Registration for the Healthier Texas Summit Series is open! Register here for their digital 2020 format.
August 20, 2020, Austin, TX
RESCHEDULED: The It's Time Texas workshop date for San Antonio's "Build Healthier Communities" has been rescheduled for August 20, 2020.
With coronavirus (COVID-19) numbers still rising in Texas, stay-at-home orders have affected children and adults. The director of the Center for Pediatric Population Health, Dr. Sarah Messiah, recently published an article examining the stay-at-home orders on patients with obesity. Read the publication here!
With stay-at-home orders still active in many cities, It's Time Texas is offering free Tele-Health Coaching! The health coaches are here to help you stick to your health goals during this challenging time and talk you through your health goals, strengths, and challenges!
Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension has online physical activity programs to help youth and adults stay healthy and exercise during the pandemic. Walk Across Texas! is a web-based physical activity program for youth and adults to virtually walk 832 miles across Texas. Walk Through Texas History is a web-based physical activity program for adults to virtually walk Texas' historical paths. Find out more about the programs here!
In health,
Leah & Emily
The Obesity Action Coalition's Your Weight Matters (YWM) hosted a virtual convention and EXPO on July 11th, 18th, and 25-26th. Sessions were in real time and provided opportunities to ask questions with experts. For more information, visit YWMConvention.com.
The Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living has released one-pagers about the impact of COVID-19 on obesity in youth and adults, nursing homes, pre-existing conditions, and food insecurity in youth and adults. To request the reports, click here.
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The Michael and Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living has an upcoming webinar about COVID-19. Sign up to attend the webinar!
Thursday, August 20th, 2020 at 12:00pm CT
This webinar will discuss the current state of the pandemic, and the key factors associated with the surge in cases across the country. We will cover the transmission of the virus, the role of masks and the types of masks and their effectiveness. We will also cover the newly developed issue of airborne transmission, key to transmission inside of closed spaces, and the current understanding of the clinical picture of COVID-19, including risk factors for severe disease and death and current treatment (medications and plasma). Click the title to sign up!Action for
Healthy Kids has an upcoming webinar about keeping kids healthy while reopening schools. Sign up to attend the webinar!
Thursday, August 27th, 2020 at 11:30am CT
There is so much information out there. What are schools doing to protect children? When will they be going back to campuses? How are parents being engaged? It is imperative that school districts address the whole child, not just academics as plans are put in place for the fall. Join us as we ask school district administrators to share how they have developed plans and what they feel works best. Click the title to sign up!
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Action for Healthy Kids has archived webinars to listen to. Visit their website to check out past webinars.
Thursday, July 23rd, 2020, 11:30am CT
Everyone is struggling to address physical education, physical activity and recess, both remotely and when schools re-open. It is critical to make sure your children continue to receive both instruction and physical activity. Join two of our state leaders as they share information on why PE/PA is so important, what guidelines are available and how you can help administrators understand the importance of keeping PE and Health part of each school day.
How are Schools Incorporating PE and Recess and How You (and SHACs) Can Help
Thursday, July 30th, 2020
Learn more information about how schools are approaching PE/Health/Recess for re-opening? How are they teaching these topics remotely? Join Action for Healthy Kids as Texas schools share their experience and ideas.
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The Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living has archived webinars on their website to check out! Click the titles to view the webinar!
A Rapid Response to Food Insecurity and Other Social Determinants of Health During COVID-19
Dr. Shreela Sharma discussed food insecurity, social needs, and health literacy gaps among vulnerable households with children during the initial phase of the coronavirus pandemic. She also discusses how the Brighter Bites program, in addition to other partnerships, was able to redirect their services and programming to respond to those needs.
Shreela Sharma, PhD, RDN, Professor of Epidemiology, UTHealth School of Public Health
Mike Pomeroy, MPH, Senior Program Director, Brighter Bites
Value Chain Coordination for Improving Access to Healthy and Affordable Food in the Paso del Norte Region
Organizations in the Paso del Norte region are working collectively to strengthen the food system and are developing economically and environmentally sustainable strategies to increase access to healthy and affordable food. The webinar provides an overview of the regional needs assessment, the Healthy Food Financing Initiative, and efforts to provide training and support to local farmers.
Presenters: Leah Whigham, PhD, FTOS,
Director, Center for Community Health Impact; Associate Professor, Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences, UTHealth School of Public Health in El Paso
Gabriela Gallegos, JD, MPP,
Associate Professor, Management, Policy & Community Health, UTHealth School of Public Health El Paso
Adrian Clowe, Director of Operations, Desert Spoon Food Hub
(Wilkinson AV, Dave A, Axdemir E, Rodriguez L, & Reininger BM, 2020)
(Barlow SE, Salahuddin M, Durand C, Pont SJ, Hoelscher DM, Butte NF, 2020)
(Wijayatunga N, Preechavanichwong B, Georgestone K, & Dhurandhar E, 2020)
Kalupahana NS, Goonapienuwala BL, Moustaid-Moussa N, 2020)
(Heredia N, Fernandez M, van den Berg AE, Durand C, Kohl HW, Reininger B, Hwang K, McNeill L, Oxford University Press, 2019)