ABOUT THE BOOK : Live vicariously through Kimberly C. Paul as she shares personal stories and the life lessons she has learned while working with hospice patients over the last 18 years. Each chapter will inspire you to design your own life and death around what matters most. Kimberly C. Paul will urge you to discard what you thought you knew about death and embrace a new way of thinking when facing the end of life. Her stories emphasize that death and dying are not taboo subjects and encourage you to engage in light-hearted conversations as you face your own death or the passing of a loved one. This innovative and uplifting book is an invitation to move beyond the current standards of what death has come to mean in our culture.  Bridging The Gap  will empower you to design your death so it reflects your values, likes and dislikes and your personality. Death is not a final destination but a transcendental beginning.

Kimberly will be available to sign copies of her book after the presentation. Please bring your copy with you. You can order it  here .