Invocation from Oct. 21 Leander City Council Meeting
Rev. Crawford was invited to give the invocation for the October 21 Leander City Council meeting. Here are her words:
"Spirit of Life, God of different understandings, which we call by many names, or no name, but who calls each of us ‘beloved,’ we lift up this prayer:
In a time when what is amplified so often are the voices of anger and discord
May our hearts be softened so that we may listen to one another with loving curiosity
May we have the courage to speak clearly about what we believe to be important
Trusting that others will do the same
Let us celebrate all of the different lived experiences that we bring into this room
And the rich diversity of this community whom we represent
May our fears be transformed into hope
May creativity and imagination be bountiful to respond to our challenges
May love be the guiding principle for our decisions
And foremost, may our knowledge that life is fragile and a gift fill us with gratitude
And may our gratitude take form in generosity to one another and the people we serve.
In the name of all that is sacred and true, we say, Amen and blessed be."