Live Oak
Unitarian Universalist Church
January 24, 2021
The Story We Will Tell
Heather Vickery
As adrienne maree brown says, “all organizing is science fiction”. As we organize for social justice individually and as a congregation, we have to be clear about the story we want to tell about our collective future. If we focus only on what we are against, we can be pulled in many directions AND never get to be innovative about how to reach the beloved community. Join guest preacher, Heather Vickery, in imagining a new story together.
About Heather:
Heather Vickery is the Coordinator for Congregational Activism for the UU Service Committee and the UU College of Social Justice – she works with congregations to do their justice work more effectively and faithfully while connecting with other folks in the UU Universe like state action networks and UUA regional staff. She is the Treasurer of the newly incorporated Beyond Bond and Legal Defense Fund and an active member of the Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network also known as just BEYOND. This is also Heather’s last of four years serving as the President of the Board of the First Parish in Malden.
Join us for Worship at 10:00am: the link will be on the Live Oak homepage: www.liveoakuu.org
Join us for Fellowship Time immediately following the service (approx. 10:45/11:00)
Share the Plate
Don’t Just Share the Plate; Fill Their Plate, Too
Share-the-Plate with our annual partner
Our January 2021 Share the Plate community partner is Hill Country Community Ministries. HCCM is a coalition of churches assisted by area businesses, civic organizations, service clubs and concerned individuals that provides food, clothing and other assistance for people in crisis and those living in poverty in southwest Williamson and northwest Travis counties. HCCM also spearheads Live Oak’s monthly signature project, Fresh Food for All, which brings fresh produce and other perishables to our community. This month, all designated "share the plate" donations, and half of all undesignated donations, will be given to HCCM.
A Few Words from the Minister
Relief is Not Joy. That's Okay.
There is an old joke about seeing a man repeatedly hitting himself on the thumb with a hammer. You ask him why he’s doing that? Read more
A Few Words from the DLFD
Faith Development 1.18 to 1.24.21
There are new things coming each week...see what is in the works... read more
Two quick reminders:
Deadline for PreK and elementary families to register for a February Activity box is Wednesday, 1/27. Sign up HERE.
Deadline to RSVP for the Stuffie Sleepover is also Wednesday, 1/27. RSVP HERE.
A HUGE Thank You to the
Live Oak Advent Elves!
The thought, time and effort you put into creating the Advent bags is very appreciated. They were amazing! Everyone looked forward to opening one each day. Our elves were:
Amy Dark, Jessi Davis, Katherine Enyart, Diane Gadell, Leo Hansen, Susan Hansen, Alison McPherson, Nancy Mason, Becky McPherson, Jennifer Swan, Cindy Schlanger, Dianne Sylvan, Rev. Joanna, and Santa Claus
Got a Shot of Your Shot?
This vaccine is amazing - if I could, I'd be ringing a church bell every time someone in the congregation got theirs! In lieu of that -- when you get the vaccine, would you send me a photo? It can be a photo of you getting the shot, or smiling afterward, or even just a shot of the bandaid on your arm. These photos will probably be used in a future worship video. Send to: minister@liveoakuu.org
Live Oak Social Justice Ministry
Changes are coming regarding Live Oak Social Justice Ministry
This year has brought social justice issues to the forefront. New and longtime members have stated that social justice work is important for Live Oak to be involved with.
To help us determine what Social Justice Ministry looks like for our congregation, Heather Vickery from the UU College of Social Justice will give a sermon this Sunday, January 24th. Then from 1 to 2:30 that afternoon she will present a workshop, Saying Yes and Saying No. The workshop is "built around a centering and discernment practice that helps anyone working for justice say NO in order to empower YES."
Live Oak Youth, 14 and up are encouraged to "go to church" for the sermon that morning and are invited to the workshop as well. Our DLFD, Carrie Krause will be reaching out to families to survey youth justice interests and share how they can become involved in Live Oak's Social Justice Ministry.
I'd like to give a virtual shout out to Wayne Gregory, Live Oak's Executive Team Liaison for Community Outreach. He has been instrumental in developing our Social Justice Ministry. I hope you've all read his report, 'Live Oak Justice Ministry in the New Year.' If not please do!
If you are interested in Live Oak's Social Justice Ministry please mark January 24th on your calendars.
Get on the MAP!
New marketing and publicity team seeks members
Live Oak is forming a new team to raise the church’s visibility to potential new members and friends. Called the MAP Team for “marketing and publicity,” this small, working group will meet for about six months to look at Live Oak holistically and identify opportunities to spread the word about the church, its work, and its members. Could it be yard signs? Local advertising? Finding new social media opportunities? Working with partners for cross-promotion?
Two focuses will be on implementing low-cost, maintainable solutions and ensuring we reach diverse audiences.
Volunteers with communications backgrounds are appreciated, but anyone who enjoys problem-solving and taking a new look at existing processes will be gratefully welcomed. We anticipate meeting monthly with fact-finding assignments in-between.
2021 Member Name Tags
Your new Member name has been printed for the new year. The name tags are hanging on the grid in the Fellowship Hall waiting for you when we can meet in-person again.
Sample Name Tag:
At long last, thanks to the generosity of our Live Oak members and friends, we met our funding target to proceed with a vote on building an elevator! Plan on attending the special congregational meeting January 31 after the service for a celebration, presentation, and vote on the project proposal. More details and materials to come.
LiveOakUU.org Pages to Visit:
Streaming Concert Tickets Benefitting the Austin Sanctuary Network and our friends Hilda, Ivan and Alirio!
Join us for an evening of transcendent music by singer-songwriter Carrie Newcomer, and part of the proceeds will benefit asylum-seekers Hilda and Ivan Ramirez and Alirio Gamez who are fighting their deportations back to the countries where they fled violence.
***Austin Sanctuary Network will receive net 30% of proceeds from tickets purchased through THIS LINK specifically
Carrie Newcomer, who has hosted benefit concerts for ASN for several years, has been called a “Prairie Mystic” by the Boston Globe, a “soaring songstress” by Billboard and was described as having “a voice as rich as Godiva chocolate” by the Austin American Statesman.
The deadline for the weekly e-newsletter and the Sunday announcements is midnight on Tuesday. The submission form can be found here
Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church
(737) 240-3455 | 3315 El Salido Pkwy, Cedar Park, TX 78613