Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Please join Dr. Gloriana Hunter (Arizona Peer & Family Career Academy), for a 1-hour live webinar - Digital Peer Support: Making the Human Connection

With the rapid increase in digital services, peer support practitioners are navigating new territory on how to create a human connection founded on trust and mutuality. This webinar tackles how peer support practitioners can deepen their level of engagement with the people they serve using digital tools. If your peer support team is new to digital support, this webinar will provide foundational skill-based training. If your team is already adept at digital support, they are guaranteed to learn something new to enhance their skills.
This 1-hour webinar will enhance the skills of Peer/Recovery Support Practitioners who provide online and digital support for others. This webinar is a must-do for those who have limited exposure to digital peer support and need the basics of supporting people through phone, video, messaging, or text. For the experience digital supporter, it promises new tricks and techniques to build a deeper connection.
Learning Objectives:
  • Recognize and adapt to the advantages and disadvantages of digital peer support
  • Transfer the ability to build trust, relationship, and mutuality to a digital connection
  • Identify and effectively use crisis intervention skills in a digital environment
  • Manage resources and wrap-around services for critical needs (food, water, shelter, access to medications and acute/emergent illness)
  • Devise culturally appropriate digital support for specific populations (examples: homeless, deaf, non-English speaking)
  • Maximize participation and effectiveness in group peer support
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If you or someone you know are in need of crisis services