Live Oak
Unitarian Universalist Church
February 27, 10:00am - In Person or online
Community Ministry
Joel Bercu, Audrey McCann, Chris Milhealsick, Judy Reynolds
What is the ministry we do in the wider community? Join Live Oak members Joel Bercu, Audrey McCann, Chris Milhealsick, and Judy Reynolds, as they discuss taking action with school board issues, reproductive justice and anti-racism, voting, and climate justice.
Join us in person (or online) for Worship at 10:00am. The link will be on the Live Oak homepage: www.liveoakuu.org.
Share the Plate
Vital support for families
We will share our plate in February with Any Baby Can, an organization that offers many services to strengthen Central Texas families and improve outcomes for children. Programs are wide-ranging: prenatal classes, parenting classes, support groups, early intervention services such as physical therapy or speech therapy, in-home visits, family health services and more. Any Baby Can also offers a range of volunteer opportunities if you want to get more involved in such important work.
Go to the Donate link on the Live Oak website’s home page. Use the drop down menu to designate your donation for “Share the Plate”.
A Few Words from the Minister
Reaching Back to the Ancestors for Answers
There it was: the evil that comes from a lust for power, taking form in meanness in this state, and horror in this world... read more
Update to COVID Guidelines for
Live Oak UU
Safety Team after discussions with the Board has decided to revise COVID restrictions.
As we follow the science, it is also important to be nimble while considering the health and well-being of our Congregation. Therefore we have updated the COVID-19 guidelines for Live Oak UU. The current Austin Public Health for total hospitalizations indicate we can move to Orange starting for the February 27th service. That means we will be meeting inside, and masked. However for those that do not feel comfortable going to church, a Live Stream service will still be available on YouTube.
The Growing Social Justice Ministry
The number of members wanting to learn more about opportunities for Justice Work is growing. If you would like to learn more about the Social Justice Ministry activities complete this short FORM and you will be included in an informational email group.
Wayne Gregory, Executive Committee Member
What is Willing Workers?
How can I help?
Willing Workers is an email group used by the Buildings and Grounds Team at Live Oak to get the word out when help is needed. Live Oak has ongoing building and ground needs since we don't have a janitor employed. These tasks range from landscaping, painting, moving furniture, or simple plumbing, to name a few. In order to be good stewards of Live Oak's money we can not hire outside workers for every need. This is where you can help. We all have busy lives, if everyone does something we can share in the load and get stuff done. Complete this Willing Workers Form to be notified when we need your help.
Sue Buckley for the Buildings and Grounds Team
Invitation to Chalice Circles
Interested in small group discussions to build larger connections?
We are tentatively gauging interest in another Chalice Circle. There is a facilitator willing to lead if there are enough people who sign up. Read more about them below and then email dlfd@liveoakuu.org if you would like to join one. Time and days are still to be decided once we know our possible participants.
Chalice Circles are intentional small learning groups (8-10 people) that encourage sharing through deep listening. Groups build relationships that strengthen community and spirit. All groups begin with the same curriculum and then have the option to continue with a new topic, or join another group. Circles remain closed until one topic is completed. However, new members may be added at the start of a new series. Therefore, registration remains open throughout the year.
Groups choose how and where they meet, including an option for virtual meetings. Each meeting is 90 minutes long and includes opening words, check-in, readings, reflection and a closing.
Literacy Program - Tutors Needed for Adult Basic Education
New students mean new volunteer opportunities.
Our one-on-one tutoring program has an immediate need for two or more tutors.
Elevator UPdate!
Progress towards the installation of our elevator is (finally) proceeding rapidly! Read more about what's happening and how you can be a part of this and future projects that will reshape our church home.
Click here for more photos!
Green Team and Spring
Spring is spouting up all over, can you help us be ready?
The Green Team is a group of Live Oak members who are dedicated to maintaining our garden and grounds. We are very fortunate to have a beautiful property but this property takes a little care now and then. Will you help us care for our beautiful park like setting? Join the Green Team email list and get notices when we will meet for a work day. These works days are usually 2-3 hours at most and certainly weather permitting. Enjoy a sense of accomplishment with gardening, add your name to our list, come on by when you can and join in. For more information contact Hella Holoubek.
Ambassadors Needed!
While I'm on sabbatical, I'd like to have a team of Live Oak members who will touch base on email with guest preachers, connect them with their worship leader, and meet them at Live Oak on Sunday. Can you help with this? Let me know!
This Week in Faith Development
Find out what’s developing
With the return to indoor worship this week, that means we can return to indoor RE if the weather is truly uncooperative. However, children's classes may still chose to meet outside and teachers will make that decision at the start of class time.
Worship service is at 10 AM, followed by faith
development classes at 11. We will continue to livestream worship services.
Masks are required for everyone over age 2 for all indoor activity.
Calendar for February: 2/27:
PreK: Stories & Play (outside on the playground)
K-7th: Climate Change and the 7th Principle (outside at picnic tables or in room 205)
HS Youth & Adults: will meet with the Social Justice Ministry teams in room 105 to hear more about service opportunities
At Home Faith Development Online Faith Development for families to use at
home is available at the beginning of each month. You can access previous
We cannot have RE classes without volunteers to staff these classes. Please consider donating just one hour a month to our Religious Education program. Don't pass up a chance to get to know the amazing, thoughtful youth we have at Live Oak.
-Cindy, Acting DLFD
Save the Date - Kiya Heartwood Ordination
Saturday, April 2nd, 11am First UU Church of Austin 4700 Grover Avenue.
First UU of Austin, UU Church of the Brazos Valley, and UU Church of Victoria are ordaining Kiya Heartwood. Live Music, Food, Worship, Celebration, Serious Fun!
All are welcome!
We Want You!
The Live Oak UU Church Chorus invites ALL to sing with us!
The Live Oak UU Church Chorus is extending a loving invite to all those interested in vocal music. Our ensemble is searching for singers of all types and no previous experience is necessary. If you have a willingness to learn, grow, and sing, then we would love to have you join us.
We rehearse weekly on Wednesday nights from 7:30-9:00 pm with bi-monthly performances. For more information or if you are interested in joining us, please email the Music Director, Curtis White. We hope to hear your voice alongside ours!
What's a HoMe team and why should I be on one?
You don't have to try out, you don't have to athletic and there is no age limit.
HoMe teams provide Hospitality and Membership support each Sunday morning by welcoming visitors, preparing coffee, and passing offering baskets. You don't have to try out, you don't have to be athletic, and there is no age limit. If you can make a one Sunday per month commitment for March, April, and May, please contact Donna to join one of these amazing teams.
Senior Coffee
Join Rev. Joanna on Zoom for the Senior Coffee. The link is on the What's Happening page. Here are the discussion topics coming up:
March 3 Assume the Best of People But Only Take Cash
March 17 UFOs and Life Beyond Earth
LiveOakUU.org Pages to Visit:
The deadline for the weekly e-newsletter and the Sunday announcements is midnight on Tuesday. The submission form can be found here
Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church
(737) 240-3455 | 3315 El Salido Pkwy, Cedar Park, TX 78613