Live Oak
Unitarian Universalist Church
January 31, 2021
Denazification and Cult Deprogramming
Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford
After World War II, the Allies instituted a program of removing Nazi ideology from Germany and Austria. Combined with modern research about the most effective ways of saving a loved one from a cult, we can begin the work of rebuilding our society with the values of Beloved Community.
Join us for Worship at 10:00am: the link will be on the Live Oak homepage: www.liveoakuu.org
No Fellowship Hour this week. Instead, join us at the special Congregational Meeting. Details below.
Share the Plate
Don’t Just Share the Plate; Fill Their Plate, Too
Share-the-Plate with our annual partner
Our January 2021 Share the Plate community partner is Hill Country Community Ministries. HCCM is a coalition of churches assisted by area businesses, civic organizations, service clubs and concerned individuals that provides food, clothing and other assistance for people in crisis and those living in poverty in southwest Williamson and northwest Travis counties. HCCM also spearheads Live Oak’s monthly signature project, Fresh Food for All, which brings fresh produce and other perishables to our community. This month, all designated "share the plate" donations, and half of all undesignated donations, will be given to HCCM.
A Few Words from the Minister
The Flag Was Still There
I must confess, I have not been a big fan of the song, “The Star-Spangled Banner” with its difficult-to-sing melody and war references. That changed on January 20. Read more
A Few Words from the DLFD
Faith Development 1.25 to 1.31.21
Congregational Meeting
At long last, thanks to the generosity of our Live Oak members and friends, we met our funding target to proceed with a vote on building an elevator! Plan on attending the special congregational meeting January 31 after the service for a celebration, presentation, and vote on the project proposal. Meeting information and zoom link at liveoakuu.org/meeting
Spread The Love 2021 Project
Volunteer to donate items of love to your fellow LOUU's! And get your own on 02/13/2021!
It’s be a long year, and we’ve all been through a lot. To help lighten spirits and remind everyone that we’re all in this together the Fun and Fellowship team is do a “Bag of Love” event for all households!
On Saturday 02/13/2021 starting at 10am we will be handing out bags (one per household) filled with love, good wishes, and a few surprises. We'll stay safe with you in your car wearing a mask, and us on the sidewalk wearing ours. Air hugs and blown kisses will all be available with boundless supply! Can't wait to see you then!
We need contributions to the bags from any and all who are willing. In total we’ll be making about 150 bags, but any donation helps! Some items that would be great:
• Cards
• Valentines (homemade or store bought)
• Love notes
• Candies
• Cookies
• Stickers
• Other small items that say I LOVE YOU – and there’s nothing you can do about it!
Donations can be dropped off on the porch at either our Round Rock location: 4272 Ridgebend Dr or our Cedar Park location: 1218 Fox Sparrow Trl. any time between now and 02/11/2021 without appointment.
If you know of any in our community who could use a little extra love, or if you would like to receive your Bag of Love but cannot make it to the church on 02/13/2021 drop us an email at: fun@liveoakuu.org
We love you!
Get on the MAP!
New marketing and publicity team seeks members
Live Oak is forming a new team to raise the church’s visibility to potential new members and friends. Called the MAP Team for “marketing and publicity,” this small, working group will meet for about six months to look at Live Oak holistically and identify opportunities to spread the word about the church, its work, and its members. Could it be yard signs? Local advertising? Finding new social media opportunities? Working with partners for cross-promotion?
Two focuses will be on implementing low-cost, maintainable solutions and ensuring we reach diverse audiences.
Volunteers with communications backgrounds are appreciated, but anyone who enjoys problem-solving and taking a new look at existing processes will be gratefully welcomed. We anticipate meeting monthly with fact-finding assignments in-between.
Got a Shot of Your Shot?
This vaccine is amazing - if I could, I'd be ringing a church bell every time someone in the congregation got theirs! In lieu of that -- when you get the vaccine, would you send me a photo? It can be a photo of you getting the shot, or smiling afterward, or even just a shot of the bandaid on your arm. These photos will probably be used in a future worship video. Send to: minister@liveoakuu.org
Hill Country Community Ministries
Here's an update about what's happening at HCCM.
LiveOakUU.org Pages to Visit:
Streaming Concert Tickets Benefitting the Austin Sanctuary Network and our friends Hilda, Ivan and Alirio!
Join us for an evening of transcendent music by singer-songwriter Carrie Newcomer, and part of the proceeds will benefit asylum-seekers Hilda and Ivan Ramirez and Alirio Gamez who are fighting their deportations back to the countries where they fled violence.
***Austin Sanctuary Network will receive net 30% of proceeds from tickets purchased through THIS LINK specifically
Carrie Newcomer, who has hosted benefit concerts for ASN for several years, has been called a “Prairie Mystic” by the Boston Globe, a “soaring songstress” by Billboard and was described as having “a voice as rich as Godiva chocolate” by the Austin American Statesman.
The deadline for the weekly e-newsletter and the Sunday announcements is midnight on Tuesday. The submission form can be found here
Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church
(737) 240-3455 | 3315 El Salido Pkwy, Cedar Park, TX 78613