Member Connections
We’ll be featuring members who joined Live Oak during these many pandemic months in our newsletters. Welcome, Sarah.
Marlo Kaskoto, a lifelong UU, signed up for Live Oak’s newsletter, watched online services and liked what she saw.
“…The community seemed strong and caring. Also, the services are always relevant to our changing times,” she said. She is especially interested in the church’s ESL and literacy programs.
Recently retired as a school administrator, Marlo now has more time for her gardening interests and is working on creating a pollinator garden in her backyard. She has lived in Austin since the 1980s when she moved here from Toronto. An animal-lover, Marlo has cats Harry and Simon and a dog named Jenny.
Marlo enjoys reading. “I generally have several books going at a time,” she said. “Right now, my favorite book is The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow. Their research challenges the traditional views of human history and is a very thought provoking read.”