, and Molly
- Tina Van Winkle
- Jenny and Ross Perkins
- Becca and Phillip Russell
- Heather Malkawi and Jayna
- Cindy La Greca
- Tom Crawford, Rev. Joanna, and Marenna
- Robin Johnson
- Bis Thornton
- Evan Sruthan
And all the people who donated water containers, snacks, supplies, and/or publicized the event! Special thank you to Liz Waters and her boss for their generous contributions!
UUs Helping Texans
We received a call from the UU Fellowship of Winona, MN. They wanted to make a donation to an organization that is helping people in Texas. They know what cold is, but the stories from Texas moved everyone to want to do something. They were trying to reach a UU Church in Texas to get suggestions. Diane told them about Hill Country Community Ministries and Fresh Food for All.
They took a look at the HCCM.org website and were impressed with the breadth of their work and the number of churches that support it. Their Social Action Committee quickly decided to send $250 to Hill Country Communities Ministries. "We wanted to help in as direct a way possible and to do so in connection within the web of UU churches and fellowships."
They asked that we “let your congregation know that our Fellowship sends its deep appreciation for the work you do.”
Let's Talk about the Environment
A new group is being formed to increase our awareness of environmental concerns that impact all of us. Chris Mihealsick will be leading the Environmental Awareness Group which will meet monthly and explore topics and plans for action. This will be an intergenerational group for anyone over the age of 14.
The first Zoom meeting is scheduled for 6:30pm on Wednesday, February 24th. Information will appear on the What’s Happening webpage.
Topic for first meeting: Science of Climate Change - The greenhouse effect, gasses that contribute to global warming, and human impact. Read more
Live Oak Seniors' Coffee Hour
Join us for Coffee hour on Thursdays at 10:30am. On the 1st & 3rd week of the month, Rev. Joanna will lead a lively discussion. The other weeks will be an informal gathering. The Zoom link will be on the What's Happening page.
LiveOakUU.org Pages to Visit:
Each Friday at 6:30 p.m. Join us for Friday Fellowship with Rev. Betty. Friday Fellowship includes meditation, readings, homily and discussion. All are welcome! Co-sponsored by UU Free Range Ministry and UBarU Camp & Retreat Center registration
Each Friday at 10 a.m. Friday Dance as a spiritual practice, for all ages (adults and kids), genders, abilities, and fitness levels. Set an intention for joy, energy, movement, and community. Open to UUs and wider community, led by Community Minister Rev. Erin Walter. Questions or song requests, contact erinjwalter@gmail.com link
Saturday, March 6 at 11 a.m. Coffee with the Director where we can talk about what is happening at UBarU, hopes/wishes for camp and ourselves registration
March 26-28 Women-aligned Retreat
April 9-11 Men-aligned Retreat
Youth Summer camps- dates are based on age of camper
The deadline for the weekly e-newsletter and the Sunday announcements is midnight on Tuesday. The submission form can be found here
Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church
(737) 240-3455 | 3315 El Salido Pkwy, Cedar Park, TX 78613